DirecTV Touts HD Ambitions

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I dont believe Directv is touting its HD, this is a interview, if Directv were touting, then it would be all over their web page and flyers, and commercials.
I don't believe they are touting eaither. I believe the proper term for what they did is DAMAGE CONTROL.
I think the writer did a great job. I have to disagree with you. He mentioned the TNH HD for NFL sunday ticket fiasco (that is still going on and no one knows what's gon g to happen this coming sunday). So it is not an old interview. Given credit for asking the hard questions. Some us do not like to hear the negative. But it is what it is and nothing else.

No one is hiding or avoiding talking about the competition for doing the same. Just take a look at the dish network forum and you will see that. No one is blind to that. However, DirecTv is doing worse than the competition and the executive wants to hide it and even mentions that DirecTv will match the competition which it is not good enough if we all want Full HD resolution and full bitrates. Just matchng the competition (which is already contaminated with HD lite) is not good enough. Especially since in these forums all we hear is wait until DirecTv gets their satellites in 2007 and they will deliver full HD resolution. It does not sound like it and they are given indications that it will not happen. This i what this article is poiniting out.

Nobody is pointing directly to you and tell you to change. That is a decision for you to make on your own. I do not pay your bill.

As a public forum that cares about having the latest information about DirecTv, this thread was put as a service to all directv subs and future directv subs. So that you and others know what is the latest coming from DirecTv camp. Things may change and they will change but at least today, this remains the latest. It is a service to all DirecTv subs that this is provided so that everyone is informed.

This is not meant as an attack to your personal or any DirecTv sub. It is meant as information gathering and information sharing. Some take offense at this and think I have some kind of vendetta towards DirecTv. No sir. no. I couldn't careless about any provider. I just post the information as I see it coming in the wire whether is good or bad.

We all would like to have the best service but we all cannot for various reasons. This information will help everyone decide what is good for them. I have no problem if anyone likes to watch HD Lite and pay for it. It is their problem and not mine. What I care about is to provide the information that is already public and should be made available to everyone.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I don't believe they are touting eaither. I believe the proper term for what they did is DAMAGE CONTROL.

I totally agree about the DAMAGE CONTROL. There are lots of stuff out open that finally people (media) are notcing about DirecTv practice. The TNTHD drop last sunday was such a thing that in the public eye did not go well and finally some are starting to talk about HD Lite. Yet the executive is trying to hide the facts and remain in DAMAGE CONTROL.
I gotta tell you guys that it does a great disservice to the respectability of this site to constantly encounter these trite D* vs E* matches. Freedom of speech aside, this site has provided great service to many of us who look to it for information and help. It would seem that, in a D* forum, the information provided would be relevant to D* subscribers. If I want info on E*, I know how to click the correct link. Now back to our regularly scheduled bitch-fest.
Sean Mota said:
I totally agree about the DAMAGE CONTROL. There are lots of stuff out open that finally people (media) are notcing about DirecTv practice. The TNTHD drop last sunday was such a thing that in the public eye did not go well and finally some are starting to talk about HD Lite. Yet the executive is trying to hide the facts and remain in DAMAGE CONTROL.

I don't think you guys get it yet, there are only a handfull of people with HD televisions... if you wanna bitch about HD lite yell at your neighbors to buy a HD television, supply and demand go a long way... it's like trying to sell DVD's to people who own VCR's... not going to make much money are we....???
ez2logon said:
I gotta tell you guys that it does a great disservice to the respectability of this site to constantly encounter these trite D* vs E* matches. Freedom of speech aside, this site has provided great service to many of us who look to it for information and help. It would seem that, in a D* forum, the information provided would be relevant to D* subscribers. If I want info on E*, I know how to click the correct link. Now back to our regularly scheduled bitch-fest.

you will be very uncomfortable here then, because this isnt really like that, I think its a good discussion, there have been no personal attacks of any kind, and I am quite comfortable in the fact, that both Sean and Scott would feel comfotable enough to tell me or anyone to cool it if we were out of line.:hatsoff:
Scott Greczkowski said:
I don't believe they are touting eaither. I believe the proper term for what they did is DAMAGE CONTROL.

My point is, if this is Directv touting, we would see alot more, kinda like when they began the whole changing the way you watch tv, it was EVERYWHERE! I think this is a interview that has been pulled out because like the man said in the piece, DIRECTV is under a magnifying glass because dish is adding what like 15-20 new National channels, while directv is adding hundreds of local channels (which dish has just now started to match-just like directv will soon match their national channels.). Also I think if someone wanted to be fair they would say that dish as of RIGHT NOW (it probably will end up in favor of dish) is in a tight spot with Tivo suing them, and them scrambling to save their nut sack with the DIstant nets.
stickboy75 said:
I don't think you guys get it yet, there are only a handfull of people with HD televisions... if you wanna bitch about HD lite yell at your neighbors to buy a HD television, supply and demand go a long way... it's like trying to sell DVD's to people who own VCR's... not going to make much money are we....???

