Thanks to a post on page 83 by TWISM I used chat to contact DISH rather than calling and asking for the loyalty department. I have called the loyalty department several times over the last week. The first time, I was granted shipment of the Roku as well as a $10/mo. credit for 6 months. After reading the posts here I called back and referred to Satellite asking for $35 and $10/mo for 12 mo.
I was told that I could not get the $35 credit since I already had so many other credits on my account. After politely "pushing" the loyalty rep, I was told that there are notes on my account and I should call back in 6 months to get the credit extended for another 6 months because the initial credit had already been applied.
No problem. Then today - I received my Roku (in only 2 days) BUT - no HDMI cable. Based on the chat session post by TWISM (referred to above), I decided to chat rather than call. Here for your information is the result of my chat:
DISH . How may I help you?
ME: Aloha:
ME: I just received my complimentary Roku. Thank you for the speedy delivery
DISH : Hello Steven.
DISH : That is all my pleasure Steven.
DISH : Thank you for your feedback.
ME: I spoke with one of the loyalty reps the other day and asked about making sure there was an HDMI cable included. The rep told me that the Roku does come with an HDMI cable. However, this Roku came only with the analog cable. May I have an HDMI cable shipped out?
DISH : I will be happy to assist you with your request for HDMI cable.
DISH : Steven please give me a moment to research this for you.
DISH : Thank you for your patience.
ME: I have been watching the various conversations at the website - This is how I first heard about the Roku offer. The respondents on the groups said that most of them received their HDMI cable in a separate package.
ME: But they had to ask for it.
ME: They also received a $35 special credit to make up for losing access to AMC as well as $10/mo. for a full 12 months.
DISH : Thank you.
DISH : Please give me a moment to research this for you.
ME: I think I may need to speak with someone from the loyalty group.
ME: They are the ones that handle this.
DISH : No Steven, I can fix that for you.
ME: OK thanks
DISH : Steven I can send you the HDMI cable but you have to add Protection Plan $7 per month to avoid the $30 for the HDMI cable.
DISH : Is that okay for you?
ME: No
DISH : As you are a valued customer I can send that free of cost.
ME: Without the protection plan?
DISH : Yes you are right.
ME: Thank you. That is acceptable.
DISH : One moment please.
ME: Will you also be adding the $35 special credit to my account?
DISH : Steven did any one offered $35 credits for you?
ME: No that was not offered to me. But it seems everyone who has posted to Satellite has received it. I can also direct you to their posts of their chat sessions that show how it was offered to them.
ME: One moment and I'll see if I can find the exact URL
DISH : Sure, thank you.
DISH : Steven we have already offered you the free Roku and $10 for 6 months on the account.
ME: The transcript of the chat session is at this location - you may need to scroll down:
ME: If you look through the 84 pages of posts, you will see that many people have received the offer via the loyalty department
DISH : One moment please.
DISH : Thank you for your patience.
DISH : Steven I just checked with my supervisor and I can offer you a one time credit of $35 on the account.
ME: Perfect. I thank you very much.
DISH : That is all my pleasure.
ME: I understand that I need to call back in 6 months to have the monthly $10 credit extended as per the notes on my account from the other day.
ME: You have been a pleasure to work with
DISH : Yes Steven.
DISH : That is all my pleasure.
DISH : Thank you for your patience and understanding.
DISH : You can view the current promotional offers on your online account from "My Offers" tab.
DISH : Is there anything else I may assist you with?
ME: No worries - aloha from Maui and I will look forward to receiving the HDMI cable.
DISH : Thank you Steven.