DirectTV Interference with DTV

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Original poster
Jun 26, 2009
So I have a moron roof mate at my 4 place townhouse that is telling our home owners association that my passive DirectTV dish in interfering with his DTV signal.
Does anyone have any websites that I can go to that can debunk this thought? I have done a lot of research and DTV is transmitting in the 800MHZ range and the DirectTV is in the 10-14GHZ range. Along with the fact that it is a digital signal. So I know that it does not but I need "facts" and the more I get the better.

Thanks for the help!
So I have a moron roof mate at my 4 place townhouse that is telling our home owners association that my passive DirectTV dish in interfering with his DTV signal.
Does anyone have any websites that I can go to that can debunk this thought? I have done a lot of research and DTV is transmitting in the 800MHZ range and the DirectTV is in the 10-14GHZ range. Along with the fact that it is a digital signal. So I know that it does not but I need "facts" and the more I get the better.

Thanks for the help!

I dont even know where to start. maybe when I stop laughing at your idiotic roofmate i can think of something.
So I have a moron roof mate at my 4 place townhouse that is telling our home owners association that my passive DirectTV dish in interfering with his DTV signal.
Does anyone have any websites that I can go to that can debunk this thought? I have done a lot of research and DTV is transmitting in the 800MHZ range and the DirectTV is in the 10-14GHZ range. Along with the fact that it is a digital signal. So I know that it does not but I need "facts" and the more I get the better.

Thanks for the help!

when did all of this start? I am wondering as the digital switchover happened recently adn I know two stations here in ohio switched around the same time from vhf to uhf and also what channel they were on causing problems for some, and helping in other circumstances, maybe the same thing happened here and he is just blaming it on your directv? or maybe he is jealous you have Directv and he dosent :D

have you ever thought of giving him a referal to directv and tell him your just trying to help. lol.
I know, I would laugh too if I was was not being railroaded by my homeowners association. Freaking joke is it not.

He says it started right when it went up. I started hearing about it a week before the DTV went into full swing. This guy is such a moron. No one has told me a thing about what is happening. I get to argue my case without knowing what the real issue is. Not that my setup has anything to do with it.
so really you dont know whats going on with his signal, what channles it is nothing like that....My thing would be this, if what your guy is saying is true, why would they sell attatchements to put antennas on Directvs dishes? lol...but to help you out where is the dish in relation the antenna? did it get moved at all while the installation was going on? was their a storm that possibly roated his antenna and all he needs is a repoint? and whos to say he dosent have faulty equipment?
He has no outside antenna. LOL everything is indoors. I have no idea where his TV is at in his house. Also this same guy said that my dish was in his "air"space. :rolleyes:

If they are selling attachments then I will go look for that, and print out that info as well.
well okay I think there is most of the problem he is using a indoor antenna, i wonder how far from the towers you are, if you dont mind PM me your adress and I will give you some info to fight this with...or just go to yourself plug in your adress and it will tell you what kind of antenna you should use, and how far you are from the stations, bring that info back here if you need help and we can help disect it for you.
okay according to the chart it looks like he just needs a baisc antenna pointed to get the channels, so a indoor antenna would work (supposedly, but with leaves and other issues you never know), I think really the only thing you can do is try and talk to the board and tell them that there is NO way it could mess with his signal, maybe show them where they put antennas and satellites together, and educate them on the ranges that they run in, again whos to say he dosent have a split in his cabling or faulty equipment? plus show them that they have diplexers and everything else that put the signals together to run on the same line....Iam not totally understanding your housing situation, his DTV and your directv satellite never share the same line correct?
Correct, nothing is shared. I have a 2 page document with a lot facts and how each one talks. I even have the format that DTV transmits in. :)
But you have helped me know that I am on the right path.
I have done a lot of research and DTV is transmitting in the 800MHZ range and the DirectTV is in the 10-14GHZ range.
Your research has yielded you some bad numbers. The actual frequencies used once the signal hits the LNB are in the 250MHz to 2.1GHz range. If you used unshielded cable, this could be a problem.

