All channels have very good SNR and almost error free BER when analyzed on the AI S2 meter and with the TBS6983. The AI S2 meter, the GEOSATpro HDVR3500 STB and the TBS 6983 PCIe are locking the channels without error. I agree that there does not seem to be any problems related to the frequency.
The GEOSATpro microHD is not reliably locking and only will show a SQ reading every few seconds and programming intermittently. The signal type reads as a CCM DVBS QPSK, but the intermittent lock almost looks like it does on an service with ACM coding.
The Manhattan 1997 and GEOSATpro HDVR1200 do not display any signal quality or signal lock.
wvman - Replicated SIDs on any satellite does not necessarily cause a problem. Multiple transponders on a satellite can share the same Service IDs without any problem as long as the services are not within the AFT range of the receiver. The SID confusion that many receivers have on this satellite is caused by the transponders being within the tuners automatic tracking range.