The whole concept of fanboys is pretty strange. These are just TV service providers. Why would anybody get emotionally attached to one?
Don't feel that I am emotionaly attached. I have just been pretty happy with the service thus far and it has been quite awhile. I love my NFL ST, that is really why I got D* to begin with (that and of course I hate the Cable Cos here). I do wish that the PQ was improved but I can see why there would be serious bandwidth issues. I like the plan, liked it from the beginning. Locals then launch sats then more HD hopefully with enough whatever it is they need to not compress them. Seems to me their approach is right on and I guess I have patience. The only other aspect that I can comment on is that I kept hearing the HDLite talk and it use to really bother me so I read everyones posts and went and checked out E*. Took my projector to a E* enthusiasts house and just didn't see the difference everyone talks about. So for me, avid sports guy, MLB NBA and NFL season passes D* was and is the obvious choice. Some just don't get that.
The bashers that would for example jump all over D* for the announcement the other day for additional HD programming like Sci-Fi etc...were all over them saying they were blowing smoke because someone at Sci-Fi told them they don't have HD plans. Then of course a day later, oh whats this, they just weren't making it up? The arrogance of anyone stating that they were is amazing. I like the plan and I do believe that they are on track to literally blow the competition away, at least for a time period until the others catch up which they probably will. I never bash E*, just don't really understand why some would bash D*. There are choices.