You maybe right but the future is HD and more and more there are more people buying HDTVs. But let me ask what do your statement had to do with the topic at hand. No one is bitching about quality... It is a statement put out by DirecTv exec that was quote about he sees HD quality and DirecTv plan. If we should censor that then we may as well closed the entire forum and just go with the idea that all is dandy on DirecTv land... like the Tnt HD never happened or HD Lite is not real.... :confused:
ez2logon said:
I gotta tell you guys that it does a great disservice to the respectability of this site to constantly encounter these trite D* vs E* matches. Freedom of speech aside, this site has provided great service to many of us who look to it for information and help. It would seem that, in a D* forum, the information provided would be relevant to D* subscribers. If I want info on E*, I know how to click the correct link. Now back to our regularly scheduled bitch-fest.

I have to disagree with you because on this thread so far there has not been on attacked or a D* vs E* or this one is better or this one is not. We are all grown up and understand the topic at hand. We are having a good discussion of a reported article that was made public. Not an opinion by us but an interview by directv exec. That does not constitute a D* vs E*. So I respectfully disagree with you.
stuart628 said:
My point is, if this is Directv touting, we would see alot more, kinda like when they began the whole changing the way you watch tv, it was EVERYWHERE! I think this is a interview that has been pulled out because like the man said in the piece, DIRECTV is under a magnifying glass because dish is adding what like 15-20 new National channels, while directv is adding hundreds of local channels (which dish has just now started to match-just like directv will soon match their national channels.). Also I think if someone wanted to be fair they would say that dish as of RIGHT NOW (it probably will end up in favor of dish) is in a tight spot with Tivo suing them, and them scrambling to save their nut sack with the DIstant nets.

LOL, on the exact same page as your thoughts for the most part; See my #20, 12, and 16. BUT it always SEEMS people want to ignore all that "other stuff" that makes an overall choice IMHO.. I think thats all any of are talking about is the land-slided/one-sided smear of a company about one topic; like that really out-weighs the overall view of their entire service.

All: This is my perception, please don't flame, but discuss as Sean said. Every one show your comparisons in the exact same format to make it easy to compare.


Customer Service: 45/55
Hardware Stability: 45/55
Basic Channels: 50/50
Prem Channels: 55/45
HD Channels: 70/30
NFL Games: 10/90
Local SD: 50/50
Local HD: 30/70
DNS HD & SD: 40/60 (being generous/Dish trouble looming)
DVR: 40/60 (being generous/Dish trouble looming, may settle but at what cost to the device or customers)

Total 43.5 / 56.5 - No glaring overall leader.
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Sean I replied earlier to you, It somehow is gone, Maybe I did something wrong

I am not calling you out at all, and I respect what you say alot. I am just uncomfortable with the fact that you are representing this as Directv Touting their HD plans, when in fact its just a interview. But to my point, Directvs HD plans have never changed, Locals IN hd (which my Cleveland locals look just as good as OTA) then RSN (included in locals I guess), then nationals HD. I think he hit the nail right on the head when he said Directv is under a microscope by a lot of people, so a article like this would seem like Directv Declaring war, and will crush Dish network, when in fact its just a interview because people want to bring up to directv, which the quetioner did a great job of, that they are behind on National HD, and why. Remember about what 2 years ago, Directv had a Changing the way you watch tv ad campaign and all the little tvs went to the window and looked at the sats, That was Directv Touting their HD plans, which to this day they have followed I believe. Also Directv has had to water down their Hd content, but I believe it will return to full strength, and HD Lite is a direct result of whiners and pissers and moaners who say they want more and more HD, they dont care if they never watch the channel more then a minute a day, They just want to say that have that channel in HD, rather then wait and let their provider add it at the right time. ALOt of people will start email campaigns complaining of not getting Universal HD, or TMC hd, so a company has to make sacrifices to add it, and then threads pop up talking about what a worthless channel it is. IN fact look over the boards and you will see people complaing they took my TNTHD away, then in another thread there was a poll about how worthless TNTHD is. SO I said all that to say, Directv made a decision I believe to meet people in the middle add a National Hd channel, but they had to water down their HD for it to fit, along with Sunday Ticket which like it or not is their building Block for sales, and I HOPE in a year you will see all this DIrectv and E* Hd lite crap go away once they get those new Mpeg4 converters up and running!
charper1 said:
LOL, on the exact same page as your thoughts for the most part; See my #20, 12, and 16. BUT it always SEEMS people want to ignore all that "other stuff" that makes an overall choice IMHO.. I think thats all any of are talking about is the land-slided/one-sided smear of a company about one topic; like that really out-weighs the overall view of their entire service.

All: This is my perception, please don't flame, but discuss as Sean said. Every one show your comparisons in the exact same format to make it easy to compare.


Customer Service: 45/55
Hardware Stability: 45/55
Basic Channels: 50/50
Prem Channels: 55/45
HD Channels: 70/30
NFL Games: 10/90
Local SD: 50/50
Local HD: 30/70
DNS HD & SD: 40/60 (being generous/Dish trouble looming)
DVR: 40/60 (being generous/Dish trouble looming, may settle but at what cost to the device or customers)

Total 43.5 / 56.5 - No glaring overall leader.

