Directv is imploding and is trying to take Dish down with them.

Please reply by conversation.
This winter we're moving every couple of weeks to various Florida state park campgrounds, and surprisingly, it's been almost an even split so far whether AT&T or Verizon has the best signal in a given area. We have unlimited data hotspots with both services, and we haven't found any place yet where one or the other didn't work well enough for streaming. Where we are right now near Lithia, FL, it's very close to the same speeds for both.
The independent retailer that I got my HughesNet from a couple years ago is also a Dish, DirecTV and ViaSat retailer. When I went to his shop to check out HughesNet before I signed up he was in the middle of unpacking all of the sales literature and demo phones for the AT&T prepaid stuff. I asked if he was branching out to cell phones and he just looked at me a laughed. He is located in a very rural portion of Southern NY and most of his customer base is rural and remote in Southern NY and Northern PA, he said AT&Ts service is the pits. Verizon is king as far as reception goes and in many less remote areas T-Mobile is now equal to or better than AT&T, especially is smaller villages.

When he came to do the install for Hughes his wife called him while he was activating my modem. I made a comment about being surprised he was able to get the call, especially while in the house, since cell phone reception is so poor in my area. He said it was fading in and out be he could make out what she was saying then he made a comment that if she called his AT&T phone it would have probably went straight to voicemail. Then he took his AT&T phone out of his pocket and said 'yep, no service'. He told me typically he just leaves the AT&T phone in his truck as it's pretty much useless to him.

AT&T is not a wireline provider in my area or anywhere within several hundred miles of here, Verizon owns most of the Northeastern US. AT&T Mobility's coverage is severely lacking when compared to Verizon Wireless and to some extent even T-Mobile. I said this before, If AT&Ts whole plan is to use DirecTV to coerce subscribers into subscribing to more of there services, that is not going to work in my neck of the woods or a lot of other place too I would imagine. AT&T has no legacy services like POTS or DSL and no residential fiber anywhere near here and their wireless service is mediocre at best. Most people I know with AT&T Mobility are Apple lovers who have been with them since their exclusivity on the iPhone and have never bother to switch to another carrier.

A couple years ago at work one of my main motivations for bringing in a secondary data circuit for guest use was AT&Ts non-existent service. Between various vendors stopping by, customer training classes we hold and customer demos and open houses we see a decent amount of non-employees where I work coming in from all over the country. It seems like AT&T has a huge corporate presence and just about every time we had a large amount of outside guests the sales managers would complain to me that their guests can't make phone calls or get email, I would ask is the person on AT&T and the answer 100% of them time was Yes. So after getting approval I ordered a business class cable modem connection and installed a few WAPs in the area's guests are most likely to congregate. AT&T should get a commission from Charter for a sale :D
OK, we get it ...ATT service is spotty where you live ...
That happens ...
Verizon has ALWAYS had better coverage ...this is a known fact ...
Do you expect ATT to stop everything and place new equipment where you live ?
Not gonna happen ... sounds like you live in a small rural area ...

Hows the service in populated areas ?
This winter we're moving every couple of weeks to various Florida state park campgrounds, and surprisingly, it's been almost an even split so far whether AT&T or Verizon has the best signal in a given area. We have unlimited data hotspots with both services, and we haven't found any place yet where one or the other didn't work well enough for streaming. Where we are right now near Lithia, FL, it's very close to the same speeds for both.
When I go down to Texas, I find that ATT has signal most everywhere I go ... which actually surprised me as I was with Sprint prior to ATT and when I changed, I wanted to make sure I was gonna be good with the areas I travel ...
It's worked out really well so far ....
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OK, we get it ...ATT service is spotty where you live ...
That happens ...
Verizon has ALWAYS had better coverage ...this is a known fact ...
Do you expect ATT to stop everything and place new equipment where you live ?
Not gonna happen ... sounds like you live in a small rural area ...

Hows the service in populated areas ?

Yes, I live in a rural town and work in a rural village and in between work and home is a lot of empty land. At home I have no AT&T or T-Mobile service for at about a mile radius of my house. Verizon and Sprint service is spotty and minimal. At work however it's a different story. Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint all give 60 Mb to 75 Mb down on LTE and AT&T has no service period.

For a big giant pig of a company like AT&T is, yes I expect them to have coverage nearly everywhere there are people. The areas I'm talking about are not where there is nothing but thousands of acres of cornfields of the middle of a forest, I'm talking about small towns and villages with populations of 3 - 5K. If a dying company like Sprint that has been mismanaged for years can give me better service in rural areas (with no band 26 support due to proximity of Canada) than one of the largest companies on the planet can, that is pretty sad.

When I had AT&T service in populated areas it wasn't that great, I had service in suburban areas, but experienced many dropped calls and horrific data speeds. That's one of the reasons I switched to back to Sprint. My old boss is one of the very few people I know that still has AT&T. He lives in an upscale community and whenever I talk to him it seems like there is some sort of issue. About two miles from his house is the giant cell phone tower that has all carriers on it that I can hit 260 Mbps Down x 60 Up on T-Mobile, he has an iPhone 8 on AT&T and can barley hit 20 Mbps Down x 5 Up. I understand AT&T has more subscribers (and having an iPhone is a handicap) so in theory speeds should be slower do to traffic, but those speeds LTE speeds are like what AT&Ts Fake 4G speeds were like in 2011.

Are there area's where AT&T is great and reliable? Sure. They have 140 million subscribers or something like that. But as someone who's had all four carriers for personal use with travel throughout NY, NJ and PA and as someone who's dealt with all four carriers for work, AT&T is not that great and people generally don't have a favorable opinion of their service.

