HD, I had to lower the dish since the bottom of the motor bracket is 3 degrees away from the mount cap. At this point I am tracking most of the arc except for the eastern most satellites. So I still have to do more fine tuning on the dish to really track the arc. I am working on my house which is taking alot of my time so soon I will fine tune some more when the time allow me to.
I done this type of thing several times throughout the years. This time is different since it is critical to aim the dish to get that "sweet spot" for the DVB-S2 and other signals. And it can be a pain to do so. It is worth it!
I done this type of thing several times throughout the years. This time is different since it is critical to aim the dish to get that "sweet spot" for the DVB-S2 and other signals. And it can be a pain to do so. It is worth it!