True, no glaring overall leader. I might have the numbers closer but for one channel, YES, especially in hd. If Dish had YES, I might have left a long time ago. But without it, I will not change.
Stuart I completely agree with you even on the water down HD. I really hope that DirecTv in 2007 makes it a priority to give us full HD because if that is the case I will be the first one to come back. As I said before, I just want full HD. So far there is nothing that leads me to beleive that DirecTv will provide full HD in 2007. I respect your belief and hope you are right.

The only problem about PQ is concerned is that whenever a provider sees that a standard in PQ has been accepted (water down hd or HD Lite), they have adopted that as the PQ standard. It was done with the SD channels once LIL was introduced. It was done on DirecTv to all 1080i mpeg2 channels when NFL Sunday Ticket in HD was introduced. So as you see there is a history that these providers will not backed down once they do something. Unless there is atttention in the media to what they are doing and what type of PQ they are providing, they will not have pressure to do anything.

Many see these complaints about HD Lite as a nuisance in the forum. I do not. I see it as a problem that needs to be called out from the 4 winds since it si a problem that we the customers are not making up.
Sean Mota said:
Stuart I completely agree with you even on the water down HD. I really hope that DirecTv in 2007 makes it a priority to give us full HD because if that is the case I will be the first one to come back. As I said before, I just want full HD. So far there is nothing that leads me to beleive that DirecTv will provide full HD in 2007. I respect your belief and hope you are right.

The only problem about PQ is concerned is that whenever a provider sees that a standard in PQ has been accepted (water down hd or HD Lite), they have adopted that as the PQ standard. It was done with the SD channels once LIL was introduced. It was done on DirecTv to all 1080i mpeg2 channels when NFL Sunday Ticket in HD was introduced. So as you see there is a history that these providers will not backed down once they do something. Unless there is atttention in the media to what they are doing and what type of PQ they are providing, they will not have pressure to do anything.

Many see these complaints about HD Lite as a nuisance in the forum. I do not. I see it as a problem that needs to be called out from the 4 winds since it si a problem that we the customers are not making up.

Actually I don't know how they would be a nuisance, Scott has said this so many time, and Earl has, and you have too-DIRECTV READS THESE FORUMS, even the interview stated I happy with Directv Yes, will I be happy if the new National Channels are in HDlite mode, NO....I did not pay 2500 for a TV, 1000 for a surround sound system, and put a 32 lb satellite on my roof, to receive half of what I pay for...but I will wait as Directv has stated they will DO hd and they will do HD right. (I hope :) )
I was disapointed in the article.....nothing we didn't already know. Not that it's the interviewers fault.

These ambitions are vague to say the least. Obviously they are going to add nothing of any significance for a long time, which is not that surprising.
"Obviously they are going to add nothing of any significance for a long time, which is not that surprising."

1. That's your perception of "significance"; as HD LIL and HD RSN additions are listed as the most important primary additions as listed by their research of subs. They have stated that well in advance. And so they ARE adding what the majority wants first., just as planned.

2. As far as anything outside of that, of course its no surprise, because its what they (DirecTV) and everyone has said for nearly a year; it was not it their plan to do so before 2007 and the scheduled HD LIL rollouts.

Do we all want more soon, sure, but no fault in satisfying the majority that pays the bills; lest we all would have nothing at all.
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hey charper, where is that brochure or picture of where directv had Dates listed and it had the number of HD channels (it was a line graph) and in 2007 the HD channels just soared, do you know what i am talking about? I know it was on AVSForum for the longest time, maybe someone knows what I am talking abotu and will put it up.
The one where they also talked about and had a sample pic of the SlimLine dish? It was in a thread titled something like: DirecTV Planning or DirecTV Study; about 4 - 6 mos ago I think. If it WAS the one with the SlimLine pic, then you might try searching that. It was a PDF attached to the thread I think; Scott may have been the poster or have a copy. I am searching now too.
charper1 said:
"Obviously they are going to add nothing of any significance for a long time, which is not that surprising."

1. That's your perception of "significance"; as HD LIL and HD RSN additions are listed as the most important primary additions as listed by their research of subs. They have stated that well in advance. And so they ARE adding what the majority wants first., just as planned.

2. As far as anything outside of that, of course its no surprise, because its what they (DirecTV) and everyone has said for nearly a year; it was not it their plan to do so before 2007 and the scheduled HD LIL rollouts.

Do we all want more soon, sure, but no fault in satisfying the majority that pays the bills; lest we all would have nothing at all.

I don't think subs requested that rns like nesn hd, the stuttering fest it is, be limited to one dma as opposed to all that get the channel over sd. Or that mpeg 4 locals would be plagued with technical problems for months on end. Or that new hd content would force us to sacrifice existing channels just to see. If directv would implement these things with less drawbacks, I wouldn't be complaining.
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