Maybe CBS has decided that all older programs on their last legs go to Sunday nights during football season, will got to Sunday nights. Then if they start dropping in ratings it will be used to justify cancelling them by the season's end. Lets look at CSI , it is already been on longer than it's spinoffs and is really about played out. Good Wife has seen it's prime and the audience that watches it is past the demographic that advertisers want: 18-49. CSI is also past the demo they want too. Madame Secretary starts the night and it skews to an older audience as well because of it's political subject matter. If it makes it is because it is still on early enough to be seen ,even with sports over runs. Yes I think CBS is trying kill these shows and doesn't really care if they survive any longer. They figured out that the only audience at home watching it ,are the older generation that they don't care about anyway. You can bet that you won't see Big Bang Theory on Sunday nights.