Directv dispute with Viacom IS OVER!

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LOL called in a few minutes ago "No we haven't been getting many calls on the Viacom thing, mainly just the usual day-to-day stuff..." Yeah, sure buddy.

Got the lousy $5 credit after the guy argued with me that "free" Encore was the credit due. I don't think so.
Now that we're ranting on Viacom let me tell you how I feel about TVland. My kids love The Andy Griffith Show but I won't let them watch it on TVLand . During the commercials they promote some of the Original Sitcoms . One of them is "Retired at 35" . During the promo one woman said to a man " I will let you water my plants as long as you don't have sex with them". They do this with other shows as well including I Love Lucy , Gunsmoke . Now I know for a fact that TVLand is very popular with seniors. I can only imagine what they think when this was shown. I know my mother hates it .

you can get almost all that content online too tho. but I hear ya.
Now that we're ranting on Viacom let me tell you how I feel about TVland. My kids love The Andy Griffith Show but I won't let them watch it on TVLand . During the commercials they promote some of the Original Sitcoms . One of them is "Retired at 35" . During the promo one woman said to a man " I will let you water my plants as long as you don't have sex with them". They do this with other shows as well including I Love Lucy , Gunsmoke . Now I know for a fact that TVLand is very popular with seniors. I can only imagine what they think when this was shown. I know my mother hates it .

Nowadays, all TVLand is about is commercials plus whoring (it's long past "advertising") their original shows and a small amount of heavily time-compressed programming in between. And for THIS they want even more money!
Got the lousy $5 credit after the guy argued with me that "free" Encore was the credit due. I don't think so.

Why be that way? What did you want, a month of free service? If you don't currently subscribe to Encore, then they are giving you something free. If you don't believe it, then subscribe to it and see what they charge you. D* didn't have to give us anything.
If your kids want sponge Bob and other content from Nick then grab a month of Netflix
Nowadays, all TVLand is about is commercials plus whoring (it's long past "advertising") their original shows and a small amount of heavily time-compressed programming in between. And for THIS they want even more money!

In Orlando we have alternatives. Some have picked up the shows that TVland has and we don't have to be concerned about the TVland Promos. I'm not trying to sound like a prude but they've dropped the Original idea of TVland.
Man it almost seems as though Viacom is starting to feel the heat.

They just posted this to their Facebook page.
Hey guys, we know this is frustrating but wanted to let you know we're busy working hard to reach a resolution and bring your channels back.
Does on demand for the free encore channels not work for anyone else? Huge disappointment

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I guess Dish is not going to side with Directv or at least voice that they are siding with them because they know they will gain some subscribers from this.
Perhaps one of many casualties . I found him in my backyard . I told Spongebob_20Dead_small.jpghim it wasn't worth it. I rushed him to Sea World . He's going to be OK. . Thanks Viacom.
Man it almost seems as though Viacom is starting to feel the heat.

They just posted this to their Facebook page.

ty Scott for info with everyone calling e-mailing them and leavings responses on their fb page until they ban you from speaking the truth they should be and they deserve it for all the lies they are spewing and that idiotic video they did spoofing mike white was dumb
Why be that way? What did you want, a month of free service? If you don't currently subscribe to Encore, then they are giving you something free. If you don't believe it, then subscribe to it and see what they charge you. D* didn't have to give us anything.

Encore isn't worth the space it occupies, I had it when we originally got the service and cancelled it and its ilk as quickly as possible. It costs them next to nothing to "offer" that to their customers, pennies, I want some real credit. For what I'm paying for the service, 17 channels disappear overnight, the credit should be prorated and proportional to the loss of services. $5 doesn't even cut it...

This whole thing disgusts me, both sides are greedy as all hell. I hope a lot of people cut the cord completely and they can both lose out.

EDIT: To put in perspective, if I add or remove a service mid-way through the billing period, say a set of channels (like HBO/Cinemax or Showtime) that first cycle is pro-rated to the freaking penny. They should show the same respect in a situation like this. Then again, I understand they don't want to reveal what they actually pay Viacom for those channels and what portion of your monthly bill they represent.
Nowadays, all TVLand is about is commercials plus whoring (it's long past "advertising") their original shows and a small amount of heavily time-compressed programming in between. And for THIS they want even more money!

dont forget a gaudy bug in the corner
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