Contest: Win Anything on the Titanium Satellite Website! - Ends December 29th, 2014

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One of my most fondest holiday memories is of one Christmas we went to grandma's and met with other relatives and ate a delicious ham and turkey dinner with all the fixings. Her ham was pineapple glazed with cloves. After dinner everyone got to open their presents with the youngest kids going first.
I would like an Amiko A3
The Perfect Tree..
Like many of my friends, I would go hunting every year and some of us would keep an eye out for a "perfect x-mas tree" and mark the spot. We would come back a couple weeks later and get our tree. One year a good friend had found his tree and I came with him to retrieve it. We cut it down and carefully tied it to the top of his car and drove 50 miles back home. When we got home and climbed out of the car we were dumfounded to see that "perfect tree" such a beautiful tree, didn't have a needle left on it :eek

I could use an 8x1 switch :)
Cool Contest Brian!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

My Christmas' are filled with great memories. Past Generations gathering to celebrate. Decorating the tree with the Readers Digest Christmas Music LP playing in the background. Christmas morning with my folks, even Christmas Morning while on shift at the FD....but the Absolute Best has to be my 1st Christmas as a Father; Christmas 2003. Our home was full of joy and celebration as we cuddled our little (5# 7oz) man. Eli was the first of the 5 that continue to bring happiness and unspeakable thanksgiving from the Bride and I. :)

oh, and my pick...the A3 of course
Best memories? listening christmas carrolls with my dad, specially in the morning of December 24th, just before Christmas eve.
An Amiko A3 would be a good gift.
I have always looked forward to my Christmas walk in the conservation park with my dog. Like to do it in the morning before all the guests arrive later in the day. Nice to see others on the trail as say "merry Christmas" on the actual day.
Sticking with the A3, would be nice to start posting in the A3 owners thread ;)
My favorite Christmas memory is when I was about 10 or 11 and I got to go out into the bush to find a Christmas tree by myself. We lived on a quarter section of land and I must have covered about half of it before I found the perfect spruce tree. It took close to 2 hours to get back.

I would love an A3 (any colour) if I win.

Thanks for the great contests Titanium.
Best part of the year going out to the tree farm and cutting down our own Christmas tree, loading it up on the truck. Once we got back home we ate Christmas cookies and told Mom how to decorate the tree....till she kicked us out of the room.

If I could win, would love the Amiko A3
In our house we don't celebrate the holidays cause of my mom's beliefs. So in the winter months I would deliver pizzas I like having no anti lock brakes so I can tap the brakes and kick the van out sideways. Snow is like a beautiful woman I like the way she looks I want to spend time with her but can't stand somethings she brings with her. I do enjoy winter time in indiana.
When I was young the whole family (there were 8 of us) use to gather together and watch the holiday specials on tv. Those were great shows.
I would like an asc1.
My Mom use to make Christmas Cookies for all the neighbors and we got to have "Cookie Dinner" for dinner that night.
I would like a Amiko A3.
I'll never forget Christmas Eve getting a toboggan as a gift. All the kids took that sucker out in the pitch dark and loaded up and went down the nearest hill we could find over and over agan. Could've got killed on that sucker as we lived by the road and there were trees. Crazy thing we did as kids.
I would love to own a Amiko A3
One of my favorite treasures is an audio recording I made on x-mas day in 1969. We had a portable cassette deck and I loaded a 90 minute tape and started it as we sat down for dinner. Several years later I pulled out the tape at a family gathering and everybody was amazed at how the dinner conservation went back then. My closest brother passed away in '08 and that tape is the only audio I have of him. I'm so glad for the little things that bring fond memories of Christmases past.

C2PLL would be a great prize!
Growing up our family was poor financially, put was rich with with love of Christmas.
All a Merry Christmas.
I remember the Christmas when my parents were bummed out because my dad did not get the big Christmas bonus they were expecting. My parents had already made a substantial down payment on a backyard swimming pool and they needed the bonus money to complete the project. A cousin kidnapped my dad's boss and brought him to our house. Long storry short - dad received his bonus and we got the pool. Years later, dad sold the movie rights to this story to some outfit in Hollywood. I heard they made a movie about our wacky Christmas.

If I win, I'd like the rights to the Titanium brand name and all of the 'store' inventory. Thank you in advance.
We'd have a few weeks winter vacation from school through the holidays, and being kids with the parents at the business... we'd have to find activities to pass the days. One would be running through the snow barefoot, probably 300' until we could get back into the house. Doing it just because we could!

Christmas mornings we'd be waking up and open the toy gifts and either have them together and working, or sometimes have them broke before the parents got out of bed. All done by the gentle glow of the TV on a static channel... because back in those days TV wasn't broacasted 24/7!

I'd probably take a ASC1 DiSEqC 1.2 Positioner to drive another dish I've yet to put up! (120V power cord please :))
I used to take guitar lessons as a kid. I would pay an extra few bucks to borrow a crappy acoustic guitar with the back falling off from the guitar teacher. Then one Christmas I got a yamaha electric guitar and a little Peavey 10w amp. I can still imagine the new-guitar smell and I'll never forget playing my first power cords with the distortion on

I would like the elves to build me a A3 Amiko
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It was the night before Christmas at the FTA shack,
with milk and cookies left out for Santa's snack.


We were all nestled snug in our beds,
as visions of peppermint sticks and rolls of RG6
danced in our heads.


Oh how we wish for a 1.2 meter Ku dish
or even a 4x1 diseqc switch.


All the sudden we woke up to a clatter,
went downstairs to see what's the matter.


It was Santa placing a PLL LNB
under the beautiful Christmas tree.


He also left a 24 inch actuator
then turned, winked then said "See you later!"


Naughty or nice I will never tell,
If I win I want the C2WPLL.

Christmas, my favorite song has been always Sleigh Ride from Leroy Anderson and performed by the Boston Pops, good memories listening it with my father in his "bunker", as he used to call the his hideout room.( specially when mom was not in a good mood) :).
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what size dish is this

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