Sean I replied earlier to you, It somehow is gone, Maybe I did something wrong
I am not calling you out at all, and I respect what you say alot. I am just uncomfortable with the fact that you are representing this as Directv Touting their HD plans, when in fact its just a interview. But to my point, Directvs HD plans have never changed, Locals IN hd (which my Cleveland locals look just as good as OTA) then RSN (included in locals I guess), then nationals HD. I think he hit the nail right on the head when he said Directv is under a microscope by a lot of people, so a article like this would seem like Directv Declaring war, and will crush Dish network, when in fact its just a interview because people want to bring up to directv, which the quetioner did a great job of, that they are behind on National HD, and why. Remember about what 2 years ago, Directv had a Changing the way you watch tv ad campaign and all the little tvs went to the window and looked at the sats, That was Directv Touting their HD plans, which to this day they have followed I believe. Also Directv has had to water down their Hd content, but I believe it will return to full strength, and HD Lite is a direct result of whiners and pissers and moaners who say they want more and more HD, they dont care if they never watch the channel more then a minute a day, They just want to say that have that channel in HD, rather then wait and let their provider add it at the right time. ALOt of people will start email campaigns complaining of not getting Universal HD, or TMC hd, so a company has to make sacrifices to add it, and then threads pop up talking about what a worthless channel it is. IN fact look over the boards and you will see people complaing they took my TNTHD away, then in another thread there was a poll about how worthless TNTHD is. SO I said all that to say, Directv made a decision I believe to meet people in the middle add a National Hd channel, but they had to water down their HD for it to fit, along with Sunday Ticket which like it or not is their building Block for sales, and I HOPE in a year you will see all this DIrectv and E* Hd lite crap go away once they get those new Mpeg4 converters up and running!