Some good/bad News (Depending how you want to take it)

Don Landis said:
Someone mentioned a deal with E* Would that be that Charlie would lease back the purchased uplink and bird channels to Dolan's should they successfully take over the company and E* successfully purchase the RF asset?

Nothing like this has been posted nor confirmed. This IS a RUMOR.
Well I just threw it out as a supposition. Did you see the question mark? If it is a "RUMOR" then is it a rumor similar to the one that was posted about CE making several trips to visit with Cablevision last Summer and Fall where we satguys Supposed that something was in the making for a deal for CVC to sell out to E*? Some of that supposition we now know to be true. :)
zombie said:
They may send for the boxes, but generally these dishes are considered a throw away. I also doubt they would spend the time to pull down the antenna..

I deinstalled several weeks ago, just after the satellite sale was announced. The DishNetwork installer took down the Voom refelector (a 28") but used the existing Voom mount and OTA antenna. I removed the Voom receiver then called for deinstall. The guy showed up on a Sunday morning (by arrangement) to pick up the receiver and remote. He did ask where the diplexor was (didn't use it) but did not make a big deal out of it. He did not want the dish even knowing it was removed. I know I have the box, diplexor, and DVI cable someplace but could not find them. At that time, the deinstaller said he was doing many Voom deinstalls. So far I miss all the HD, but the multitude of channels plus having coverage throughout the house for nearly the same price makes up for it.
I know I'm a few pages late, but reguarding the 60 days notice...

"WARN also provides for less than 60 days notice when the layoffs resulted from closure of a faltering company, unforeseeable business circumstances, or a natural disaster."

If Rainbow LLC houses all the employees, and it is deemed to be a faltering company, the 60 days doesn't matter. I have to admit I'm upset about this as my instal was scheduled for next Friday. I too received the email stating there is still hope and talks are under way, and I've read how stiff a negotiator Charles can be. While James is doing what's right for cablevision, my heart goes out to the employees. We can only hope that Charles will do what's right for Voom!
Correct, by law there severance package will cover the 60days from the date of the letter. They may even get more than 60 days if they are nice (managers and above may get more).
I once worked for a company that sold to new ownership- and we did not know it had been sold, only that our division was in bleak financial straits due to the loss of a huge contract. The current CEO sent notices to everyone that they were terminated effective a certain date a week or two in the future. It was three days before a team from the new owners came in and interviewed everyone and offered most jobs with the new company, although the company was completely restructured. I wonder if some of this may be at work here...
danielle_s said:
It won't surpise me if you see voom ads on any channel all the way up to march 30 or 31st. That is because a lot times the ads are paid to run for a length of time and are paid in advance.

I seriously doubt that cablevision isn't going to worry bout those ads until later in the month right before voom goes dark or when the cs centers close. Until then expect to see them.

Sorry to say Danielle that this is not correct. A large customer like Cablevision would be given credit. Also 24 hours is all that is really needed to cancel or pull a schedule. They can order it be pulled just that fast. Take it from a guy who has bought TV in many markets, cable and network for almsot 30 years. It does make sense to pull the schedule no matter what. The current commerical actually ended the offer on March 1. It would have needed to be updated. Now if you see the commerical and the experimation is beyond March 1st. That is new.
I have been a long time supporter and quiet member for sometime.
The Voom forum has been a real pleasure to follow and get updates from.
I will hang on to my Voom till it goes dark.
I hope we will still be here talking about and watching Voom when the smoke

Hey all you pussy-footed panzies, buck-up!!!

I must have read fifty pages of bleeding-heart, tear-jerker comments about the possible demise of VOOM in the last two days. The struggle for HDTV is a war not battle. The VOOM saga is just a single battle in that war.

VOOM has fought a good fight. If VOOM goes down it will still survive in our hearts. Us subscribers are the soldiers of VOOM and HDTV and it's up to us to continue the fight.

Giving up on VOOM is giving up on HDTV. I'm not giving up on HDTV or on VOOM. If you believe in HDTV I suggest you don't give up either no matter how bleak the picture looks.

This war will only be lost when we quit fighting. VOOM has pushed the envelop and showed what could be done. I think very few of us will be satisfied going back to what we had before VOOM.
zmwp01 said:
I have been a long time supporter and quiet member for sometime.
The Voom forum has been a real pleasure to follow and get updates from.
I will hang on to my Voom till it goes dark.
I hope we will still be here talking about and watching Voom when the smoke
clears. Martin
I'm with you zmwp01!! In the interim, however, my booze and tobacco budget is going to hell in a handbasket!!:
Waiting for the smoke to clear!! Vicki :)
Amphicar770 said:
The only thing I really do not understand is why the deal with Dolan Senior fell through. Assuming that financing was in place, this seemed like the best win-win for everyone involved. I still believe that the company would have been worth more had it been sold as a whole to someone. Think about it, for just over $200 million, someone could have bought a functioning business with 50k subs. The "new VOOM" could have been launched for pennies on the dollar giving it a much better chance at success.

I had a fleeting idea why things turned out at the meeting the way they did.

SR Dolan says yeah I have the financing I am selling off my class B stock to Comcast or any other. Well JR saw his position being eliminated right in front of him and convinced the board that their's was too. Why would the board approve getting themselves terminated. Any company buying the stock would have their own people take over since the current board fudged VOOM so bad among other bad decisions mostly driven instaed of good judgement but solely on hurt feeling's and power moves.

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