DirecTV & Missing Transponders

...and now for the answer I don't want to hear. Did I mention the house is wired with RG59 :( *please refrain from lobbing any vegetables*

Yes, I knew this might cause a problem. I was just hoping it wouldn't. I mean it is passing the HD channels so maybe the 59 is not the prob. Anyway, I just thought it should be known, for the purpose of science i mean haha

Just for my peace of mind: does it sound like I'm getting all 3 sats? And: There is no grounding block that I know of. Can I ground just the sat dish or do I need to run a 4-way coupled grounding block?

to answer an earlier question. can you use a 2X4 multi-switch with an oval, triple lnb? the answer is yes. connect 2 lines from the dish to the multiswitch and you can run 4 lines from it. the drawback is that you will only receive satellite 101. so unless you are receiving high definition or international content, then you are good to go
You can use RG-59 but only for runs under 20 ft. RG-6 is rated for longer runs. That's your problem.
koo...guess he's SOLWAP, SBT, NTCSWGAS and whatever other acronyms there are haha

OK, that problem solved, what about my other question? Can I run the amplified OTA antenna before I go into the multi?

thanks J!
sweet daddy kane. Hey ice, do you agree with jason's statement that my prob stems from using long RG59 cable instead of RG60 ? No offense, jason; just wanting a second opinion so I can put the thought to rest. I just can't get my mind around the fact I can receive 70 and 71 (HBOH & SHOH) on the tv in the LR but can't get DiscoveryHD, ESPN HD, HDNet, etc. on the same TV? I'm guessing the issue is these channels are on a different transponder than 70 and 71?

thanks...i'm getting there

yep. Had a RG59 connection from the roof to the bedroom when I bought my house (old owner had cable) and when I tried to use it (it was about 75 feet), I kept losing signal. Swapped it out for RG6 and it worked great!
well, there ya go. And we now find ourselves free from this issue, to move about the others.

Thanks guys