He is getting that from this article-
The NFL must choose between offers for Sunday Ticket as streamers wait for a decision.
which says-
DirecTV isn't bidding on the current rights package but is willing to cut a deal with the winning buyer, two of the people said. An agreement, if reached, could lessen the financial burden for the winning streaming platform.
First off, what Financial Burden, both Amazon and Apple are sitting on tons of cash, for either of them, they would barely notice how much ST would cost.
Amazon cash on hand for the quarter ending March 31, 2022 was $66.385B
Apple has too much cash. The technology company now has cash and investments of $202.6 billion.
Then this-
DirecTV would also consider acting as a residential pass-through. Under such an agreement, it could transfer all revenue for Sunday Ticket to the rights owner but still offer it to customers.
DirecTV would consider, what would Apple and Amazon consider, the article seems to source people inside DirecTV, no one from the streaming companies or even the NFL.
Even if Amazon/Apple wants to do such a deal, why does it have to be with DirecTV, it could be with Dish, Amazon even has a slight business partnership with Dish.
Also, why on God's green earth would Apple or Amazon agree to this if they are paying 'exclusive, premium' price for it like DirecTV did?
They would not, it has been pointed out before, even by the NFL Commissioner, that whoever wins it will be the exclusive home of ST and that it will be streaming.
There is also precedent for the NFL putting it on a platform not everyone wanted, or could get (um, DirecTV). You think all sports bars have line of site, particularly in forested rural areas?
Sooner or later, Business Establishments will have to update their equipment and broadband ( if they have not already), streaming is the future, it is not like no one can see it coming, even DirecTV has, the evidence is DirecTV stream and their non update of equipment.
As for commercial accounts, both Apple and Amazon do commercial/enterprise accounts.
Amazon is more then ready to handle commercial/enterprise accounts, Apple not so, I think they would need help, but again, why does it have to be DirecTV, it could easily be Dish for nationwide access.
As for hardware… most TVs built in the last 5 years can get Prime and AppleTV+ on apps for their platform. If not, they run on devices cheaper than a 1/6th barrel of a decent craft IPA.
A decent sports bars already can stream anyway… they've needed to for Peacock and Paramount+ this past year.
They are not supposed to, but I would guess a lot do anyways.