Well I got the new VHF antenna in and got it and the other (3 week old) UHF mounted on a new section of schedule 40 top rail and moved it all to the south end of the house where the DTV dish still calls home.
Got the mast (20' for now) standing up and bracketed to the south wall and pointed toward the towers. In anticipation of using all the existing coax runs into the house I also purchased and received a new 2-way splitter. Started unhooking the four-way and hooking up to the new two-way until I found the lead that was going to the main TV. I couldn't find it (more later) so ended up tracing it back to the box outside to be sure which it was. After I was sure I had the right one and still wasn't getting any signals I finally realized the new splitter didn't say it had dc-pass-thru on it...

So I hoped this was the issue and replaced it with another 2-way that was conveniently left in the box for my use, and it clearly stated DC-passthru.
It worked, and the pre-amp started pushing signals through the lines. Excited I went ahead and let the main tuner start finding signals. It found 19... not as many as the 22 I was hoping to receive but two more than without the new VHF at the old mast location.
With the accessibility of the existing coax lines through the house I also hooked up the 63" Samsung plasma in the Master. So I set it to find all the stations it could. Low and behold it came up with 34 stations!! This TV picked up some shopping channels, at least one religion channel and a couple of repeats (uhf) channels of the ABC affiliate. These repeat channels 10.1 and 10.2 were low signal channels that I am now ignoring and instead using the VHF hi strong signals. I'll have to take some time and record what and where all of these channels are coming from.
So at this point I am wondering if the older Samsung has a better tuner than the 2016 OLED in the theater room.... Though I am fairly certain that the coax run to the master is a direct line from the splitter which runs through the crawl space and up through the floor. The coax coming into the theater room to the OLED I know definitely has a splice. It was ran outside the house around the siding and into the wall behind the TV, but it has a wall plate there where the last about 6' is attached and finishes the run. So I'm guessing what, an additional 3.5Db loss at least? Plus it runs outdoors in the weather for probably 60'.
I am either going to pick up an HD Homerun tonight on the way home or order one and will try it out in the theater room and see if it pulls the additional stations in too. I brought home an old PC from work, an i5 3.1ghz that I will reformat and setup as a media PC with PLEX and PLEX DVR subscription. I'll hopefully know how this is going to work out by this weekend.
For future reference at this point and to consolidate so it can maybe provide help to anyone that will find this in the future:
-My TVFOOL report at my current mast height:
TV Fool
-The preamp I am using: amazon.com/RCA-TVPRAMP1Z-Preamplifier-Outdoor-Antenna/dp/B003P92D9Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522683913&sr=8-3&keywords=rca+preamp&dpID=41hnJXfhlHL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
-The UHF/VHF first trial antenna now only providing the UHF:
-The new VHF antenna addition: amazon.com/gp/product/B01BP4KV9Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1