DirecTV Touts HD Ambitions

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Questioner (TVBob from AVS) - do you EVER tell the truth? What is it that makes you a compulsive liar?
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ScoBuck said:
Questioner (TVBob from AVS) - do you EVER tell the truth? What is it that makes you a compulsive liar?

Do you ever not try to shift the attention away from the topic of a thread that in any way criticizes directv by bringing up petty personal differences? Why do you have a compulsion to defend their hd offerings?
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ebonovic said:
Sorry questioner...

If you where "truely" cleared up at, we would have un-banned yoru account....

And if you where "approved" for a user name change, the same account would have been used.

If this is a mistake you can send me a PM which I woudl forward it to our Adminstrators

I'm not sure what to say, I don't believe you were involved in my situation, but what happened is what I explained. I was approved for a new account, not a user name change.

Considering the constant flaming spam pms I was getting from scobuck there, I appreciated starting with a new account. If you want to unban questioner, feel free, but I won't be using it.

Frankly though, I'm surprised you would come here to make such a post in public, please lets keep this to pms. This thread is about directv's hd ambitions, or lack thereof. Certainly not about what may have happened on another forum. Let's try to be professional here.
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Questioner said:
I'm not sure what to say, I don't believe you were involved in my situation, but what happened is what I explained. I was approved for a new account, not a user name change.

Considering the constant flaming spam pms I was getting from scobuck there, I appreciated starting with a new account. If you want to unban questioner, feel free, but I won't be using it.

Frankly though, I'm surprised you would come here to make such a post in public, please lets keep this to pms. This thread is about directv's hd ambitions, or lack thereof.

You are correct... we can take it to PMs... as it shouldn't be in the public forums.

I tried to send you a PM, but your box is full so....
All I can say is that I was very much involved in your situation there.... and according to the the site admin (who took over the situation, nothing has change and no said approval for a new account has occured).

But I digress... now enough of this...

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charper1 said:
2. DirecTV has always stated that the majority of current and likely sub's want LIL HD now, HD RSNs, and then national HD (when looking at what nationals are available to add now)...........and should not be faulted for what they know most of their subs want, as opposed to the handful of us hardcore HD subs want.
As much as I don't like this situation, he has hit the nail on the head. We as hard-core HD fans went to the trouble to put up antennas and get our locals OTA if available. The average sub is not going to do that. They expect their provider to do it for them.

I have to ask, if you were given the choice of the current E* HD package OR local networks in HD for a year, which would you choose? As much as I would miss ESPN in HD, I would have to choose the local networks.

D* has made the correct decision in this regard. I don't like it, but I do agree with it.
Directv Hd Subscriber

I just upgraded in August to hd and now hd dvr with D*. I have a Sony 720p tv set. My picture is great either on ESPN HD or my mpeg4 hd locals that send the signal in 1080I. I looked at E* and called D* since I was a current sd subscriber, got hd package free for 4 months then got 12 months of $10 credit for the package. Hopefully in a year their will be alot more hd channels when I have to start paying for them. I have OTA antenna and get a great picture of hd locals through that also but I hear people complaining about the picture being sent out from the local stations also, none of the services is going to be perfect or your system will not be perfect to get a outstanding perfect picture. Basically HD is alot better than SD. Voom was unsuccessful because of the channels they had, E* has basically the same package as D* except for Voom, which if were all honest do we really watch Karate HD? A friend of mines husband works for E* and stated D* will have so many more HD channels in the future than us we will not be able to keep up. Sometimes when I hear all the complaints about hd lite I wonder if people are sitting to close to their TV's and are noticing things that their eyes can't comprehend. For me HD is great in any format and real hd channels will come in the future.
jdmac29 said:
I just upgraded in August to hd and now hd dvr with D*. I have a Sony 720p tv set. My picture is great either on ESPN HD.....

IMO you are in a state of blissful HD PQ ignorance. I have posted numerous frames from D* material showing its inferiority on this channel.
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stuart628 said:
and can we change the title to one of the two options below?
My name is Sean and I hate directv, me and vurbano will piss and moan every chance we get

Interview with Directv

I dont believe Directv is touting its HD, this is a interview, if Directv were touting, then it would be all over their web page and flyers, and commercials.
I dont know whether to be upset or flattered at this attack upon me in my absence from this thread until today. Seems like you are the one doing the crying here though.
herdfan said:
As much as I don't like this situation, he has hit the nail on the head. We as hard-core HD fans went to the trouble to put up antennas and get our locals OTA if available. The average sub is not going to do that. They expect their provider to do it for them.

I have to ask, if you were given the choice of the current E* HD package OR local networks in HD for a year, which would you choose? As much as I would miss ESPN in HD, I would have to choose the local networks.

