Many of these cord-cutting hopefuls (like Lloyd and mwdxer1) haven't cut the cord yet. Yet others may be reeled back in by attractive winback offers.
Others may switch to another conventional provider after they've left the familiar mess that is their old provider.
It is hard to assess where everyone is at any one time and that's the danger of buying in to heavily on any of the reports (even those from otherwise reputable sources -- not that the Motley Fool is the acknowledged seer of pay TV trends). It is also folly to ignore the part that inertia plays in decisions such as these. There are often plateaus in paradigm shifts where the wave loses energy and the tide ebbs.
I'm cancelling the TV portion of my cable tomorrow. Had planned on doing it today but things got in the way. I haven't actually watched anything on cable for almost a month.
While stories about cord cutting have been interesting, what they mostly did for me was remind me just how much actual cable tv watching I was doing. I watch a substantial amount of daytime TV and had pretty much gone all streaming for that a few months back since anything on during the day of even the slightest interest I had already seen multiple times and the rest was just dreck to me.
When I call Mediacom tomorrow I fully expect them to make a pitch for keeping cable TV, but I don't expect it to be much of a deal. After I cancel if something changes or streaming loses its allure after some time, might go back.
As it is, all streaming saves me a fair bit of money and since I'm a bit on the geek side, using different apps is pretty much 2nd nature. And since I'm single I don't have to consider what others might think of the idea.
About the only thing that isn't quite rock solid is just which way I'll end up jumping to, both approaches I'm considering have their good and bad, neither are perfect. But then again, neither was cable/sat.