CSI: Cyber


CSI: Cyber

Premieres Wednesday, March 4th, 10:00 PM on CBS

One time timer is set but expect to be watching news while this is on. With sleet/freezing rain forecast news may be more important than Cyber which I have little hope for.
I did find the computer geek type casting to be funny because except for the beard, the geek looked just like the computer geek in Scorpion. But other then that, I kinda like the show.
Watched it live last night and found it OK, not great but something to watch on occasion.
I didn't care much for the camera tricks they used way too much and those reminded me of the ones they used in CSI:Miami.
This show suffers from the same disconnect with reality that led me to stop watching the other incarnations of CSI and shows like Scorpion. If the show is pretending to be rooted in the reality of crime-solving, it needs to stay within the realm of plausibility, otherwise it loses me.
Wow! Last night's premier felt like a poorly written Criminal Minds meets CSI. You had an FBI unit solving a case using unrealistic technology, lame story lines and terrible acting. The whole virtual morgue scene took the fakeness of the CSI franchise to whole other level and puts Horatio Caine's crime lab down in Miami to shame. Patricia Arquett's acting was just horrible, James Van Der Beek's character was unbelievable, big boss man who played Larry on Numb3rs had what three minutes of screen time total. This wasn't Scorpion bad by any means, that piece of garbage is in a league by itself, but it's still bad. I also got a kick out of how the NYS Trooper cars look nothing like actually do, only to have the obligatory car chase end with the car winding up in a body of water where our hero jumps in to save the baby. And out of all of the story lines the writes could have come up with, the hijacking of nanny cams was the best they could come up with for the official series premier? I was wondering if they would have a bad guy gone good reformed character and they do, I was also expecting a character that does that line of work because they were wronged a in a similar fashion in the past and what do ya know Arquett's character was a shrink that got hacked 20 years ago.

If I can make it through 11 episodes of Scorpion, I probably can make it through the 13 episodes of CSI:Cyber, or at least however many are shown before it gets pulled, if it were to get pulled.
Well I thought it was a little slow in places and a little too much techno babble in others. But I like Patrica Arquette and James Vanderbeak and the guy from Allie McBeal was on it too. The other 2 younger characters were all new to me. I think that they need to lose the slow down sequences and move the story a little faster. As for Patricia's acting ability , she has always acted that way. I watched her in Medium and her character acted the same kind of monotone way. Don't know if this show will last ,but I also thought that Scorpion wouldn't last. So who knows? I will give it a couple of more chances before I nuke my timer.
It was OK. I personally don't care for Vanderbeak. I'd like to see more of the others. Cut down on all of the video trickery. Keep it to when coming back from a commercial break like NCIS. I know it's techno :rolleyes:

This show suffers from the same disconnect with reality that led me to stop watching the other incarnations of CSI and shows like Scorpion. If the show is pretending to be rooted in the reality of crime-solving, it needs to stay within the realm of plausibility, otherwise it loses me.
Plausibility of the crime was fine with me,execution of the premise was severely lacking,and I've always hated "MTV" cinematography.