Doug Brott just posted there that everything will be fine. Now they are all feeling much better!
I feel much better now.

Doug Brott just posted there that everything will be fine. Now they are all feeling much better!
How is DirecTv planning to make this additional Ka bandwidth available in L-Band? While I'm sure that their existing receivers can tune from 250 to 2150 MHz internally when the 101 degres slot is selected, I don't see where they could place these bands for multiple dwelling unit distribution, since all four trunkline coaxes are virtually saturated at present. It seems to me that whatever they carry on this bird will not be available to most MDU customers, nor to most residents who have self installed their own SWM8 based systems.
The new HD was supposed to hit by May and the 3 new 3D channels were supposed to launch by June...
The HR24 has 6 tuners? Thats a new one on me and probably news to those members which has been helping DIRECTV test them out over the past few months.
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC requests an extension of its Special Temporary Authority to
drift the DIRECTV 12 satellite from the 76 degree W.L. orbital location to its licensed
orbital location. DIRECTV accepts the same terms and conditions applicable under the STA
currently in force.
There was another STA filing yesturday. Not sure what to make of it, they requested an extension of the drift period, but that doesn't mean they are ready to start the drift (or not ready).
thanxCurrently still testing at 76 and they just had permission granted for a 30 day drift to start anytime. Hopefully within a month it will be in place at 103.
True, True, True very interesting. We will have to wait and see.The baffling part about the APPLICATION for extension is that it didn't include a duration.