By my own experience along with talking with other where I live, work and play.
Coverage – Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint
Data Speeds – T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T

Given the sheer size of the ever growing AT&T, the fact they are a tier one provider, the amount of fiber they own, how they pride themselves on being a communications company with a rich innovative history (even though as we all know they are not really the old AT&T), the phrase I would use to summarize AT&T Inc is Massive Disappointment.
T-Mobile sucks over here in western PA. On no scale would I ever put T-Mobile coverage above ATT
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A bit hilly there, isn't it? Might discourage other carriers.

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At Rodman Campground, about 12 miles from Palatka, FL, AT&T was the only service that gave us streaming speeds. Verizon was barely usable, and according to our neighbors, Sprint and T-Mobile were non-existent.
Interesting to watch how that will change over the next couple of years. T-Mobile Nd Sprint merger and band 71 rollout with 5G and the fixed 5G others will offer and the satellite Internet.

Good be great, except to our wallets.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
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Interesting to watch how that will change over the next couple of years. T-Mobile Nd Sprint merger and band 71 rollout with 5G and the fixed 5G others will offer and the satellite Internet.

Good be great, except to our wallets.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

I'm really hoping I live long enough to see a full implementation of LEO satellite Internet service like Starlink. I think that will be a game changer...
T-Mobile sucks over here in western PA. On no scale would I ever put T-Mobile coverage above ATT

Not sure what part of Western PA your talking about, but I have no problems with T-Mobile in NW PA in the Erie, Warren or Bradford areas. The portions I noticed that I lack coverage are mainly along US 62 and US 6. I have not been to the Grove City or Pittsburgh areas, my other two PA places of travel since I've been with T-Mobile, so I can't comment. One of my favorite areas to hang out at is Presque Isle State Park on Lake Erie, I will spend 6-8 hours there at a time. I have awesome reception throughout the whole park, looking at the Sensorly maps, AT&T has no coverage at all anywhere on the peninsula.
Depending on the area, certain carriers are better than others.

Sprint for example is horrible here in Detroit. Go to Chicago on the other hand and everyone says the service is awesome.

The only place I have an issue with Verizon is my cabin and I solved that with an internet cell booster.
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Can we agree that AT&T went to sh*t the second SBC bought them and stole their identity.
I have Spectrum Gig in my area, had 300mbps for the longest, it's been 3 years and ATT only offers up to 25mbps server where I live, screw their slow **** speeds. They keep sending me junk mail on a weekly basis offering me $$$ for a lower quality product, hell for the same price the standard speed is well over 100mbps with spectrum.

Some areas only get 45mbps, I think att has quit competing with spectrum in my area since everyone on these parts pretty much uses spectrum.
The only saving grace for att is to expand fiber, but that's only limited to very few communities that have been built over the last year or so.

Att doesn't even offer dsl in my area, I have to use a hotspot and with Lte, rarely see 10mbps, 25 sounds great

Sent from my iPhone using the SatelliteGuys app!
Gotta say I don't really understand all the flack AT&T gets around here.

It's a great connection, only costs $80/month. I'm definitely getting my money's worth, too. From my last billing period:

They've certainly improved compared to the company they used to be. This is way better than what Spectrum offers here. 940 / 35 Mbps for $125 a month. Yikes.

If they kill DirecTV then that's a good thing, imo. Very unhappy with what DirecTV & Dish Network did to the satellite market in the United States. Their dirty tactics tried to kill off as many unscrambled signals as possible and encouraged the current overpriced TV pricing model that is sinking them today. Content providers would routinely scramble signals or hide publishing of how to watch their signals at the behest of these two. We could've seen European style free-to-air systems like Freeview evolve on the Ku band in the U.S. if it weren't for them.

DirecTV and Dish Network need to go down hard.
Gotta say I don't really understand all the flack AT&T gets around here.

It's a great connection, only costs $80/month. I'm definitely getting my money's worth, too. From my last billing period:

They've certainly improved compared to the company they used to be. This is way better than what Spectrum offers here. 940 / 35 Mbps for $125 a month. Yikes.

If they kill DirecTV then that's a good thing, imo. Very unhappy with what DirecTV & Dish Network did to the satellite market in the United States. Their dirty tactics tried to kill off as many unscrambled signals as possible and encouraged the current overpriced TV pricing model that is sinking them today. Content providers would routinely scramble signals or hide publishing of how to watch their signals at the behest of these two. We could've seen European style free-to-air systems like Freeview evolve on the Ku band in the U.S. if it weren't for them.

DirecTV and Dish Network need to go down hard.

Yeah I got fiber at my house from AT&T and get the same speeds.

The problem we are the exception and not the norm when it comes to areas AT&T services on their fiber network.

If they kill DirecTV then that's a good thing, imo. Very unhappy with what DirecTV & Dish Network did to the satellite market in the United States. Their dirty tactics tried to kill off as many unscrambled signals as possible and encouraged the current overpriced TV pricing model that is sinking them today. Content providers would routinely scramble signals or hide publishing of how to watch their signals at the behest of these two. We could've seen European style free-to-air systems like Freeview evolve on the Ku band in the U.S. if it weren't for them.

DirecTV and Dish Network need to go down hard.

WAAY to involved to to address at least at this minute, but no that isn't the case. It would have been cable and a few who dabbled in satellite.
Please reply by conversation.

Senators Blast DirecTV For Underserving 12 DMAs

Second Receiver Question
