I don't understand the arguments being made by the armchair financiers and apparent board members of Viacom.
"Viacom made $X in profit last year and their CEO made $X in salary!! They clearly do not deserve this raise in rates!!!"
Last I checked, this is still America and Viacom has the right to pay their CEO what they think he is worth. (and apparently he his worth something because he is trying to squeeze every last penny out of DTV that he can) The same goes for their profit - Viacom has a right to make as much money as they can and charge what they THINK they're channel suite is worth.
The way to approach this is by using your wallet (action) and not your words. TV Subscribers (DTV or otherwise) line Viacom's pockets and if you have a problem with what Viacom is trying to charge, go to DTV and tell them to stand their ground. It's much more effective than taking your pitchforks to Viacom's door step and claiming "you make too much money."
In the end, the money comes from YOU and YOU have the power to control where it goes. This is part of the reason why we will see linear programming come to an end over the next 10 years - there are far too many options for people out there to watch specifically what they want, when they want at a reasonable price. This whole system of bundling crappy channels with good ones can only last so long. As more people attain the knowledge of getting around it, the more you will see them break away - especially since the cost of TV alone is approaching $100/month for the average household.
I think Viacom sees the blood in the water and is trying to grab every last cent until the gravy train comes to a halt.
My .02