...and now for the answer I don't want to hear. Did I mention the house is wired with RG59
*please refrain from lobbing any vegetables*
Yes, I knew this might cause a problem. I was just hoping it wouldn't. I mean it is passing the HD channels so maybe the 59 is not the prob. Anyway, I just thought it should be known, for the purpose of science i mean haha
Just for my peace of mind: does it sound like I'm getting all 3 sats? And: There is no grounding block that I know of. Can I ground just the sat dish or do I need to run a 4-way coupled grounding block?

Yes, I knew this might cause a problem. I was just hoping it wouldn't. I mean it is passing the HD channels so maybe the 59 is not the prob. Anyway, I just thought it should be known, for the purpose of science i mean haha
Just for my peace of mind: does it sound like I'm getting all 3 sats? And: There is no grounding block that I know of. Can I ground just the sat dish or do I need to run a 4-way coupled grounding block?