Contest: Win Anything on the Titanium Satellite Website! - Ends December 29th, 2014

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I have fond memories (as a child) of being able to climb a ladder and place the lighted star atop the Christmas tree.
would love an A3.
My best memory, especially as the years pass by, is the Christmas dinner with all the family. Christmas day is celebrated with my mom's side. I was lucky enough to have a great grandma, grandma and grandpa all still alive when i was younger. A big table and lots of good memories.
I would love an amiko A3 (any colour):)
One of my favorite memories of Christmas is when I ordered a Motorola DSR-922 along with HDD-200 HDTV decoder and it didn't get her before Christmas, I had to wait till the week between Christmas and New Years for UPS to get it to me. I loved that set-up for years. Great Memories of Christmas and Satellite Receivers. I hope my next great Holiday memory is an Amiko A3

If I win please send me an Amiko A3.
The best holiday memory for me was seeing the Christmas decorations when arriving at my grandparents house as a kid. Every time I see the old school c5 Christmas lights it takes me back to those childhood memories of Christmas.

I would like to win an Amiko A3
Christmas at my grandparents' was great. The adults were upstairs while the kids had the finished basement. It had a family room with a console TV built into the wall, and a full bar/cafe area with little tables for us to sit at. We'd take turns playing bartender between tapes/TV specials. In the family room was the Christmas tree, covered in globs and globs of tinsel, so much that you could barely see the tree. Every string of lights was flashing, but at all different rates, leading us to call it the epilepsy tree. Underneath it were the gifts for all the kids, 5 then eventually up to 7 of us, plus the small gifts for the parents. After all the gifts, we had dinner at the huge dining room table that fit around 12-16 of us. My grandfather built the table in that room, and it was never getting out in one piece. When they moved to a smaller house, the new owners loved the giant table.

Should I be lucky enough to win, I'd like the candy apple red A3.
When I was a little boy, Mom would make me and my brothers go to bed really early on Christmas Eve, telling us Santa won't come as long we were up. My brothers were fast asleep but I was so wired up I couldn't sleep. Then a little while later I heard Dad walked 0utside and opened the car trunk and at the same time Mom was rumbling thru their bedroom closet. As time go by, I could hear them mumbling and whispering and at one point I heard them talking on walkie talkies to see if they were working! I could hear this and hear that while they were putting out our Christmas. After they went to bed, I would ventured out from my bedroom and with the glare of our space heater, I could see everything we got from "Santa". I was very careful not to make any noise! Then I ease myself back to my bedroom and went to sleep. No one knew about that.
When I did the Santa thing each year on Christmas for my kids I would remember that night and chuckled about it. To this day, I never mentioned this to anybody!!!
If I win I would love to have a ASC 1 dish mover. :-)
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My favorite christmas memories are putting out luminarias on christmas eve, lighting them and enjoying their orange'ish glow.

If I were to win, I'd want a Amiko A3 receiver
Another great memory of Christmas is going to Lambeau Field on Christmas night to watch the Green Bay Packers beat up on the Chicago Bears, while the rest of the family were home watching it on TV.

If I were to be so lucky as to win, I would want an Amiko A3.
The post above by chad got me to thinking,
what do I remember fondly about holidays of the past?

I remember a time when our teams played on hallowed ground at places
named after important people and places in history.

Not like today where SuperGreedyMegacorp Feild and
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe Incorporated Arena supersede the great names in history.

I remember a time when stores put out Christmas items for sale at Christmas
and not at the end of summer.

I remember a time when everyone had the day off and spent Thanksgiving together
not like today when Super Mega Marts all over the land are open 24hrs on that sacred day,
forcing employees to be separated from their families.

If I win with this particular post, I wish the cost of an Amiko A3 and shipping
be donated to a Children's charity in the name of Satelliteguys because...

I remember fondly, a time when the holidays were all about family and giving.

Being with all my family at Christmas. Digging out all the ornaments and decorations and putting up the tree.

STB - A3 Amiko DVBS/S2 Android if I win. Thanks!
Some of my fondest memories are of the visits I & my parents & sisters made to our parents very close friends in town on Christmas Eve. The parents would all have a few cocktails & us kids would have egg-nog & candy & play board games :)
An Amiko A3 would be a nice gift from Santa!
Christmas eve going to Church, turning out the lights, each person had a lit candle singing Christmas songs. The ride home from church seemed to take forever as a kid, the 20 minute wait to open presents seemed like an eternity. Christmas today seems so much different. Everyone rushes to rip open their gifts and gotta get going to the next family Christmas. The world today is so fast paced and people don't seem to take the time to understand the real true meaning of Christmas.

If I win please send me an Amiko A3.
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Christmas Lights.
I remember as a 5 year going out with Dad to buy a fresh cut tree. The local grocery store had a huge pile and 60 years ago one 6 footer would only set you back about 1 buck. Never the less my Dad, to my embarrassment, would haggle and maybe get 25 cents off the price.
Electric tree lights we could not afford so my Dad had tiny candles on the tree lit up on Christmas Eve and day. Looking back it's a miracle that the tree did not catch fire and that I am here to write about it!

An Amiko A3 would make a super gift and be greatly appreciated.
I always looked forward to playing cards until the wee hours with my grandfather, mom, dad and sister. The game didn't matter (phase 10, wizard, one eyed jack) but the playing was priceless. Especially now that my grandfather has passed.

The A3 would be a wonderful suprise!
This year, I have really been flooded with both Thanksgiving and Christmas memories at my grandmother's house (my mom's mother). At each of those holidays, we would gather around the table for some delicious food, laugh, and share stories together. Christmas was very special -- you could really feel the love my grandfather and grandmother had for their children, in-laws, and grandchildren. It even touched my father in a way that he said he didn't experience with his own family growing up. I have just been told my grandmother only has a week or two to live, as this ugly disease of dementia has now made her both bedridden and unable to eat anything but liquids. But even though she probably won't be around this Christmas, I'll always remember those happy days of my childhood and into young adulthood at my grandparents' house next door -- especially at this time of year.

Should I win, I'd love either the ASC1 or the A3 Amiko STB...either one would be an excellent prize. I hope to get a C-band dish later next year :) Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!
One of my memories was from when I was about 8 or 9 years old. My father had a Santa suit he put on and we delivered presents to some of my cousins. It sure was a lot different back then compared to the rushing around nowadays.

p.s. if I win a C2pll lnbf dual or an Amico A3 would be nice. I'd also like to thank Brian for the contest and the great customer support he provided for my previous purchases.
I like the christmas, where the whole family was there. It seems more like christmas when the whole family is there.

I would like to win the Amiko mini HD SE.
So many good memories of Christmas! Like I said last year, probably the best is looking outside at night with the Christmas lights on and no other lights...if there's snow!

An A3 is what I'd want! Thanks, Brian!!
Growing up my family would always get a fresh cut Christmas tree. Usually one of the first weekends of December we'd head up into the Sierras to a tree farm (to this day I don't know where it was, but I suspect somewhere in Calavaras County) to cut our tree. This place was not an "orchard" type farm but was on acres of mountain property. We'd spend hours walking the mountains searching for the perfect tree. We preferred White Fir trees, but they had many different varieties available.

I especially liked the times when we'd go on my birthday. The best was if there was snow on the ground, and I remember once when we got both! :biggrin That was happy times indeed!

If I'm lucky enough to win I'd love to have an A3!
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