D* dominating

Anyone wanting an unbiased opinion of the HD-Tivo needs to view the thread over at www.tivocommunity.com. Unlike at this site, over there people actually talk about problems they have had/are having with it. Not having a working HDMI would be a major sticking point with me.
Yeah I for one have had the HDMI problem. I have had three HD Tivo units with a bad HDMI port. In all of the instances Directv support was incredible and shipped me out a replacement each time. Finally I now have one that works great.

While I was waiting for my replacement unit, I switched to the component. Honestly I know HDMI/DVI is supposed to be better but I could honestly not tell the difference.

I basically wanted the replacement because I dont like spending $1,000 for something that doesnt work 100%.
zubinh said:
I know HDMI/DVI is supposed to be better but I could honestly not tell the difference.

Most folks cannot tell the difference in picture quality between DVI or component, so I don't expect HDMI to be any different. Besides, I think it's biggest selling point is that it is video and audio integrated in one interface. Which is certainly very sweet in and of itself.
The HD Tivo has had and still does have some problems - mostly with HDMI port failure and some issues with Dolby Digital and certain receivers.

But - anyone that doesn't work for Dish Network, has used both the 921 and the HD Tivo and then says the 921 is more advanced is delirious! :D

The 921 doesn't even have an OTA guide! Why have an OTA tuner with no guide information?

The 921 also doesn't have name based recording, seasons pass, wish lists etc.

The 921 does have a UHF remote and the speed is much better than the Tivo. It also has RGB output. You could say that the 921 can be 'upgraded' with its internal slots but we all know that will only happen after I have been appointed as US Embassador to Iraq! Other than these few things the HD Tivo beats the pants off of the 921.

Some of the advantages of the HD Tivo are: OTA Guide (what the hell was Dish Network thinking?), 2 OTA tuners, HDMI, Name Based recording with all the perks - Seasons Pass, Wish Lists etc., you can increase the storage space (as long as you don't mind voiding your warranty).

Anyone have any sales numbers of 921 vs HD Tivo? I'd bet the 921 failures would be more apparent but it looks like they have only sold a few thousand of these at most.... And now it looks like they have discontinued it.

My biggest bitch with the HD Tivo is the speed is pathetic. Next on my list is that they don't make a CableCard version of it. Another trouble spot would be not with the box but with DirecTV and their dumbing down of their HD picture quality (Dish Network also lowers the PQ of their HD).

Why is the 921 the 'most advanced' again? I just don't see it!
Agreed that the 921 definitely has it's problems. But that's typical of what you see when you're first to the market with a new product like this. It's easy for someone else to follow suit with a better product. And have you seen the inside of a 921? It's a full blown PC, which is one of the reasons it's faster than the TIVO, and the fact that it's OS is probably quite a bit more efficient w/out options such as the name based recording, season pass, etc. TBH, I'm disappointed with every HD/DVR option out there. The capability is here, but not quite yet ready for primetime. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd round of hardware will get it right on both sides of the fence. Time will tell.
I'm not sure I'd say that the 921 was first to the market... I realize that technically the first 921 was shipped before the first HD Tivo but... I was on one waiting list for the the 921 for nearly a year, a second list for about 5 months before I gave up and switched to DirecTV and the HD Tivo. For me the HD Tivo was the first Satellite HD PVR that I could get. I am very happy that Dish couldn't supply more than a few thousand 921's - if not I would have owned one and would have been wishing I hadn't!

If the the HD Tivo is a copy of anything it is certainly not a copy of the 921. It is really just a regular dual tuner DirecTivo that has 2 more tuners and does HD.

I had high hopes for the 921 but those days are gone. Dish network has been working on the 921 for somewhere around 4 years now and it is still has no OTA guide, no name based recording and many people have to have a backup pvr for when the 921 decides to malfunction and not record something.
ocaddict said:
Not to start a flame thread, but what'd Direct do to piss ya off?

BTW ocaddict, not to bring ya down b/c i am a 921 owner as well, but according to scott dish is abandoning the 921 for future manufacture (after only a year!). Once the ones in the wharehouse are sold that's it. I just thought you should know, as for HDMI to DVI they both are compatible by cable with each other (albeit without sound, basically apples & oranges but really both fruit). I strongly suspect that if and when the 942 hits market it will have HDMI instead, I also tend to think they will rethink only 1 OTA for the box. I just hope the software on the 921 can be stabilized before JAN 05'. This product has been way more buggy than expected for *e.

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