Digital Breakup on 101 C Band

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Right now the only thing we get OTA is static. When everything went digital a few years ago, the local broadcast channels disappeared out where I live. Too many hills and mountains. Sitting at the bottom of a hill on the south side, everything broadcast comes in from the back side of the hill. Great exposure for satellite, lousy for OTA. I'll keep the trade off though.

Hopefully, Laff and the others don't go that way. I've got kind of used to having them around. Grit has a lot of westerns I like.
I too live in the northside shadow of the mountain but there is an anomaly called knife-edge refraction. If you point an antenna at the ridgeline it'll capture signals coming from the other side as they get bent downward but you need a big antenna and a TOL mast mounted pre-amp.
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Decades I won't miss but H and I and Movies I will miss they had nice PQ especially old star trek movies on. You never know it might pop on 99w because they go away on 101 come over there on as a subchannel like KRBK.
I watch H&I all the time now that it airs the various Star Trek series regularly. For a while I stopped watching when they changed their schedule, especially when Rat Patrol went away on Saturday mornings. I loved the original schedule when it first went on the air.

Any word if MeTV is leaving with the others? I'll miss the HD feed if it does. I bet few affiliates have the subchannel bandwidth to air it in HD locally.

When the change happens I hope they don't end up looking like my local Comet TV picture quality. It's painful to watch for very long.
Here are some observations I've made of SES-1 @101.0W over the past several days.

My main C-band setup:

8 ft. steel dish (9-section dish from Sadoun)
Chaparral Dual C-Band Feed # 11-1329-1
Chaparral 20K #11-7250-1 C-Band LNB's feeding a powered WNC SWA-48 switch modified to provide 18V to both polarities.

Date/Time, TP, SatHero SH-200 C/N

06/03 15:00 3724 V 10000 9.60
3953 V 2734 14.55
3957 V 2734 15.60
3961 V 2734 15.75
3973 V 5924 13.05

06/05 21:45 3724 V 10000 8.70
3953 V 2734 14.40
3957 V 2734 15.60
3961 V 2734 15.30
3973 V 5924 13.05

06/06 14:55 3724 V 10000 8.85
3953 V 2734 13.95
3957 V 2734 15.60
3961 V 2734 15.45
3973 V 5924 13.05

These readings are very stable on the SH-200 with almost no fluctuation after they settle down.

The Amiko A3 and A3 Combo lock and play all the channels but the "problem" TP's (3953, 3957, and 3961) exhibit some
breakup then signal loss. After a second or two the channel locks again and the cycle repeats. The quality displayed by the receivers is stable, in the 70's on the original A3 and in the 80's on the Combo, only changing by a couple of points when the channels are lost and then returning to the previous values.

The Amiko Nano HD plays MeTV and MeTV HD without problem but doesn't even scan in any channels on the 3953, 3957, or 3961 TPs. The quality displayed by the Nano continually flashes from about 75 to 0 to 75.

Just thought I'd share this information.

Most issues I ever ran into like that was due to the C-band dish being to small, and the side lobe from the two degree spacing from another bird is the cause of the problem, sure a 8 foot dish is all you need with today's strong birds, the fix is to adjust the focus of the feed, it must be dead center on the dish, and you have to move the feed in, or out to find the perfect hot spot, even if the signal level goes down, but then you lose your other satellite interference, seen it, and fixed it, many, many times i have a all solid navy brass home made feed, made for all feeds for sale, the brass alone cost me $50, and then I had it machined it's never going to be used again.
Being a little PO'ed at this I contacted X2 via eBay yesterday to see what they would say regarding why the price had gone up so high. I figured I would not get a reply. I checked my messages this morning and I actually did get one the same day. Here is what they said:

View attachment 119259 (Thumbnailed - Click to enlarge)

Two weeks ago they said they would be releasing a pc editor for the M1HD and now the receiver isn't available and they are coming out with a new one? o_O It's up to $199.95 on eBay now so I'm guessing they really don't want anyone to buy one yet it says only 91% have sold. I won't hold my breath but I'm hoping they at least still come out with the editor. :(
Well, X2 has come out with the plus model (M1HD+) and the price is back down to $39.45. Instead of starting a new listing it seems they just renamed the old one. By looking at the listing I don't see any difference in appearance or features from the previous model. Guess the changes are internal - hopefully better heat management. :rolleyes: Here is the link to it on eBay in case anyone is interested. :)

