Contest: Win Anything on the Titanium Satellite Website! - Ends December 29th, 2014

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Another great memory was when I was in high school band, marching in the Gimble Bond Christmas Parade when it was -3 deg. Maybe that wasn't so great but I remember it. I would like the STB - mini HD SE Amiko DVBS/S2.
Christmas and the Van de Graff generator kit. I was nine years old and while I was thinking it was an awesome gift, It was beyond my current skill level and I never completed that kit. When I became older I thought about it a lot and looked to see if I might find one of those kits again, but never did. My high school algebra teacher had one in the classroom, until some prankster wired it to the doorknob ;)
A L203 LNBF would look good on my dish ;)
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All the relatives would come to our small house out in the boonies and play music for a few days. Sleeping quarters were cramped but everyone seemed to find a spot somewhere on the floor.

There are so many great items to choose from but I have to choose the A3. Thanks for the contest.
I have another Christmas memory from 1971. That was the year the family got our first color 27" Zenith TV, a huge oak console with really nice bass sound. Probably weighed 300 pounds.

The holidays were a little off the begin with because we had a blizzard for Thanksgiving that year here in NY.
Well, this one was a sad memory at the time, but has grown to be a powerful memory and my favorite memory now about Christmas. i remember when i was about 12 years old, Mom was crying because she couldn't afford to buy gifts. We were invited to a family Christmas get-together and of course it was at her wealthy brothers house. He had a habit of buying extravagant gifts for his kids. Well, the day before the event, Christmas Eve, mom broke down and couldn't handle the thought of showing up with out any gifts. In a frenzy we drove 50 miles to the city and everything was closed. We ended up finding a CVC/Walgreens type place and we bought a bunch of little gifts. I was excited to help pick out gifts and I had to talk my mom into believing that there was nothing wrong with the gifts she was going to give.

Mom was devastated by how her brothers kids blew off the presents. Mom walked away from the day sad and in Misery.

It has made me appreciate Christmas for different reasons. It shouldn't be about the gift giving. It should be about loving and caring for family and friends. I don't buy gifts directly for anyone for Christmas, with exception to my Son, I i believe it to be because of that experience. Instead i host a Christmas party, and we have a gift exchange and turn it into a game. It's not about the present. Its about the people we surround ourselves with.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

P.s. Santa, Being your feeling so generous, I'll take an Amiko A3 please.
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One of my fondest memories was going to my wifes parents home to exchange gifts and have Christmas dinner. We always had a house full of people especially when her grandparents were able to come. Great food and getting together with friends and family; it doesn't get any better than that.
PS; If I win I would like a C2-pll lnbf. Thanks Brian for the contest.
My best holiday memories were during Christmas break. I lived about a two long blocks from the base of some hills that were closed to traffic during the winter, probably due to the steep incline. The roads and those hills were perfect for winter sledding and tobogganing though, and we kids took full advantage of it, especially during the two weeks when school was out for the Christmas holidays. The adults would never go up there, except maybe to the base of the hill to summon their child to come home, but mostly we had it all to ourselves, and we'd spend entire afternoons up there. We'd come home wet and half frozen but we didn't care!

Sadly, when I was a teenage some developer came in and bought all that property, and both widened the road and changed the slope to make it much more level. Near the top he carved out about the top 25 feet of the hill and built retaining walls on both sides, so if you attempted to sled down what was left of that you'd have a long fall straight down, and the main part of the road was opened to traffic year around and didn't have enough slope left to it for proper sledding anyway. All the surrounding area is private property so most kids living in that area today will never have that experience, sad to say.

If I win I would like a STB - A3 Amiko DVBS/S2 Android.
On Christmas eve almost everyone in the family would gather at my parents' house for the annual party. It wasn't really a party, just a get-together to celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas music and good food. We have lots of fond memories of those times and enjoy looking at the pictures and videos I made each year.

Thanks for the contest Brian.
If I were to win, I would choose an ASC1.
On Christmas Eve my sister and I were always allowed to open a gift before bed time. Over the years it always seemed to be a tradition to open my Grandmothers gift. Just the thing little kids needed before the last sleep before Christmas. Would be nice to have an A3 to test out over the winter months.
Merry Christmas to all and a big thanks to
Titanium Satellite
Christmas was very special with my parents. Every year we loaded up the car and drove 6 hours to my grandparents on Christmas Eve night; all 7 of us. We'd usually pull in around 10 at night. While traveling we occupied the time by playing various road games. I think that is where I really learned the alphabet and of course learned all the different states. But the memory which stands out the most is trying to locate Santa and Rudolph. My dad would point out that the red tower lights and tell us that was Rudolph and he was following us so Santa would know where to bring the presents.

I still believe!

If I had to pick something....make it an A3.

Merry Christmas
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Some of my favorite memories revolve around Thanksgiving at my Grandparents. Growing up, we'd usually spend a few days with them. While not some grand spread, Grandma's meals were very, very tasty.

After Thanksgiving lunch we'd get to watch the Cowboys game (since Grandma & Grandpa lived out of market) and I can still hear my Grandpa making his own comments about John Madden's comments. The fire glowing and watching the game and then playing dominos or Old Maid in the evening are still very fond memories.

The next day, Friday, wake up and try to get warm by one of the little Dearborn heaters (no central heat/ac) and Grandma would make a sumptuous breakfast. I'd help Grandpa with farm chores during the day. We'd be treated to another of Grandma's excellent meals at lunch, usually with some pie or cookies and later another delicious dinner.

That night, we'd watch Family Feud and I still remember Grandpa's comments about Richard Dawson "slobbering" on each and every woman...
THEN, the Dukes of Hazzard would come on... Which seemed especially grand just because it was on Grandma & Grandpa's TV... Then more dominos and Old Maid and cookies and pie...

Those are some of my favorite memories growing up...

Should I be so fortunate to win, I'd choose an Amiko A3. Thank you, Titanium, for spurring the trip down a fond memory lane.
I always loved sitting down with my parents to watch the Yule Log on WPIX 11 New York. Now I can share it with my kids as well.:)

If I win, could Santa Titanium send me an Amiko A3 Android

Thanks for the contest Brian!
I loved being the kid "technician" finding the burnt out bulb in a string of lights, really hard if there were two bad bulbs!
Love an A3!
Hmm one story that comes to mind was as a kid we would often open presents from siblings / parents (not santa) on Christmas Eve. I got a lego castle set. I remember waking up really early Christmas day, not even thinking about any presents santa brought, and building the castle... lots of fun! I had the castle built by the time I was to open santa's presents!

I would like the Titanium ASC-1 if I won the contest. Thanks for having the contest.

Best memories are going to Grandmas house around Christmas. Enjoying family and friends Then We would eat after Grandma and my aunts and mother had cooked everything we liked.

Amiko A3 or ASC1 :)
thanks for the contest
I do miss the times we would go to Grandma and Grandpa house to celebrate Christmas. They both are in Heaven with the Lord who Birth we celebrate every year. Boy, do I miss them.
If I win, the Amika receiver would be nice.
One year my father bagged a moose and had the leg bone with the hoof on it so he went outside on christmas eve and made "reindeer" tracks in the fresh snow. My younger brothers and sisters still don't know the difference to this day.
Still shooting for an asc1.
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