Did you get a free Roku offer?

Free Roku

  • Yes

    Votes: 195 47.6%
  • No

    Votes: 215 52.4%

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I just got the free roku box plus an offer to cover the season charge for Walking Dead, Mad Men, The Killing or whatever I decided to watch thru Amazon. According to the CS lady the box will be here in 3 working days and then all I need to do is call and tell Dish what I have paid for and they will give me credit on my billing for that amount.

Sounds like they are doing a lot to keep their customers!
Does Amazon even provide personal preference for films or do you have to scroll through page after page? I have it on my Roku and also have Amazon prime but only used it a few times since it seemed like the only way to pick out a film was not as easy as netflix.
1886 said:
Does Amazon even provide personal preference for films or do you have to scroll through page after page? I have it on my Roku and also have Amazon prime but only used it a few times since it seemed like the only way to pick out a film was not as easy as netflix.

Depends upon what box you use. I believe. On my PS3 I can start entering a title and it offers movies that start that way so you can pick from a list.
I'll add, I just checked on my LG BD670 player and it does similar listing of searched movies, just not quite the same way or same display.
Yep, we had Beta,then went to VHS, then started DVD in 2004ish. I have to remind my wife as she is watching Star Trek Next Gen. on BBCA that we have the entire series without commercials. We started collecting because is was cheaper in the long run to just buy a movie or TV show than it was to rent it more than once. Sorry Dish, that is why I don't rent movies from you( or anyone else), I just buy them I have them there to watch whenever I want to.
We are digital pack rats too. When none of the studio-owned content will be available anymore or for too high of a price, we will already own everything we would ever want to watch. ;)

(I have caught myself watching STTNG on BBCA when I also own the entire series set.) :D
I'll repeat: I really think Dish's previous Roku partnership (and recent wireless spectrum acquisitions) has a lot to do with them sending out free Rokus, far more than just "being nice." Those who qualified for the Roku are probably customers that Dish deems more likely to spend more money on a Dish-supplied future Roku channel app (or apps) that they plan on releasing later. You also qualify for not having any other streaming device, because that limits their competition for streaming services. I still think this AMC cut-off and Roku replacement offer was a calculated action, months in planning.
I have been with Dish less than a year and am still under contract so I honestly didn't expect much at all. I got a $20 one time credit with Showtime, Cinemax, and Encore for 3 months, plus those two On Demand movie certs they had previously sent via email. Given my contract situation I think that was pretty generous so I'm not upset that I didn't get a Roku. Still, for me its not really a replacement for losing AMC considering I watch several of their shows regularly so I still hold out hope that they still might work things out before Walking Dead comes back on. In the mean time I will try to figure out some other way to see the last season of Breaking Bad.

FYI I called the 1-888-581-1972 number posted by another member here. Instant answer with no hold time at all (on 4th of July no less) to someone that was immediately able to make me offers. Definitely the fast track phone number compared to the wait times others have posted with the chat or regular customer service line!
dwarren2 said:
For those who have a Roku. is there a way for those of us in the MSG area to watch Buffalo on NHL Game Center?

The ROKU will likely geolocate you by IP address and black you out of the games. This is what happens with AppleTV, PS3, XBOX and the Gamecenter website. My son and I used each at various times in various locations.
I had totally forgotten about this, but DISHWorld is on the Roku 2 devices. This might be somewhat of a kill two birds with one stone situation. Take the negative of losing AMC, placate with a Roku, and then use this sudden influx of Dish Roku users to try and get a few more DISHWorld subscribers.

Too bad there is no China/Japan based channels and it's a bit expensive for what you do get.
Now what we need is a savy Roku user here at Sat. Guys to give us some real world tips on how to set it up and use it. Checking on-line all you get is hype and advertising BS. Anybody here have the Roku and delved into the cost saving ways to use it? Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. Do they both offer the latest movies and TV shows? From what I understand you cannot record to your DVR's hard drive which is a real bummer. I do know that Netflix is $7.99mo and Amazon Prime is $79yr. How do they compare and is there a better all around choice?
Netflix has a much better and bigger catalog than Amazon Prime. But Amazon Prime does have a few things that Netflix doesn't have. Both seasons of Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me are available in Prime and not at Netflix. And with Amazon you can rent or purchase new releases for streaming. The one big advantage that Amazon has compared to Netflix is that you can download programs from them. For people who have Hughesnet for an isp, you can dl Amazon content to your pc during the FAP-free period to watch later. Netflix doesn't have that option.