D* has made the correct decision in this regard. I don't like it, but I do agree with it.

D* is hiding behind marketresearch here. I am sure their research told them HD-LILs are what users are most interested in first, and nationals came up 2nd or 3rd on the user preference scale. Their mistake was in translating that to a formula for their satellite HD rollout over 2 years. Locals for almost everyone first with Spaceway 1 & 2 and almost NO nationals and then nationals for everyone with Directv 10 & 11. Thats the order our users want their HD in because that is what they told us on the surveys! But did they ask, "How long after you receive HD-LILs in your area are you willing to wait for HD Nationals?" I am sure the user answer wouldn't be "Up to 1 year because I am willing to wait for the capacity that D* didn't allocate for 2006. In the meantime, I am very happy with Directv's HD service because (insert long list of other markets) are also getting their HD-LILs"

I think what D* should have figured out from their surveys is that users want their locals first, but after receiving them, will soon want nationals too. HD-LILs are, well, local. Once you have yours, rollout in other markest does not improve your HD service. Even worse, for those of us in the two largest DMAs of NYC/LA the last TWO years have been one long snoozefest. We already had our HD-LILs on the sats. That means the MPEG4 rollout has meant almost nothing to the two (I am assuming here) largest D* user bases. Only in the last month or so have we seen any value added with the HD RSNs, but in the case of NYC at least, this also had very limited impact. Many Yankees YES-HD home games were previously on channel 95 in MPEG2. SNY-HD is nice, but coming at the tail end of the baseball season, will have minimal effect. It will be nice to have both of these to start of the 2007 baseball season in April, but by then, D*10 will be prepping to fly anyway.

Providing a mix of local and national HD by launching Spaceway 1 and D*10 in 2006, then Spaceway 2 and D*11 in 2007 would probably have made the most sense from the standpoint of the average user. I am sure there were all sorts of reasons why that was not possible.
^^^^As others have stated D* made the right choice...most consumers who arent tied to the Sunday Ticket would flock to whomever provided HD locals....people outside of this niche have no desire to start throwing up antennas.

As much as it sucks not to get NFL HD, HGTV HD, Food HD, Nat Geographic HD, A&E HD, MTV HD and INHD (you can have the stinking VOOM channels)....they made the proper business choice. Hopefully in 8-10 months, we are swimming in an abyss of HD heaven....
Questioner said:
Do you ever not try to shift the attention away from the topic of a thread that in any way criticizes directv by bringing up petty personal differences? Why do you have a compulsion to defend their hd offerings?

I am just trying to alert any members here that don't know your M.O. (a lot of them here already do) - you lie, troll the boards, and have absolutely no clue to what you talk about.

That's why you have been banned from 2 other forums. That is FACT, as Earl was kind enough to comment on.
I was banned from 2 forums now? You really live in a fantasy world.

Yes, I was banned from dbstalk, but this was in error and it was quickly cleared up. As anyone can see, I never did anything to warrant being banned here, there, or anywhere else. I am not banned from any forums NOW, as I said.

And please, I have been here longer than you have any helped far more people, they don't need you to tell them about me.

Your true intentions are painfully obvious to everyone, you have given up trying to logically defend directv's hd offerings.
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monetnj said:
Providing a mix of local and national HD by launching Spaceway 1 and D*10 in 2006, then Spaceway 2 and D*11 in 2007 would probably have made the most sense from the standpoint of the average user. I am sure there were all sorts of reasons why that was not possible.
The main reason would be that D* 10 and 11 are not built yet. They are under construction, but it will be 6 months or so before 10 is even ready. D* is lucky to even have the Spaceways. There were originally owned by Hughes to be used for internet via satellite (Direcway).

I am sure D* would have loved to provide HD-LIL in the top 50 markets as well as add some more nationals. They just didn't have the correct assets in space to do that. Now rumor is that they did experiment with using the Spaceways to do some CONUS coverage, but they were just too inefficient to do it.
Questioner said:
Yes, I was banned from dbstalk, but this was in error and it was quickly cleared up. As anyone can see, I never did anything to warrant being banned here, there, or anywhere else. I am not banned from any forums NOW, as I said.

ebonovic said:
All I can say is that I was very much involved in your situation there.... and according to the the site admin (who took over the situation, nothing has change and no said approval for a new account has occured).

I for one believe Earl - YOU are the proven compulsive liar.

And yes, you are ALSO banned at avsforums (TVBob).
I am working to clear up that matter now, but I never spoke to earl once about the situation before a few days ago. The fact is I am very much able to post there now, as far as I am concerned, I am not banned.

You claim I was banned for lying, but besides your current claim, where is your evidence on any forum that that was the reason for being banned?

