Competitor (no 's'/no plural) There is currently only 1 DBS competitor; the only true national market and business model comparison.
OK; So what new birds does Echostar have going up? What are their payloads? What are their orbital assignments? What additional features or channels will those launches provide? Please post some of that competitor rebuttal you eluded to. We would all like to read and compare it versus what we all already know about DirecTV for the last year or so and their 4 sat system to be completed in 2007.
charper - don't waste your breath with this fool.
In response to what new sats E* will be launching in ALL of 2007, its ONLY E11, and as you have correctly stated its a backup bird (as is DIRECTV9S). They also have said that their path to providing HD lils is to PUSH OTA. You can only gather that they are strapped for bandwidth (as D* is TODAY). The game changes upon the successful launch and turn-on of DIRECTV10.
Obviously, D* has have been working hard while waiting for BOEING to complete the building of the new birds. They have been negotiating with (in their own words) over 70 cable channels (HD nationals) and what this tells me is that immediately upon hand-over from BOEING whatever is available in HD will be lit, and that as the other channels introduce HD versions, they will immediately be lit.
I don't need to compare constantly with the other providers really, I'm past that. I stuck with D* because of its superior sports packages - and I also accept others opinions that feel that the other guy(s) are better. Who cares. I just don't understand this whiny guy that pays D* but always says it sucks. Sounds like he is pissing his money away IMO. It's ok to like the other side and brag about it, but why pay the one you hate?