Comments from a newbie to FTA

Yes, that I've tried. The others at 370, <360, etc would not lock, maybe they're weaker or maybe it was the time of day I tried. I haven't retried the others since I first posted about it. There's an audio feed at 1075 SR that locks reliably, it actually blind scanned in. I haven't seen anything blind scan at less than 1000 SR I'm pretty sure.

Do you have an Ebay link to the exact receiver you're using? I might pick one up.
This is who I bought mine (GT media V9 Prime) off of a while back: GTMEDIA V9Prime HD FTA Satellite Receiver DVB-S/S2/S2X Sat TV Box WIFI H.265 PVR | eBay
I paid $40 for mine, they recently were down to ~$25 from other sellers, now it looks like they're up to $40-50 range (tariffs?). Not saying you have to get it from the seller I used, but no issues for me.
The V9 is pretty slick honestly, I've only had system working for ~2 months and love it. Only thing is it will freeze up in a blind scan very occasionally, or when scrolling through the TP list sometimes the signal/quality meters are delayed or won't respond. A reboot tends to help. It also doesn't keep time worth a darn (I don't connect it to the internet) But very few issues really.
FWIW I just ordered an Amiko mini4k (in the mail currently) to see how a mid-range receiver is like, and if it's a noticeable (or not) improvement over the V9.
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