I am not TVBob at avs either, you need to give up on that fantasy.
herdfan said:
The main reason would be that D* 10 and 11 are not built yet. They are under construction, but it will be 6 months or so before 10 is even ready. D* is lucky to even have the Spaceways. There were originally owned by Hughes to be used for internet via satellite (Direcway).

I am sure D* would have loved to provide HD-LIL in the top 50 markets as well as add some more nationals. They just didn't have the correct assets in space to do that. Now rumor is that they did experiment with using the Spaceways to do some CONUS coverage, but they were just too inefficient to do it.

Yes, I realize that D* 10 and 11 weren't built yet and how D* came to acquire the Spaceway birds. I was envisioning an HD rollout that probably made more sense from a user perspective. However, as you mentioned, D* didn't plan on building any sats ready for 2006 that could have provided HD nationals. To me, that is the problem. They got the Spaceway sats instead and only rolled out HD-LILs as a stopgap and then spun marketing to say "users want HD locals more anyway." Users want local HD no doubt, but afterwards they are going to want nationals. If they don't get nationals for some significant period of time, it appears to them that D* is doing nothing and the competition (E*, local cable, FIOS) are all adding national HD. D*, of course, isn't doing nothing. They are adding HD locals to other DMAs, but that has very localized impact.

I don't quite remember how the sale of Rainbow 1 played out, but did D* have a chance of acquiring this sat? If so, this would have dealt a double whammy blow to E* as it would have added bandwidth to D* for HD and not allowed E* to leapfrog D*. Also, why is it such a big deal that delivering nationals on the Spaceway birds is inefficient? It would be a stopgap measure for a few months until D*10 went up.

Anyway, it looks like D* is starting to generate a little negative press over having to turn off channels in favor the HD Sunday Ticket coverage. It makes them look bad and I'm not sure this story is going away. The last time something similar happened a couple of months ago, they released the HR20. I wonder how D* will react this time, beyond spin control of course.
charper1 said:
Here are some points to ponder in conjunction with his comments and events:

1. Dish down-rezes as well and the DirecTV product is as good; which I think was his point. I don't think that he was tauting or slamming either, just stating they are doing the same basic things and provide a good product; not great/perfect

2. DirecTV has always stated that the majority of current and likely sub's want LIL HD now, HD RSNs, and then national HD (when looking at what nationals are available to add now). HD LIL and RSNs add current/new programming and live events and most national HD that has yet to be added it nothing but reruns, and upconverts. DirecTV remains true to this process and should not be faulted for what they know most of their subs want, as opposed to the handful of us hardcore HD subs want. We are the minority and DO NOT pay the bills. YET! They can't please everyone all the time, but they MUST please the majority. Cause if the bills don't get paid NONE OF US will get ANYTHING! and although I don't think it would ever get that far, I would rather not end up like PrimeStar or Voom.

3. As related to #2, DirecTV got "caught with their pants down" by the Dish purchase of the Voom satellite - Rainbow1. This is where they (Dish) got the JUMP; the vast majority of extra channels and minimal extra space to add a few additional national HD now. DirecTV obviously did not see this coming BUT still has to stick with the build and deploy schedule for DirecTV-10 & 11. Dish also now seems to be suffering from the same PQ & down-rez issues that people slam DirecTV for and what are their current plans for new satellites compared to DirecTV?

4. I didn't see, but why didn't they talk more at length about the TNT vs NFL channel issue? This is what really needs to be addressed ASAP. It at minimum needs to be explain what happened, and how it will be addressed for the remainder of the season; did I just miss those details?

Great objective post. As it relates to your first three points, I was thinking the exact same things.

I think both D* and E* realize that--from a marketing standpoint--neither needs to appeal the the highly technical HD fan (like most of us) at this point in the game. I can't wait to see if the day will ever come when leapfrogging the competiton will mean that either D* or E* will actually tout resolution, bit rate, etc.

(Can't remeber if SVHS ever did anything for VHS or if SuperBeta ever did anything for Beta....well, we know how the last one went.)

vurbano said:
I dont know whether to be upset or flattered at this attack upon me in my absence from this thread until today. Seems like you are the one doing the crying here though.

Crying naaah you got it all wrong, I am looking objectively at this article, and stating a fact that you bash directv every chance you get...I never put a personal attack in there.
also can the two of you who is having a back and forth take it to p.m. or out of threads, the last three threads I have read have had you two going at it, thanks!
I think I tend to agree with D* saying that subs want HD LIL first. Personally the only reason I haven't switched to E* is because I wouldn't be able to get my HD DNS channels which I love for college and NFL football in HD. So I continue to wait in hopes that next year we will see some significant offerings in national HD as we have been promised. Now if we don't see new national HD by the end of next year I will definitely have to rethink my position.
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