Comments Needed: DishONLINE Reviews

Dishonline with Powerplug access

I have set up my access with the builting powerline internet access. Well I reviewed the different movies and decided to try one to see how long it would take to download. Well I watched the World Series game last night and my download said I still had 28 hours to go with only 4% downloaded. I havnt checked today but I am going to have to set up a wireless if I want real access.

The question is do I want to spend the money for this service? My answer is a resounding no!!!!

Unless and until the fix for the 622 is taken care of and the price of the movies is reasonable plus some free content I see no reason to use this service.:mad:

Yes I agree that DISHonline sucks the big one. I tried to download a movie and it was about 5 years old and cost me 4.99. I got to almost 20 minutes before the ending and it cut off. IT was a kid film and my wife and son were both pissed off. Oh and I got charged for the 4.99. The films are old and outdated and over priced. The newer stuff wasn't even as good as what I could get from satellite pay per views. THey need to offer some free stuff and it would be nice if they would give us premium vod from the premiums we sub to for free as well. IF not I won't be using the dishonline service any longer.

Boy I never thought I would say it, but with more hd channels and better video on demand , I think that Directv is starting to look better and better.
Yes I agree that DISHonline sucks the big one. I tried to download a movie and it was about 5 years old and cost me 4.99. I got to almost 20 minutes before the ending and it cut off. IT was a kid film and my wife and son were both pissed off. Oh and I got charged for the 4.99. The films are old and outdated and over priced. The newer stuff wasn't even as good as what I could get from satellite pay per views.

Odd only movies in 2007 and some in 2006 are 4.99 on mine, the rest are 2.99.
I got 446 on one of my 622 receivers and decided to take a look at the Dish Online offerings. My first thought was, "Why is there no free content?" Do they really expect me to just burn my hard eanred cash on this 'beta' product without at least getting a preview on what the downloaded product would look like?

I mean let me download a 15 or 20 minute clip of something so I can see 1) how well my broadband connection will perform with the service and 2) if I believe the quality is work the cost of the movie.

Addtionally, while the selection available is obviously improved over the poor excuse that VOD is, it still has a very long way to go before I will buy my first movie from there.
This is by far the worst implementation of any sort of VOD I have ever seen! What the hell are they thinking!?!?!

No free content and No HD and I have to wait for it to fully download before viewing. I have to give D* credit for doing their VOD right. Not only do they have free content and HD but after 30-60 seconds you can VIEW IT!

Dish the new DirecTV!
The lack of a good VOD feature will not cause me to look elsewhere for a service provider. If it is there I may use it if there is content I want. If it is not there, or has content I am not interested in, it will not cause me to jump ship.
Setup was easy. I already had a powerline ethernet setup for internet access for another PC in the house. I just moved receiver power cord to direct power plug instead of strip. ( I do have a whole house surge protection at the main power box!!) Connected to internet automatically.

I tried out the DishOnline & downloaded South Park movie. Download seemed long. PQ seemed good, sound not great & low volume.
You definitely have to view it within 24 hours of starting movie. It then erases it!! Also, movie will EXPIRE within 7 day sof rental. Overall SUCKS!

Unless Dish offers VOD like the new one w/ D* with FREE programming from channels I have or loosens up the viewing requirements of rentals, then I will NOT be using DishOnline again.

BTW, this maybe the proverbial straw that breaks the Dish camel back. I have been a long time Dish customer, but unless Dish makes real progress by the Jan. 08, I will SERIOUSLY consider switching to Directv. Overall I do like the Vip 622 receiver. Sure as hell beats the 921 piece of crap that I endured as the first wave of experimental users!!!
Was not impressed AT ALL. Too much money for what they offer. Im not buying any of that. I want it to be just like it is on cable. You buy HBO, you get HBO on demand FOR FREE. You pay for A&E in your package, you get A&E on demand for FREE. Dish dropped the ball big time.
I tried to download two movies yesterday to see if it would work and it succeeded. I didn't intend on watching them though. I then tried to download another movie and a pop up said that my rentals had exceeded my space and I would have to delete a movie to make room for more. You can't delete a movie that you haven't watched yet. A built in way to either make you buy more pay per views or a way to stop using the feature till the 7 days expires on the origional rentals . So this is definately a f*Cked up feature that I won't use.
Now seeing screenshots of what DIRECTV has in beta, I am starting to question my choice of going with Dish for my provider. Seems they really do not fully understand what the consumers want. I enjoyed Comcast VOD, however did not see that it was worth the cost, I will not pay for older movies, and would like to see a selection of programming that supplements the channels I subscribe too, similar to how all other providers are marketing and implementing the VOD services. I still will stay with Dish as a stopgap until my town is wired with FOIS, but they seem to be too inept of a company to keep me as a customer.
Loyal dish customer here and didn't have much interest in DishOnline outside of the still future feature of programming my 722 and 622 remotely. Looked at the offerings on the VOD side and was a little shocked. I use blockbuster online service and I won't be canceling that anytime soon. Dish had an opportunity to convert the $20/month I spend with blockbuster to additional revenue on my SUB, but I can't see how this service will be anywhere near sophisticated enough in the next year for me to even reconsider. The website is a joke, I think my highschool programming classes were producing better websites in the late 90s.

This is truly a sad day as DISH is on the losing side of the content war. I do have a slight preference for their hardware (622 & 722), but that doesn't mean I will hang-around while my BSG is shown in HD on other providers. Content is king and I can't help but think Dish won't be delivering a compelling content product in the near future.
I have two ViP 622 receivers. One of these has an broadband connection, but doesn't have the DISHONLINE option on my screen. The other receiver has the DISHONLINE option, but no broadband connection. I cannot switch the receivers or connections. How can I get the DISHONLINE option on the other receiver?
I have two ViP 622 receivers. One of these has an broadband connection, but doesn't have the DISHONLINE option on my screen. The other receiver has the DISHONLINE option, but no broadband connection. I cannot switch the receivers or connections. How can I get the DISHONLINE option on the other receiver?

Nope. You will have to wait until they decide to send it to that reciever.
I'm in Detroit, MI, got DishOnline a few days ago (I think)..anyway, not impressed - no free offerings (like Comcast), and I don't like the idea of scrolling up & down..I don't like the Comcast UI over Dish for the EPG, but in this area I do prefer it - at least categorize available movies! Since I have a 622, I understand that content won't be in HD as well, which pisses me off.. after paying $250 for the "priviledge" to lease this box.
...and I don't like the idea of scrolling up & down..I don't like the Comcast UI over Dish for the EPG, but in this area I do prefer it - at least categorize available movies!
Good point. It was annoying having to scroll through sooooo many movies and constantly getting that delay when it had to load the next 'page' of movies.

I do think it says A LOT by going by what Dish recommends, i.e. "We Recommend", on DishONLINE.

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