D* dominating

Curtis0620 said:
The HD-DirecTiVo with 4 tuners that can record 2 OTA channels at the same time.

Oh, you must mean the Tivo HD receiver with no DVI out. Embarrassing really. I could name off a few others but no need to waste my time.
ocaddict said:
Oh, you must mean the Tivo HD receiver with no DVI out. Embarrassing really. I could name off a few others but no need to waste my time.

Not to keep this (rather childish) thread going, but you really need to come up with something better. :) "No DVI" is misleading, seeing as it has inter-operable and quasi-future proof HDMI.
hancox said:
Not to keep this (rather childish) thread going, but you really need to come up with something better. :) "No DVI" is misleading, seeing as it has inter-operable and quasi-future proof HDMI.

Actually, I don't even have a CLUE what HDMI is. Nor have I ever seen it on any TV's. Care to give us a quick class?
HDMI is the next generation DVI interface. It allows 5.1 audio and video to go on the same cable.

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is fully backward compatible with DVI. In fact I have to have one to connect my TV which has HDMI to my HD box which is DVI.

As far as the 921 vs HD Tivo, I know we've gone over this before. Its just like saying which has better PQ, D* or E*.

In my opinion the HD Tivo blows the 921 away because of name based recording and stability.
Neutron said:
HDMI is the next generation DVI interface. It allows 5.1 audio and video to go on the same cable.

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is fully backward compatible with DVI. In fact I have to have one to connect my TV which has HDMI to my HD box which is DVI.

As far as the 921 vs HD Tivo, I know we've gone over this before. Its just like saying which has better PQ, D* or E*.

In my opinion the HD Tivo blows the 921 away because of name based recording and stability.

You have a TV that has an HDMI interface? What TV/Model do you have?
Well, let's see, I just did a Google on "television" and "HDMI" and find that Panasonic, Toshiba and Philips all have sets with HDMI. Maybe you could look around a little and see what's available.
Bobby said:
Well, let's see, I just did a Google on "television" and "HDMI" and find that Panasonic, Toshiba and Philips all have sets with HDMI. Maybe you could look around a little and see what's available.

Maybe you could mind your own frickin' business and let Neutron answer the question I asked him?
I have a Sony KV-30HS420 30" Widescreen direct-view TV.


Here it is.

Bobby is right. Not all those manufacturers also make TVs equipped with HDMI.

go to www.hdmi.com to learn more about HDMI.

I hate to say this, but there are more differences between DVI and component then you think. First off DVI is all digital. Component is analog. Second, you DVI can incorporate HDCP, component can't. That may not matter now but if Hollywood gets their way people may be forced to watch HD over DVI or HDMI connections.
The HDMI spec actually makes more sense than any of them. But dang, there are WAY too many out there. Hopefully this will become a bit more standard and you won't see 20 diff input/outputs on tv's. Are HDMI cables as expensive as DVI's?
Depends on where you get it. HDMI is fully backwards compatible with DVI. They did that on purpose. My cable I have is an HDMI to DVI cable.
I see. So HDMI on one end, and DVI on the other? Kinda cool. Also, I see that the HDMI supports 8-channel digital audio. That is damn shweet. Sounds to me like HDMI could be the best solution for quite some time. Wonder if all the manufacturers will jump on board to support it?

*Ok, I just checked the man support page. Looks like lots of companies supporting it, but I notice quite a few of the big boys are missing. Still, it looks damn promising. Thanks for all the info Neutron.
As you can see on the hdmi site I posted a good chunk of major manufacturers have already jumped onboard.

Anytime ocaddict! I'm here to help. I love the TV we have now. The picture quality is very nice even with the HDMI-DVI conversion. I would highly recommend it.
DVI is going away. Everything will have HDMI. DVI only supports 8bit data and is for video only. HDMI supports up to 10bits and as mentioned earlier supports multichannel audio. Plus new updated spec supports DVD Audio and SACD over HDMI.
Two things are the reason I am switching form D* to E*:
1) Price
2) Compression quality is better on E*. Although I blam this on D*'s failed sat launch a year ago resulting in needing more slots in the same allocation.

Receivers: Only bug I've seen on D* is how a power glitch can lock out a receiver and it has to be unplugged for a half hour They have fixed that in the later receivers. Other is the RCA/Direct receiver' s user prefs are not kept in non-volatile memory.

Looking at this forum, one would conclude the receivers are plain junk and useless on E*, but people I know have no problem to speak of. I won't know until my system is up and running next weekend.

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