Comments Needed: DishONLINE Reviews

it's worthless for me unless there's gonna be true VOD. As someone else said 2.99 for a 12 yr old movie is a waste for me. On Demand also includes free content. Bring it on!
I had no movies, but now they are showing up.

The menu is badly designed too.. the field to display the movie name is far too short. For example the 2 Beverly Hills movies look exactly the same, its hard to differentiate between them, the name field shold be wider. They also need to have an option to filter between FREE and PAY choices.. although sounds like they have no freebies right now.

What can I say, it is sh1t. If DirecTV had free HD DVRs I would be with them tomorrow.
3 bucks is too high too. 99 cents I might pay.......i can get all of this 'elsewhere' for free and have forever and not rent
utter crap. I got the update, but when I go to the menu screen and select an option (DISH Theater for example) it sits there on "processing your request, please wait".. but nothing gets populated. After 2 mins it times out and the screen goes back to the TV.

Ans yes I am connected correctly, tested all that. No I dont have Comcast, so they are not blocking me! I have 6Mb ATT.

Anyone else get this lovely "feature"?

Couldn't agree more, while it's new and fresh - it's not earth shattering. Getting TBS HD was earth shattering for Dish standards. At least all the blue hairs can now watch a couple of their old favorites. Your core customers, those who post stuff here - will hardly use DishOnline.

I browsed around and was able to scroll around and view all of the rentals. After browsing for about two minutes my receiver froze and rebooted. Pretty much par for the course with the 622/Dish.

Let's see re-runs from current shows instead of Beverly Hills Cop 3 for $2.99. Show me some new and interesting sports content - offbeat stuff - extreme sports maybe. Quit trying to re-invent the movie rental wheel.

If you can get rid of the purple screens during Letterman, I might rent a movie. Sound fair?
Unless E* upgrades my 622 to a 722 for nothing, I don't plan on ever ordering a SD movie from DishOnline when I'm getting Blu-Ray HD movies from Netflix.

Boo-hiss Dish!! When does my contract expire? Direct is looking better and better.
Looked at this last night and would have to agree with most comments here. The movies are old and over priced. It is the one thing I miss from Comcost is the ondemand selection they had. I would consider paying a 99 cent fee for HD content but not 2.99 for SD content that is old. Dish could really make an inroad here if they offered this for free to subscribers, or for a small fee, or even a mix of both some free and some for a small fee. But 2.99 for all is way overpriced.
I don't know what E* is thinking with this new feature but to me it's a waste of time and resources on their part.

It is just pathetic that they charge for all those oldies.:o Nothing is free. I am already paying Dish $133.month. Isn't it enough already. Common, give some free stuff and give some HD titles.
Will never pay for this stuff.:mad:
I agree $3 for an old movie in SD is a complete rip off. Come on Dish, cable gives free VoD. Wouldn't it be nice to offer that to us as well for being loyal customers and maybe charge for HD & new content? I'm pretty dissapointed. Not even a couple free movies to try the service & see how it looks? Please.
I got my first look at the titles last night. What a waste of everyone's time! Why would I pay $2.99 for an old SD movie that I have to download using my own bandwidth, wait for it to finish, only have 24 hours to watch, and can't record to my DVR? Chances are I could find these same movies for free on another channel or go rent them for $1 from a local video store and at least be able to watch the movie in DVD quality.
well i noticed i got 446 last night, Looked briefly at Dishonline,
It responded quickly looked like it had many titles.
What i dont like is the 24 hour limit, lack of HD and the cost. I have the everything pack and frankly i have enough movies to watch with that, ppv and dvd's
I know there is another thread addressing the lack of communication Dish has with their customers, but the lack of Dishonline information is strange. It would be nice if they said what was available and what their real future plans for this service will be. I would like some reassurance that this will be a good feature.
Like others posting in this thread, my situation is thus:

I have the ability to 'rent' movies via XBox Live, in both SD AND HD and for about the same price...with (currently) a better selection, IMHO. The user interface is slick and simple, too.

Until Dish can offer a broader selection, in HD, I won't be using the service. The interface is hard to navigate and not very polished looking--but I can forgive them that if the content was there. Hopefully this is just the beginning of this kind of offering, as I have thoroughly enjoyed having that option via my Xbox, so I encourage Dish to take these criticisms as constructive.

Big question--has it been confirmed that no HD will be coming to the 622 recievers because of software/hardware limitations? If so, that's a big problem. Makes this a non-starter for me.
Are you getting the hint, Dish ??

The lack of HD choices, especially given the HD marketing you're pushing or planning to push soon, is unacceptable (and suggests the left hand doesn't talk to the right hand).

As an introduction to this service, it should have been LOADED with FREE offerings just to get people to try it and possibly like it ! Don't suggest there's not free stuff available. Talk to your networks. They have TONS of free stuff that they make available on cable.
Are you getting the hint, Dish ??

The lack of HD choices, especially given the HD marketing you're pushing or planning to push soon, is unacceptable (and suggests the left hand doesn't talk to the right hand).

As an introduction to this service, it should have been LOADED with FREE offerings just to get people to try it and possibly like it ! Don't suggest there's not free stuff available. Talk to your networks. They have TONS of free stuff that they make available on cable.

Sometimes people's greed just makes you puke...
My wife saw DISHOnline today and as in awe of the prices. She thought 2.99 was a joke for a movie from 1984. We both discussed how both DirecTV and Cable have free VOD for the movie channels as well as some other channels, some systems offer adding an external drive without any fees, and both cable and DirecTV are making great strides in their HD offerings. If this keeps up Dish may start finding their subscribers leaving for other systems. I don't think they offer anything bad, but in a world of "what have you don't for me lately" Dish really hasn't gone above and beyond for their customers. At least not that their customers can see.

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