DIRECTV Confirms Channel Moves

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It looks like all of the HD Extra channels will also be grouped together. This maybe good to keep them together, but I prefer to have them next to similar type channels, such as Palladia being next to all of the other music video channels.
If you read between the lines it looks like they are adding some HBO and Cinemax channels. Why else would you need added channel spaces?
Maybe now some of the whiners will quit saying - D12 is ONLY going to be used for 400 HD PPV channels and 3D channels.
They will say that instead of putting channels like Travel Channel HD up they now have 24 new premium channels.

No matter what new HD channels they add some folks will not be happy and will say that their HD channel they want isn't there.

As I have said before but will say it again now... HD is like sex... no matter how much you have you always want more.
They will say that instead of putting channels like Travel Channel HD up they now have 24 new premium channels.

No matter what new HD channels they add some folks will not be happy and will say that their HD channel they want isn't there.

As I have said before but will say it again now... HD is like sex... no matter how much you have you always want more.

Scott, IF... and it looks like they are, if they add these channels less people will be whining. People were whining because D* all but promised these moves 2+ years ago and is finally living up to it. Many D* subs were unhappy E* had a better premium selection (and I mean HBO and Cinemax, specifically) and then the price hikes went in without any channel additions.
They will say that instead of putting channels like Travel Channel HD up they now have 24 new premium channels.

No matter what new HD channels they add some folks will not be happy and will say that their HD channel they want isn't there.

As I have said before but will say it again now... HD is like sex... no matter how much you have you always want more.

. :D .
All this premium movie channels are a waste of space. In todays technology with the DVR all you need is one HBO, MAX, SHO, STARZ, TMC in HD. If you really want to watch a movie in HD rent it. But the National Channels like Travel or Fox Soccer HD you can't rent. It's nice to have them all in HD but before we get more premium channels I would rather see more National HD.
All this premium movie channels are a waste of space. In todays technology with the DVR all you need is one HBO, MAX, SHO, STARZ, TMC in HD. If you really want to watch a movie in HD rent it. But the National Channels like Travel or Fox Soccer HD you can't rent. It's nice to have them all in HD but before we get more premium channels I would rather see more National HD.

There will be plenty of HD added, the movie channels are only part of the equation.
All though I'm not sure the Fox Soccer channel is one I would be adding, sound like it has a pretty small following.
Scott, IF... and it looks like they are, if they add these channels less people will be whining. People were whining because D* all but promised these moves 2+ years ago and is finally living up to it. Many D* subs were unhappy E* had a better premium selection (and I mean HBO and Cinemax, specifically) and then the price hikes went in without any channel additions.

Cinemax has been a joke forever, but the promise of HBO expansion coupled with the price hike, then the non-delivery was bull....:rant:
I'll be happy with more Cinemax channels as they have the blockbusters 1st. With that being said, Travel and AMC in HD I feel would be better than ten premiums. As more people watch channels like these more than Cinemax or any other premium. Don't get me wrong, what starz and showtime are doing with originals are great, but cinemax doesn't have the same appeal. So more national non-premium HD would be better for me. Although I'll take what I get and I won't pitch a fit.
Does anyone know if we have to reprogram our DVRs for season passes (or whatever they are called) on affected channels i.e. I have Spartacus being recorded each week on Starz and The Pacific on HBO and don't want to miss any episodes.
I know people's favorite channels lists were updated to have the new channel number but think the series links will have to be resetup. The only thing I currently have setup on a premium channel is Dexter and there won't be new ones of that until fall.
I noticed the automatic channel updates in the favorite lists. However, there are now 2 channel 550s for IFC. The second channel 550 has that IFC has moved to 558. However, that is the new channel number for Sundance. :confused:
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