We're back up here in So Cal. Our technicians say that satellite 110 SD remained on and that HD was down. Could be they are shutting down SD this month and someone pushed the wrong button!
Why would that just effect the news channels?
We're back up here in So Cal. Our technicians say that satellite 110 SD remained on and that HD was down. Could be they are shutting down SD this month and someone pushed the wrong button!
There are other channels as well, but yes the News Channels were hit...
Thanks interestingAppears channels were reshuffled
CNN was on sat 99CA/D14 xponder 18 TPID 22, which is now 249 Comedy Central.
CNN is now golfhd and so on, I looked up a few before and after.
Before issue
CNNHD 202 18 D14 99CA TID 017
GolfHD 218 23 D14 99CA TID 022
NBCSHD 220 23 D14 99CA 022
COMHD 249 19 D14 99CA 018
FUSNHD 342 2 D10 103CB 125
OVTVHD 274 5 D10 103CB 128
BBCWHD 346 12 D10 103CB 135
FNCHD 360 8 D11 99CB 131
After issue
CNNHD 202 SAT 99CA D14 Xponder 23 TID 22
GOLFHD 218 99CA D14 xponder 18 TID 17
NBCSHD220 99CA D14 19 10 18
COMHF249 99CA D14 23 10 22
OVTVHD 274 103CB D10 12 15 135
FUSNHD 342 99CB D11 8 10 131
FNCHD 360 103CB D10 2 15 125
BBCWHD 346 103CB D10 5 15 128
Is it remotely possible for the network to have been hacked and if so what does that say for D security. Or is this simply just a technical glitch and nothing more.
I find disturbing this may be hacked on main top rated news channel possibly from Russia or some other 3rd world crapper country.![]()
My first guess would be that an entire satellite, or several transponders, have died.
Second guess is that this is what to expect when AT&T is running things.
Wth....you're not?Nope...
Dealers are calling me asking me what the issue is.
My phone has been ringing since 5:30 am this morning... like I am DIRECTV or something.![]()
Azteca(NYC affiliate) is currently down. "no need to call us" message up.
This is a SD only channel
That's like asking people to use search, or at least look at a forum before they post. There must have been 50+ threads on the ATT DirecTV forum on the same subject, many of them accusing DirecTV of political bias because Fox news was off the air......
You mean the ellipticals usually show DTV?