That's sounds like a very good business plan on the part of Comcast...start making the freeloaders, like Netflix and Google and Amazon Hulu and Youtube, and their subscribers, pay to use the billions of dollars of network infrastructures they are saturating...and not the average Joe who uses the Internet responsibly by paying the cable company and local franchise authority to stream video. If I were the FCC, I would approve this merger and, at the same time, request Congress pass legislation requiring A La Carte and other consumer friendly measures.
As a Cable/Telecom shareholder, I'm outraged at the lengths Netflix and their gaggle of freeloaders will go to protect their free-ride. I just hope Verizon and AT&T start throttling the hell out of these freeloaders until they pay their fair share of the network bills. Netflix accounts for nearly 30% of Internet traffic and they, and their customers, are certainly not paying 30% of the bills. I have no problem with NetFlix and Amazon users paying a $1 surcharge for each full-length movie they stream.