Roku players are very easy to set-up. You need to link the device to the services you subscribe to at that services web-site. But when you start that channel up on the Roku player and at the web-site, you will be walked through the entire set-up. I just sit there with my laptop when I do this. Go to the Roku forums to find out about private channels. Most of them are free and add some interesting options for you.

I have a BD Player and an Xbox 360 that are both used for streaming devices. But I like the Roku best because it has such a huge amount of content available compared to them and other devices. And most are free, something other devices don't have much to choose from.
Thanks mochuf. That's the kind of information that will help us newbies get off to a good start with our new Roku's. Preferences based on current users experience will go a long way to towards reducing our (MY) learning curve, and I need all the help I can get. Thanks again to any and all for sharing your knowledge.
Thanks mochuf. That's the kind of information that will help us newbies get off to a good start with our new Roku's. Preferences based on current users experience will go a long way to towards reducing our (MY) learning curve, and I need all the help I can get. Thanks again to any and all for sharing your knowledge.

You're welcome. There is one thing I forgot to add. If you have HBO and Epix with Dish and you want to watch HBOGO and EpixHD on your Roku player, you need to have an online account with Dish. Your Dish login id and password will serve as your HBOGO and EpixHD login information.
I tried the chat and they told me to call the 1-800-333-3474 number. I called a few mins ago and the CSR lady asked me what shows I was missing and if I had an Xbox 360 or PS3.

I said I was missing "the Killing" and "Walking dead" and off course I said I don't have an Xbox 360. I also mentioned I have a broadband connection and a credit card I could use with Amazon Video. They can ship it to your billing address if needed.

The call took less than five mins.

Good job Dish. I'm definitively staying.
Now if HBOinc would stream MAXGO on the Roku. Mom and Dad's Verizon account with Cinemax subscription would come in handy. Still nice to get Epix though. I'll never have to DVR anything from them again.
I hate to say this, but I use my mom's HBOGO account. She doesn't have internet and so now it doesn't go to waste. ;) Now what I would like is for my mom's cabelco to tie in with Showtime Anytime. At least Verizon Fios has that.
Is Showtime Anytime on Roku? Parents get everything except HBO on FiOS.
Yes it is, although it's only called Showtime. For me it only has some free episodes (first episode of the season), clips and webisodes. But for you, it might have the full blown service. But you could watch on a pc if the Roku doesn't work out.

EDIT: It's called Showtime Preview, so it probably won't work like HBOGO.
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No luck for me. Been with Dish for 3 years. Not under contract. No special offers now and pay $150 a month. Loyalty offered me $10 for 12 months and told me I could buy a Roku locally if I wanted to watch AMC shows on my big screen rather than my computer. I told them I would have to look into Direct TV and cable. The loyalty rep wouldn't budge. Sad.
I have been with DISH 5 years, I get the welcome pack, HBO, Showtime. AMC was one of the few channels we cared about. The first time I chatted with a rep I was offered 3 mo. free showtime, 6 mo. 1/2 price HBO, I took those offers. I still was not feeling satisfied and thought I can get better new sub deals if I switch providers. I did a second online chat, I told the rep I was considering switching to Direct TV and I was immediately transferred to loyalty. I did not ask for a Roku even though I read about the offer here. I told the rep I did not want to miss breaking bad and I have no streaming devices nor should I have to buy one. He then offered me the Roku plus $10 off my service for 6 mo.

I do not know anything about using a Roku so this site has really helped with the learning curve. And quite honestly I do not want to switch providers because I got DISH for my parents and at their age having to learn a new interface and remote will not be that simple. I have used Comcast at other people's homes and I find the guide confusing. They are so use to DISH's guide I would hate to change so I hope the Roku will be the solution to watching Braking Bad.

How to set Timer to record on any channel?

Anyone Else Wi-Fi connected?

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