Didn't take Ozzie Guillen long to upset ALL of the Miami Cuban community!

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They may or may not be hart.problem is these things don't bother me. Personally I separate a persons politics from these other things. The community here shouldn't punish the marlins because of ozzies political views. They should separate the two,allow the marlins to handle it as they already have and move on. If they boycott the marlins they will only hurt themselves since that park is there thanks to the tax payers here.

I am gonna be honest with you Rey... alot of those SAME protesters will check if there will be box seats available if the Yankees or Red Sox or Mets or Phillies come to town.
First, OG speaks English well enough to have managed multi-national teams at the highest professional level whose only common language is English for over a decade.

Second, none of the words OG said are all that complex or subject to nuiance in translation. Any basic HS Spanish teacher should be able to easily translate what he said in support Castro into English.

Third, OG is, and Dan LeBatard reported this over a year ago, a well known supporter of Castro's fellow communist Chavez.

Fourth, this is why I love the Cuban people. I think that we all know that at least a major part of one political party wants to "normalize" (invest in and prop up) the Cuban communist dictatorship. I think we all know that, out of equal parts greed and naivete, MLB under Selig was going to be a major part of that. As early as the 1980s, people like Turner and Angelos proposed using Cuban players, paying their pay to the Cuban communist government. I think this is a saying in 50 point capital letters that many people, Cuban and otherwise, will find this unacceptable, both as customers of baseball and as customers of airlines, hotel chains, casinos, tobacco, and liquor companies that might want to profit from slavery. There are some things that are just right and wrong, not subject to opinon, and the Cuban community in south Florida and nationwide stands up to simply ask baseball, and others, to do what is right.

Fifth, paging Mr. Selig. Mr. Bud "Light" Selig. Mr. Selig? Mr. Selig??
First, OG speaks English well enough to have managed multi-national teams at the highest professional level whose only common language is English for over a decade.

Second, none of the words OG said are all that complex or subject to nuiance in translation. Any basic HS Spanish teacher should be able to easily translate what he said in support Castro into English.

Third, OG is, and Dan LeBatard reported this over a year ago, a well known supporter of Castro's fellow communist Chavez.

Fourth, this is why I love the Cuban people. I think that we all know that at least a major part of one political party wants to "normalize" (invest in and prop up) the Cuban communist dictatorship. I think we all know that, out of equal parts greed and naivete, MLB under Selig was going to be a major part of that. As early as the 1980s, people like Turner and Angelos proposed using Cuban players, paying their pay to the Cuban communist government. I think this is a saying in 50 point capital letters that many people, Cuban and otherwise, will find this unacceptable, both as customers of baseball and as customers of airlines, hotel chains, casinos, tobacco, and liquor companies that might want to profit from slavery. There are some things that are just right and wrong, not subject to opinon, and the Cuban community in south Florida and nationwide stands up to simply ask baseball, and others, to do what is right.

Fifth, paging Mr. Selig. Mr. Bud "Light" Selig. Mr. Selig? Mr. Selig??

You just don't get it. When you 1st language is spanish... you speak at home in spanish and think in spanish. When you talk to in another person in another language that is not your own, you do not think out yours answers in your 2nd language... you rationalize and try to explain yourself, in your native language...and translate your thoughts in your native language. if you talk to most citizens that their native language is something other than english.. he/she will tell you the exact thing. It's just natural.

OG has been talking against Chavez for years now....and those who support him.

This video, which was shot last year, clearly shows his dislike for Chavez and all those that agree with him.

But for some, it is just black and white, a simple answer....which in reality, with most things in life, it is never that simple.
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This thread is starting to get too political.this is not about what Castro or chavez have done. Let's cool it. I would hate to lock this one up.
You just don't get it. When you 1st language is spanish... you speak at home in spanish and think in spanish. When you talk to in another person in another language that is not your own, you do not think out yours answers in your 2nd language... you rationalize and try to explain yourself, in your native language...and translate your thoughts in your native language. if you talk to most citizens that their native language is something other than english.. he/she will tell you the exact thing. It's just natural.

OG has been talking against Chavez for years now....and those who support him.

This video, which was shot last year, clearly shows his dislike for Chavez and all those that agree with him.

But for some, it is just black and white, a simple answer....which in reality, with most things in life, it is never that simple.

While I agree with what your saying about speaking 2 languages ....
Ozzie has been in the USA speaking English for about 20 years now .... I'm pretty sure he knew what he was talking about when he said it.
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Jimbo said:
While I agree with what your saying about speaking 2 languages ....
Ozzie has been in the USA speaking English for about 20 years now .... I'm pretty sure he knew what he was talking about when he said it.

And my dad has probably been longer in the US than I have been alive and he still he sometimes struggles to explain things from spanish to english. And my father is in the horse racing business with a vet degree.

Unless your 1st language is not english...you do not know. Again ask anyone that was raised with english as their secondary language...they will tell you the same...you think in your native language and try to translate it.
I think there is something deeper in this controversy. I do believe that Ozzie meant by what he said and it was not some translation problem. I think what it really comes down to is that Ozzie is from Venezuela, and one thing that most people do not remember is that the US (through the CIA) once ran Hugo Chavez out of power until he regained that power. That is when Chavez really went bonkers on the anti-americanism and I suspect that many Venezuelans harbor negative thoughts towards the US for messing with someone else's government. That is why Ozzie praised and respected Castro because the US messed with him for many years and he is still around and ticking. But if Ozzie admits that, he would be accused of anti-americanism and sedition and called a traitor a communist sympathizer. Anyways, I wonder if he now has to wear a bulletproof vest when going home in case of those Cubans tries to take a shot at him?
Ozzie Guillen said a stupid thing that takes everybody's mind off of baseball. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop,as in once this blows over & dies down as far as the Cuban Americans are concerned,the "other side" opens their trap about "how insensitive &'unprogressive' the Cuban Americans were in their attack on OG." if it hasn't been done already,let's take this to Sonic Babble & then we can say how we really feel. I'm actually surprised that this thread was here in the first place. Just close it here & continue it on Sonic Babble. I know I have a lot to say about it.
Ozzie Guillen said a stupid thing that takes everybody's mind off of baseball. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop,as in once this blows over & dies down as far as the Cuban Americans are concerned,the "other side" opens their trap about "how insensitive &'unprogressive' the Cuban Americans were in their attack on OG." if it hasn't been done already,let's take this to Sonic Babble & then we can say how we really feel. I'm actually surprised that this thread was here in the first place. Just close it here & continue it on Sonic Babble. I know I have a lot to say about it.

Thanks guys. I'll close this one since I can't see what else could be said about this here. If anyone wants it reopened just let me know.
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