CSR's can't speak English??

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GaryPen said:
BTW, I wasn't aware of any outsourcing to Korea. India and China are the key outsourcing targets.
I believe E* is outsources some of their technical operations to the Philippines.

Also, to the individual using racial epithets...please think before you speak - it serves no purpose and has no place in this Forum.
I have worked in several call centers in the past, so I have some experience as a CSR.

One of the things we were always rated on in our reviews was how easy we were to understand, based on the customer base we were taking calls from If your job is to talk to people in a given geographic area, you absolutly must be able to speak in a manner they can understand, if you cant, you arent doing your job very well.

I know people in other countries can speak english very well, sometimes even better then us americans. Why cant whoever is running the call centers overseas find those people ??
Not only can they not speak English, they havent a clue about how to do their jobs either. I am just a customer and I know more about Dish Network, installation, programming, and what satellites carry which channels and how to get systems to work.
Ray_Air said:
I still have Comcast HSI and anytime I needed help I always spoke to an American, not some gook in Korea.

That is the most racist remark I have read on this board. This isn't about political correctness, it's about racism. You have no idea what's it liked to grown up an Asian-American and to be called a gook. When I was a child, people would call me a "gook" or "jap".

vegasmargate said:
That is the most racist remark I have read on this board. This isn't about political correctness, it's about racism. You have no idea what's it liked to grown up an Asian-American and to be called a gook. When I was a child, people would call me a "gook" or "jap".

Thank You very much VegasMargate for reminding us !
I started to think, that since the inability of speaking one straight sentence in plain english has become presidential, things have become better - I guess I am mistaken.
kelder359 - who is to blame, when csr's as you claim know less than you? The csr's or the lack of training ?
When y'all - who know it all soo much better and speak soooooo incredible much better than the majority in this country - please keep in mind, that when you point at somebody - four fingers of your fist, point right back at you!
I've always had a Dish CSR that spoke English very well.

Now Dell customer service, that's another story!!!!!!

I find that a politically correct way to describe a person who is not very proficient in spoken English language is to say that they have "poor verbal communication skills." That kind of covers all the bases. In fact, when documenting my telephone communications with physician offices and ward nurses I write "poor verbal communication skills" more often than I wish I needed to. Sometimes the person simply has a heavy accent, or seriously bad English as a second language skills, or they were born and raised in the USA but just aren't the brightest light on the Christmas tree.
kelder539 said:
Not only can they not speak English, they havent a clue about how to do their jobs either. I am just a customer and I know more about Dish Network, installation, programming, and what satellites carry which channels and how to get systems to work.
THAT is the problem. Unfortunately, it's just as true of Dish's American CSR's in Dish's American call centers.
BTW, despite my admonishment of that ignorant moron for using racist epithets, I am totally, completely, and fervently against outsourcing. I feel it is akin to treason. Protecting the citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic is our government's number one job. Corporations who practice this have become domestic enemies. Yeah yeah. I know...profit...shareholders...blah blah blah. However, plenty of money can be made ethically, morally, without screwing the very people responsible for those profits. /soapbox
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Dead 625 after upgrade?

Is this a new 811 problem?

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