could bad cables cause that bad of a pic?

well let me call then and have them adjust their delivery codec...hehhe JK

is direct tv say HDNET the reason why sears tvs look so good? I think thats what i may have been watching.

do you think itll ever get better? VOOOM READ THIS POST HEHEHEHE
HDNET is the cream of the crop in HD, they know how to deliver the best possible picture and it is flawless. I wish everyone had the standards of Mark Cuban, he holds the providers responsible for delivering his signal uncompressed from what I've read at AVSForum, supposedly it's in the contract, maybe that's why we can't get HDNET on Voom because they can't deliver the PQ he requires.
The DVI on the Motorola STB sucks and even VOOM will admit that. Funny things happen with DVI watching SD. Actually, the component looks clearer and with bettr color than DVI. It shouldn't be that way but it is. PQ could be better and I think it is the Motorola box. Comparing my local OTA on the VOOM box and my original OTA STB, the origianl STB tuner is much better. Motorola crushes colors and is less clear. That is my opinion and I know that many will disagree with me. It is not terrible just not the quality yet I have come to expect. Hopefully other updates and a better box will get it right.
I haven't heard anything about DVI "sucking" on this STB. Where did you see this in print? I don't see any difference between DVI and component except for the differences in coloring you have to account for and change in your TV when you swap between them.
Actually on my pj, DVI is better. The colors via component are oversaturated and, yes, I have calibrated. This is the reason component looks "better", it just looks richer due to the color saturation. DVI on my pj has more natural looking color. When I switch between DVI and component, I initially think the component looks better, but after my eyes adjust, I realize the colors are not correct on component, even after calibrating. The DVI is sharper also.
well it sucks to know my sources are the threshold! So as long as you say this tv one of the better sets out there for a 51 and for the price...Ill keep it. If enough people arent happy...they wont have any choice but to improve it. Bottom like..I do think for a newer technology they are proactive....they do frequent updates....i think its a matter of time.

my old tv though....still using over air directly with its built in tuner wasnt fab....any my dvb318 even though upconverting...still doesnt seem sooooo fantastic. Ill tune it more, get canare cables for the dvd player and see what happens...Im praying it gets better...seems like im at a hold with voom. maybe the PVR will have better processing......and I can get that reasonably....

why does sears get to have better pq then me!!! how frustrating is that when you have all good stuff.

pioneer elite recivers, mirage speakers, all good components and my tv is just looking BLA
elite, how do your OTA channels look? They should look a bit better than the best HD channels on Voom. They do not look as good as my Dish 6000 but still look better than the Voom channels.

Why don't you bring your Mirage speakers over to my house and we'll have one kick-ass system!!
for some reason my elite pushes my mirage speakers nicely hehe.....since I am so down with my pq i turn the surround on to compensate hahahah
Vreesar said:
I haven't heard anything about DVI "sucking" on this STB.

The Dragonlady on several posts and to me personally has said that they do have some issues with the DVI and in their own center they use component...not DVI. I have had two VOOM boxes and both did the same thing. Picture on SD channels have black borders or worse are off center. Just on SD but it drives me nuts. I do find the component better but hope to go back to DVI with further updates. I have also had 4DTV and still do and that box sucks as well. Real buggy and Motorola doesn't care about its customers. Just decides to drop support and producing boxes when it feel like it.

Sorry Vresscar... I know you work for a diffent division of Motorola but that act to corporate and not enough quality control in their boxes. The second VOOM box I got the picture is better.

dvi is in fact a bit better then my junky component cables, thats not to say a good set of canare cables wouldnt be just as good.

all my custom settings are set alot lower, it seems as though it works a little less to transfer data via dvi, thats just what i personally noticed.

colors pop a bit more, and the white lines on say the soccer games are no longer shaking....again could be due to quality digital cable vs. component.

bad news....I get the snow all the time when changing channels....(not all but enought to notice it after watching tv for an hour). Sometimes ill be watching something for a few seconds, then I get the snow, like a delayed reaction......VOOOM come on!

The last thing i noticed was, when adjusting the tint (hue) I cant even get the smpte bar to totally match the blues...but it looks ok watching it...

anyway...still not satisified......but its better then it was. so far leno looked the best, followed my bravoHD, then maybe HDN and whats inside VOOM. Will it ever look like sears LOL, and do you think its my tv? Not that I can return another tv....well i could !:)
elite, if you want to eliminate the snow while changing channels, put your stb in a fixed resolution. The snow occurs when using Auto and the box has to switch resolution then the TV has to resync to the new signal.
its fixed to the TOP lit bar, which I am under the impression is 1080I but I still get the snow.....
That's weird, I wonder if you are losing sync between the stb and your TV everytime you change channels?
im so annoyed...i dont know if i should call voom and complain, ....or am I having bad luck with TVs and its the set.....ugggggg

the DVI whjen hooked up to my dvd player doesnt seem to snow out, but then again when a dvd is playing it wouldnt make any sense too.....

my luck of course!
I found component to work best for me, DVI was washed out, but I haven't cal'd.

No snow when I was on DVI. I have that Panny LCD 50"

VOOM Satellite

Not Vooming yet :(

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