Deinterlacing 4:2:2 video, what to use

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I am pretty happy with my Twinhan. Course I have only had it since Thursday, but it is working pretty well for me, and is now working in DVBDream pretty well too with the drivers I have in my last post.
Anybody got anything I can try?
I use the AC3 codec for audio and just let it go to the default Direct Sound renderer. It seems to be working pretty well. You can get it from

I would advise getting it by itself and avoid the mega codec packs.
My computer is down right now (motherboard went out...woo hoo! Sent to Intel for warranty fulfillment) or I would try some stuff and help you out. I am starting to regret getting my Twinhan...maybe I should've spent a little extra and got the Skystar, it seems more widely supported. I'm STILL having a problem with DVBDream and the audio stays in red and won't let me do anything on any codec...but if I put it in renderless mode and let VLC work, it's fine. Weirdness. Anybodyy got anything I can try? Tried posting on the DVBDream forums and no one wants to reply.

If renderless is working than your twinhan is doing it's job. You have a problem viewing/hearing = codecs. If you can't change your codecs than you may not have a good installation of them. I havn't tried dvbdream since the d.e.f.g.... versions , but I was thinking that you could delete/rename your settings.cfg file under dvbdream folder and restart the program to reconfigure your codecs.

I never had any luck asking questions on the dvbdream forum either, i think they cater to a different crowd;)
I'm STILL having a problem with DVBDream and the audio stays in red and won't let me do anything on any codec...but if I put it in renderless mode and let VLC work, it's fine. Weirdness. Anybodyy got anything I can try? Tried posting on the DVBDream forums and no one wants to reply.

Post a link to an existing thread on this subject or Start a new thread and I will help you get your codec's working correctly.
Well, well, well!!!

It seems that Etymonix will support their product even on a pre-sales basis.

I got this back from them just a short while ago:
Thank you for reporting this problem to us.

I can confirm that SoftReel does not appear in the MyTheatre configuration
options. Unfortunately, the MyTheatre documentation is not clear on how the
list of available video decoders is generated. We did some preliminary
investigations and have observed that SoftReel is never being queried in any
way. I suggest you contact MyTheatre support to find out why SoftReel does
not appear in the video decoder list, as this might be an issue with their

That aside, the likely reason why you cannot play back video in MyTheatre is
because there is no compatible MPEG-2 demultiplexer installed on the system.
The Microsoft MPEG-2 Demultiplexer has been disabled with SoftReel because
of issues we encountered with that filter when seeking in some MPEG-2 files.
For this reason, we recommend using a 3rd-party demultiplexer other than
Microsoft's. Some of our OEM customers have developed their own
demultiplexer in-house, but I realize that it may not be obvious for all
users to find a compatible 3rd-party demultiplexer.

If you are interested, I can provide you with a private version of SoftReel
that enables the MPEG-2 Demultiplexer for testing purposes only. This would
allow you to test playback with your setup.
I have requested they send the private version. At least maybe we can get a look at a graph and figure out what we can substitute for Microsoft's De-multiplexer if we can see how it works. :cool:
Not sure if you've been down this road but you can put your own codecs in DVBDream. You just have to put in the GUID in the INI file.
Not sure if you've been down this road but you can put your own codecs in DVBDream. You just have to put in the GUID in the INI file.

Hi Guy,

Haven't tried that road yet, but I did get TSReader Lite to open up finally. Hopefully I will get some time to play with it soon. :)

I also haven't had much time to experiment with DVBDream much further either. I got pretty busy here in the shop the past couple of days.

I would like to try the Etymonix on DVBDream too.
It got the new trial alpha version today with mpeg2 demux enabled.

Got sound but no video in MyTheatre.

I hooked on and built an XML graph. Yes I learned how to do it. (Have learned a lot in the last couple of days.) You have to have a version of Graphedit that saves in XML format. :)

Sent them the broken graph. It breaks the link where it comes out of the Etymonics video decoder and goes to the VMR9 renderer.

I have tried several other renderers, but nothing seems to hook up.

Will wait for their response.

Haven't gotten it to work in DVBDream either. Don't know where to put the graph, or even if DVBDream uses one.
I am not impressed with this Etymonic SoftReel codec.


  • Etymonix SoftReel.jpg
    Etymonix SoftReel.jpg
    136 KB · Views: 203
Thanks Jerryt,

Following your graph above, I was at least able to get it working using a file on my machine.

I thought it looked decent enough to spend some more time with. This video was originally captured on a PVR and then pulled onto my computer using S-Video. The picture is only as good as the quality of the file, but it looked ok to me.

