<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="tonyp56" data-source="post: 918772"
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<a href="/xen/goto/post?id=918772"
data-content-selector="#post-918772">tonyp56 said:</a>
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OK, so I feel that I need to start a thread that answers some of the most common questions I've heard or been asked. These range from simple to fairly complex.<br />
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To begin, I've been a computer geek since my very first computer (used them before this, but got into it about this time) an Apple II-C.
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wow, the first computer I actually owned was an Apple IIc too with ProDos. I actually used my brother in laws account at NASA to log in and run a computer program I was writing for a structural frame analysis course in college via a dial up modem with it. The only alternative to it was to drive to the college and sit in front of a punch card machine.</div>