DIRECTV unlikely to keep NFL Sunday Ticket

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What does Juan's cost for ST have to do with D* bidding on it ?

Just a jab at his changing arguments to be a heel on any current point, from 'why are we speculating nothing is official' to 'they're abandoning loyal fans' to one of the more recent and relevant to what you quoted - the expectation of it being given away for free.
Just a jab at his changing arguments to be a heel on any current point, from 'why are we speculating nothing is official' to 'they're abandoning loyal fans' to one of the more recent and relevant to what you quoted - the expectation of it being given away for free.
I think I was the one that reminded everyone that it's all speculation at this point ..
And it STILL is.

Unfortunately theres more than one discussion going on in this thread and it gets confusing.

Att has nothing to do with where the ST ends up, they are out entirely.
D* has very little to do with it from the looks of it at this point ...
Roger Goddel is the one thats screwed all the regular fans in this deal.

He very easily COULD have made it so everyone one could get it, but he decided that it was going streaming ONLY ...
This could very easily been available to streamers as well as TV/Sat customers ... they would have gained viewers AND still had the Loyal group that have been with them since '94 ....
But NO, Goodell FKs up EVERYTHING he gets his hands on ....

Can't wait to see him and what he wants to destroy once he finally moves on from the NFL.
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Its been given to subs for years free .... Obviously not everyone.
Why did they give it away to so many after the first year. Was it a gimmick to get more people to join. How could they make their money back on it giving it away.
Why did they give it away to so many after the first year. Was it a gimmick to get more people to join. How could they make their money back on it giving it away.
It Never was about making money .... ever.
Just a draw for subs.
Remember, this has been going on since the beginning back in '94 , not just when ATT took over.
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Just a jab at his changing arguments to be a heel on any current point, from 'why are we speculating nothing is official' to 'they're abandoning loyal fans' to one of the more recent and relevant to what you quoted - the expectation of it being given away for free.
My point about " free".. is that why would a directv sub interested in the NFL season ticket just leave for streaming if he had the ticket free...of course it was never had to sub to directv...having said that..streaming will have a tough hill to climb if they try to charge those same subs $300.. i dont think they will convert as many from satellite to streaming unless they offer a deal
My point about " free".. is that why would a directv sub interested in the NFL season ticket just leave for streaming if he had the ticket free...of course it was never had to sub to directv...having said that..streaming will have a tough hill to climb if they try to charge those same subs $300.. i dont think they will convert as many from satellite to streaming unless they offer a deal
Why do they need to convert? How many people with DTV use Netflix or Apple TV or Amazon Prime.
I doubt it will happen, even Roger Goodell said it was moving to a streaming service and would be a exclusive.

And every news story that mentions that is the same old 'DirecTV is willing to cut a deal', no news story says that Apple/Amazon is willing to share it and to what advantage would they gain if they did.

Now, if it did happen, I would do what I was going to do, get it with Apple/Amazon.

The advantage is obvious. They collect more money, which since they would be paying the NFL a flat rate makes it a better deal.

They wouldn't have to sell it for the same price. They could sell it on Apple TV+ for $300, and sublicense it to Directv for more. That way they wouldn't care which delivery method the customer uses, they get their money either way. The customers who could stream would to save money, but those for whom satellite is their only option or just don't like newfangled tech would still be customers. Why turn them away?

Even if there were only 250K such satellite customers that would be almost $100 million a year they'd be leaving on the table by not sublicensing to them. Why not when they lose nothing by doing so?

For commercial the calculation is even easier. Every bar that wants NFLST already has Directv. There is no untapped market of bars that are set up for streaming on all their TVs but can't do satellite, so they gain nothing by offering commercial streaming alongside satellite. By having Directv handle it, they don't to worry about billing or support, just sit back and collect a check from Directv every year.
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He very easily COULD have made it so everyone one could get it, but he decided that it was going streaming ONLY ...

Except he very clearly did not say streaming ONLY. He said it will end up "with" a streaming service.

The NFL would have no reason to prevent that streaming service from sublicensing it to a linear TV provider. Or even several.
Except he very clearly did not say streaming ONLY. He said it will end up "with" a streaming service.

The NFL would have no reason to prevent that streaming service from sublicensing it to a linear TV provider. Or even several.
Interesting point ...
I read it just the opposite ....

Well that too was interesting ...
He won't tell us who gets the ST deal till the fall, yet he has the NFL doing its own package thru them, that he'll tell us in a few weeks.

This is the first I've heard of the NFL+ ....

He mentioned linier TV, but didn't really come out and say that it will stay there ... he said he wants to get to the most people, falling short of saying it would still be available to those that don't want to/can't stream.
Well that too was interesting ...
He won't tell us who gets the ST deal till the fall, yet he has the NFL doing its own package thru them, that he'll tell us in a few weeks.

This is the first I've heard of the NFL+ ....

He mentioned linier TV, but didn't really come out and say that it will stay there ... he said he wants to get to the most people, falling short of saying it would still be available to those that don't want to/can't stream.
Yes he want to get to the most people, which is more-
DirecTV satellite with 10-11 million households and declining or over 100 million households and growing as broadband providers are expanding into rural areas.

And again, there are 130 million households in the United States, only 68 million subscribe to Live TV, that means 62 million do not, most of those are younger people that do not get Live TV, that is a huge untapped market for the NFL and one of the things Goodell alluded to.

Also, for anyone that keeps having high hopes about DirecTV keeping part of it, I got this from DBSTALK, from a user GLRUSH-

I reached out to the author of the CNBC article on Twitter, and he told me that while DirecTV is NOT in negotiations with NFL regarding Sunday Ticket, DirecTV, it plans to reach out to the winner to "discuss ideas".

Here is the question I asked and his answer on Twitter:

Question: "Is the potential for @DirecTV to continue to carry NFL Sunday Ticket and give the proceeds to the winning bidder (as mentioned in your article a couple weeks ago) still alive or is @DirecTV totally out after this season?"

Answer: "Unchanged. DTV isn't negotiating with the league. It plans to discuss ideas with the winner, whenever one is named.

There is nothing to it except DirecTV will talk to the winner, that's it.
So that leaves Apple. Yes, they'd love to land a piece of the NFL. But can they justify the cost to their shareholders? If they don't bite, I think the NFL just takes it in-house and goes direct-to-consumer and makes whatever they can off it (which will be well less than $2.5 billion). Which I suspect is how most major sports will be handled eventually. It's already how the NFL and NBA sell their out-of-market packages. Just as the major studios are vertically integrated with their own direct-to-consumer apps (e.g. Disney and Disney+, WBD and HBO Max, etc.), that seems the likeliest endpoint for major pro sports too.

My recollection was that the deal would also include NFL films library, which is substantial. Amazon bought MGM not long ago for content. Apple needs content.

I'm imagining this more as a partnership than just a rights deal… maybe part of the terms would be teams using iPads on the sidelines instead of Surfaces.
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