EDIT: I don't see the M1HD+ listed on the X2 site yet, just the M1HD.
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Well, X2 has come out with the plus model (M1HD+) and the price is back down to $39.45. Instead of starting a new listing it seems they just renamed the old one. By looking at the listing I don't see any difference in appearance or features from the previous model. Guess the changes are internal - hopefully better heat management. :rolleyes: Here is the link to it on eBay in case anyone is interested. :)

EDIT: I don't see the M1HD+ listed on the X2 site yet, just the M1HD.

Does the X2 get H&I and the rest of them? Does it stutter on Grit & Laff? Just curious.
Does the X2 get H&I and the rest of them? Does it stutter on Grit & Laff? Just curious.
Looks like I haven't checked these with the M1HD since back in July but it was getting them ok back then. The problem I had with this box was overheating, to the point that I added a fan inside ( If I get a chance I will hook up the old M1HD and recheck. I would hope that the 'new' plus model they just released has addressed the overheating issue.
I also am curious about the overheating issue. I had an early model that overheated and died. X2 did replace it under warranty with no charge. The replacement unit did get hot, but I mounted it so that there was no obstruction below or above it, and it has run continuously for the past few months with no problem. By continuously, I mean 24/7 feeding a modulator to distribute the received channel throughout the house. I have been running it on GRIT - my wife really likes old Western Movies and I do too... I take my 101W from an Offset LNBF on my 10 ft mesh dish aimed at 97W (prime focus). The X2 people have been good to me.
Does the X2 get H&I and the rest of them? Does it stutter on Grit & Laff? Just curious.
Looks like I haven't checked these with the M1HD since back in July but it was getting them ok back then. The problem I had with this box was overheating, to the point that I added a fan inside ( If I get a chance I will hook up the old M1HD and recheck. I would hope that the 'new' plus model they just released has addressed the overheating issue.
Well, I just hooked up the M1HD to try these again. 97W comes in fine but 101W is another story. MeTV and MeTV HD are fine as is Decades. H&I and Movies! have solid audio but the video freezes then plays for a few seconds then freezes again. Also remembered why I haven't been using this box the last few months. Don't like the Diseqc motor control as you can't save to a specific position number - box saves slots automatically. I don't know if the M1HD+ has any improvement on either of these but I do know I won't be the first to bite. ;)
I get everything on the Freesat V7, H&I, Decades, Movies, MeTV 1&2, including the HD channels, but the audio stutters on Laff and some of the others. It would be nice to get the best of both worlds. I'm not too concerned over MeTV as I get it and Movies on Galaxy 16 just fine. It would be nice to get Decades and H&I. I used to watch westerns on them until they suddenly went bonkers on us. I have three different receivers and none of them get them all. :(
Decades, Movies!, History & Icons seem to back again and coming in strong. I hope they're back to stay, but if I remember correctly they came back once before for me but only lasted for a few days. I was just getting ready to buy a V8 Super, maybe I'll wait a few days and see what happens.
Yep they seemed to have fixed whatever the problem was, hope it stays fixed. Didn't somebody say these channels were going to scramble at years end, or was that just a rumor?
Didn't somebody say these channels were going to scramble at years end, or was that just a rumor?
Spoke to someone in the know this week and they indicated that the distribution transition was almost complete and H&I, Decades and Movies are expected to be gone from FTA before year's end. We knew this day was coming... Wouldn't wish any snags or snafus, but sure would be nice to keep them around a bit longer. ;)
I have heard from someone that has been involved with the transition that it is now nearing completion and these distribution channels are supposed to be terminated before years end. Yes, we heard this before, but we had not heard the timeline and progress of the downlink sites equipment transition.
I think they terminated 'em again today, Brian, they're gone again for me lol. Not a big deal, I can always find something to watch with fta!
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