Creating Galaxy 15 - Confused

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 16, 2006
North West of St. Louis, MO
Hi All,

As I am trying to set up something on each Satellite as a DVB channel, I have now landed on Galaxy 15. I realize that there is only one DVB channel there, but there is an anolog channel there that I will want to subscribe to eventually and since the Vbox II is now moving the dish nicely, I want a channel to hang onto to move the dish to get the analog channel.

The Pansat did not have a Satellite setup for G-15, so I tried creating one from scratch using the instructions that I had found from Iceberg. The problem is the skew. G-15 sits between AMC-10, and AMC-11, both which have positive H skew numbers, and negative V skew numbers. So I thought that G-15 should have the opposite. I gave the V positive skew numbers, and H negative skew numbers, and then ran a smart scan. When I switch to the analog, the H TP's were working but the V TP's were not. I tried adjusting, but it seemed like both H and V like the same either positive or negative skew numbers.

My next move was to try and use AMC 7 as a stand in since it was already set up, and I am not going to use it. Same thing. I can't seem to get the H TP's and the V TP's to both work at the same time.

What am I doing wrong? :(

Is there a site that has all the skew settings for each satellite, where you can go and look at what you are supposed to set it up for in the ballpark?

Is it possible for a satellite to have negative skew settings for H and V?

Is it possible for a satellite to have positive skew settings for H and V?

The setup seems to work fine on the other sats.

Any and all suggestions, comments, and help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Al,

From what I have read, Galaxy 15 used to be Galaxy 1R. There is a G-5 in the Pansat setup, but it will be used for Galaxy 14.

I think I will delet the Tp's and start over.


Well, I renamed AMC7 back like it was and deleted all the TP's but one, and created a new G-15/C like Iceberg suggested here.

I managed to get the one channel I was looking for.

On analog, all the H channels work fine, however the V channels don't work at all. The one that I will eventually subscribe to is an H channel, so I'll worry about it later.

I am going back to my other thread and ask a question.

Thanks Al
Sorry Frank, you're right. My goof. This time I went and looked, and I used Satcom C3 for G1, I think. I'm also using Satcom C1, it may have been used for G1. Both are in disable though, as I use an analog receiver to drive my C-band. So, either of them could have been used elsewhere, and probably were. OK, Satcom C3 has the California Channel programmed in, so I used Satcom C3.


I have the California Channel programmed into the G-15/C I created and it is resting at 133W.

Take a look at my other question in the Tweaking thread. I may have a bleed over problem with polarity. Don't know for sure.


Ok, I just got it figured out. It did not dawn on me about the polarity thing.

I just got off the phone with Rick at Rick's Satellite Service in Blue Springs, MO. I have probably spent almost an hour on the phone with him today, asking questions etc., and he was very helpful in guiding me to understand that you can't just setup the satellite in the Pansat, and have both V and H channels work in the analog receiver. You have to select a V channel in the Pansat, and then all the V Channels in the analog work. If you want the H in the analog, you have to pick a H channel in the Pansat.

I bought a part from him, and he was very willing to spend some time with me and answer a lot of questions for me. Sometimes I am a little dense about some things, but sooner or later, it sinks in.

Thanks for everyone's help on this topic.

Course not. If people didn't pick on you (or grin in this case), it would mean they didn't like you.

I think I would categorize is as an eye opening understanding of the slave issue. :D

Thanks Al,

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