Here is a Etymonix MyTheatre graph;

<GRAPH version="1.0">
<FILTER ID="Default_DirectSound_Device" clsid="{79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" clsid="{51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200088010000040000000000803F0F00000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0E00000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0D00000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0C00000000000000000000000000803F0000803F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" clsid="{E5393C51-6386-11D5-B9FF-0050BABCB1D1}">
<FILTER ID="ffdshow_Audio_Decoder" clsid="{0F40E1E5-4F79-4988-B1A9-CC98794E6B55}">
<FILTER ID="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Audio_Passthru" clsid="{05960451-7E4A-4DB0-8042-78010D1545B1}">
<FILTER ID="Source_0" clsid="{FACE0501-DECC-11CF-A66B-00AA00BF96AA}">
<connect direct="yes" src="Source_0" srcpin="Video MPEG2" dest="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Source_0" srcpin="Audio MPEG/AC3" dest="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Audio_Passthru" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" srcpin="Out" dest="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" destpin="VMR Input0"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Audio_Passthru" srcpin="Out" dest="ffdshow_Audio_Decoder" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="ffdshow_Audio_Decoder" srcpin="Out" dest="Default_DirectSound_Device" destpin="Audio Input pin (rendered)"/>

Copy above in notepad. Save as "Etymonix VMR9.xgr". Put in MyTheatre's graph folder and then select in menu.

I can't test this graph at the moment. Loss the power supply of Genpix unit.


  • Etymonix MyTheatre graph.jpg
    Etymonix MyTheatre graph.jpg
    46.1 KB · Views: 180
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I tried yours, but it didn't work. I am using the WDM driver and have tried some working up something on my own.

It works, sort of. Sound comes through but no video yet. It seems to break at the Video Renderer.

Here is the code, and a picture of the graph is below.

<GRAPH version="1.0">
<FILTER ID="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" clsid="{51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200088010000040000000000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="Default_DirectSound_Device" clsid="{79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" clsid="{E5393C51-6386-11D5-B9FF-0050BABCB1D1}">
<FILTER ID="AC3Filter" clsid="{A753A1EC-973E-4718-AF8E-A3F554D45C44}">
<FILTER ID="Source_0" clsid="{FACE0501-DECC-11CF-A66B-00AA00BF96AA}">
<connect direct="yes" src="Source_0" srcpin="Video MPEG2" dest="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Source_0" srcpin="Audio MPEG/AC3" dest="AC3Filter" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Etymonix_MPEG_2_Video_Decoder" srcpin="Out" dest="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" destpin="VMR Input0"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="AC3Filter" srcpin="Out" dest="Default_DirectSound_Device" destpin="Audio Input pin (rendered)"/>


I have tried the generic renderers, but they didn't even allow sound.

Edit: When I started the graph, I used the DVBCore MPEG2 ES/AC3 Source for the video. What you see in the picture is after it is working and I connect to it with Graphedit.
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. . . on a Saturday?
That Etymonics guy is pretty dedicated ! - :up

So, Linuxman, did you get your Linux group interested in FTA yet?
I can see a whole new FTA club springing to life out there! - :eek:
. . . and more members of SatGuys.
. . . on a Saturday?
That Etymonics guy is pretty dedicated ! - :up

So, Linuxman, did you get your Linux group interested in FTA yet?
I can see a whole new FTA club springing to life out there! - :eek:
. . . and more members of SatGuys.

For a PVR DVB-S box, Linux seems to be the way to go.
. . . on a Saturday?
That Etymonics guy is pretty dedicated !
Yes on a Saturday. I am pretty impressed by his work ethics as well. Not many support people will work with you on a Saturday unless they really want to make their product work and make it better. :)
Edit the guids.ini file and add the GUID of the codec.
As soon as you tell me where to find the GUID of the codec, I'll give it a shot. :) Sorry to be so ignorant about some things, but at least I'm not stupid. :cool:

For a PVR DVB-S box, Linux seems to be the way to go.
So, Linuxman, did you get your Linux group interested in FTA yet?
I can see a whole new FTA club springing to life out there! -
. . . and more members of SatGuys.
The Linux guys were pretty impressed with what I had on the screen yesterday. Our President of the entire STLLUG was here and I compared OTA PBS with PBSHD from AMC3 and there was no difference of quality on the screen. He commented that his HD from his satellite provider didn't look near as good his OTA HD channels were coming in, and not nearly as good as mine. :D

By the time I get them back from Nashville, I think we may have some converts. Twelve hours of a captive audience would convert anyone. :cool:
I found the answer on how to edit the GUIDs.ini file on the DVBDream board.

See, I told you I wasn't stupid.

Quoted by William Hundert in "The Emperor's Club"
Aristophanes once wrote, roughly translated; "Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever."

I got Etymonics to work, but it wasn't pretty.

I sent a screen shot off to the Etymonics support guy so he can see for himself.

The picture was not nearly as good as the .mpg file I played earlier. The problem as I see it is that the output of the Etymonix and the way the input of the renderer interprets it.
Please reply by conversation.

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