The actual satellite signal is in the 12-22GHz range and you can't control where it goes nor what it interferes with. Typically the only way you're going to cause interference is if you dish is between the towers and the whiny person's antenna. The easiest way to demonstrate that it isn't electrical interference is to power everything down in your entire satellite system and then have them show you whether or not the problem remains.

It is not impossible that you're indeed interfering, but it is very unlikely and would demand that you both had some pretty miserable cabling: your's for letting it out and their's for letting it in.

If they are "borrowing" a signal from you, all bets are off.
You got to laugh though. I've been hit with this kind of stuff as a ham operator, and I had the proper and working traps/filters, and then ten years ago when I put up one of the first DirecTV dishes in our neighborhood. The complaint by the neighbor then was I was poisoning her children with microwaves. She not only took it to the HOA but even tried to get the sheriff's department involved by filing a complaint against me when the HOA wouldn't get involved. A deputy actually came out to my house to see if I was running a microwave dish. He left with the information on how to get DirecTV because he thought it such an improvement over our cable system. :) Luckily the family moved out a year or so later but we never did become what I would call real friendly. The poor husband would talk to me but not a lot as he was trying to keep the peace at home. In the meantime dishes started popping up all over the neighborhood so I'm sure the woman was stroking out.
You got to laugh though. I've been hit with this kind of stuff as a ham operator, and I had the proper and working traps/filters, and then ten years ago when I put up one of the first DirecTV dishes in our neighborhood. The complaint by the neighbor then was I was poisoning her children with microwaves. She not only took it to the HOA but even tried to get the sheriff's department involved by filing a complaint against me when the HOA wouldn't get involved. A deputy actually came out to my house to see if I was running a microwave dish. He left with the information on how to get DirecTV because he thought it such an improvement over our cable system. :) Luckily the family moved out a year or so later but we never did become what I would call real friendly. The poor husband would talk to me but not a lot as he was trying to keep the peace at home. In the meantime dishes started popping up all over the neighborhood so I'm sure the woman was stroking out.

The GHZ range was coming from the bird in the sky. But I highly doubt that the FCC would approve of signal ranges that would cause Satellites to interfere with DTV. My wireless phone should interfere with his signal at that rate.
My roof mate has had the "issue" before the DTV went live officially.
If this was a issue why do they make antennas that go on top of satellites for the local channels. As well as a simple google search should show a very large issue across the board. On the 14th I go before the board so this should be fun.
The GHZ range was coming from the bird in the sky. But I highly doubt that the FCC would approve of signal ranges that would cause Satellites to interfere with DTV. My wireless phone should interfere with his signal at that rate.
My roof mate has had the "issue" before the DTV went live officially.
If this was a issue why do they make antennas that go on top of satellites for the local channels. As well as a simple google search should show a very large issue across the board. On the 14th I go before the board so this should be fun.

Good luck, Keep us informed :)

Also keep in mind that when the digital transition took place alot of signals went down drastically in power being transmitted.

That was my first thought. My locals all converted on different dates, with some going at the original deadline, some at the revised deadline, and some in between.

All of them said that after the transition they'd be operating at reduced power levels and that some customers might not be able to receive their signals with their old antenna. All said that they were going to take down their old analog antennas and then redo their digital gear and boost the power.

Many also moved from VHF to UHF or vice versa, and some plan to change back at some point in the future.

So its possible that the complainer is just having the same problem he would have been having anyhow.

Heres your semi easy test. Mark off how the dish is attached and remove it from the mast. If his problems go away, it was something with your dish/install. If his problems remain, then he cant blame you for it anymore.

I'd wait and see how your meeting with the HOA folks goes. If it starts to turn bad, I'd offer this up as a solution. Just throw out the "I'm willing to do this and work with this guy to make sure I'm not causing him a problem. I want to see his reception, then I'll disconnect and remove the dish and I want to see his reception again. If its better after the dish comes off, then I'll figure out whats going on and resolve it."
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