So using a 76cm motorized setup with a geosat 3500 receiver and swinging from 87 to 125 and getting LPB HD at 40 pct quality and the PBS HD's on 125 at mid 30's and in the middle getting the NBC HD's on 103 at high 40's and pics coming in perfect no glitching on any of the channels mentioned. I am getting Rueturs on 113 at around 20 pct but no glitching either, perfect pic. I am doing this on a 76cm dish. Does is look to you guys like I am in the Arc as good as I can get? I was getting low at first on 125 but slightly moved the whole motor and dish bracket slightly to the west and locked it down. Now good. Anyone think I can get better with a 76cm? Remember the geosat has a low tuner and it picks up channels as low as 5 pct quality and tunes them in.