Colorado Voomers

For the last two days...has anyone gotten a flashing color bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen when watching 2-1? This has happened before, and it went away after a couple of days. Only happens on 2-1. I wonder what the heck they are doing now?
The Stone Man said:
For the last two days...has anyone gotten a flashing color bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen when watching 2-1? This has happened before, and it went away after a couple of days. Only happens on 2-1. I wonder what the heck they are doing now?

Yeah, I've had it for more than a couple of days. I figured it would go away after a day or so, but it has not.

Any ideas how we differentiate it as a Voom problem versus a WB2 problem?

Not sure who to call on it.
And of course, as soon as we discuss it, the problem goes away.

I no longer have the flashing upper right quadrant on 2-1.
This is at least the second time it has happened, so it's got to be something that 2-1 does for testing, I would guess.

New Subject ......
Both the Nuggets and Avs are going to be on Stan Kroenke's Altitude Network, which is being carried by Echostar. I read an article that Altitude is in negotiations with DirecTV and Comcast, but there was no mention of Voom.

I lost interest in pro basketball a long time ago, but I really enjoy a good hockey game. It would be great if Voom picked up Altitude as a regional sports network, but there is a definite lack of information. Anyone have any ideas on this?
The Stone Man said:
New Subject ......
Both the Nuggets and Avs are going to be on Stan Kroenke's Altitude Network, which is being carried by Echostar. I read an article that Altitude is in negotiations with DirecTV and Comcast, but there was no mention of Voom.

Anyone have any ideas on this?
Me again ... I read in the Post they are only going to work with the majors. Between D*, E* & Comcast they have about 80% of the country covered ...

Don't hold your breath for the NHL this year, you might suffocate :(
I'll assume that the hockey boys will work out their differences, and the NHL will continue at some point. I'll watch any game that the Avs are playing, but without a regional sports network on Voom, coverage is going to be limited.

Already missed the CU vs. CSU game due to the same reason. Voom's got RSN's for Cleveland and Florida, but of course---no announcement about the timeline for everyone else.
The Stone Man said:
Already missed the CU vs. CSU game due to the same reason....

You know, this was the first time I haven't been able to watch something that I wanted since I got on VOOM, so I guess that is not too bad, but I WAS disappointed.
This weekend I pulled the plug on Voom. I have been with them since April. I decided to move my HD back to D*tv and hope the rumors of new channels come true. I have had both services all along.
There was several reasons for doing this.
1- PQ. In comparing the two, D*tv allways looked better in HD and SD.
2- NO DVR. I have been using tivos and really missed this feature.
3- There exclusive 21 channels did not seam to be improving with there choices. Sure I will miss a few of them ( monsters,rave,rush, equator).
4- Hardware. Still had to reboot at least once a week.
5 $$$ Did not feel the money was being spent wisely for the few channels I would watch.

I have upgraded to the HD tivo. This thing is great.
I wish Voom well and hope you fellows continue to enjoy your system.
Any of you able to pick up the 11 channels. I did a rescan for OTA and got the following:
Get picture but no sound.
Anyone else???
x1..I just got back from a 12 day vacation. Did you use the Voom STB as an OTA receiver, and it failed to scan the above? I have not turned on the TV since I got back, but I'll see what's in the PG later. I have to leave again tomorrow for a 2 day meeting in SF.
x1hdtv said:
Any of you able to pick up the 11 channels. I did a rescan for OTA and got the following:
Get picture but no sound.
Anyone else???

I get the same thing on D* with my hughes HTL-HD, I think this is that OTA "Cable" provider ... cannot recall the name. like USTv or somehting.

Edit: Here it is ... perhaps this is USDTV?
Welcome back Stone. I have dropped my voom service and back to D*. These channels were scan with HDtivo, Still get picture but no audio.
I only thing I have found is from avs forum in the Cheyenne thread.

Quote from effseesee,
"Channel 11 is a wierd bird. The station is owned by Equity Broadcasting in Little Rock. The FCC approved Equity's application to move Channel 11 from Cheyenne down to Fort Collins. The reason was to provide over the air coverage into Denver.

Some of you may wonder why an ABC station in Cheyenne would want coverage into Denver. That's because Channel 11 is not meant to be an ABC station. In fact, Equity signed a deal with a start-up network targeting Asian-American viewers. The network, ImaginAsian TV, has signed a deal with Equity to broadcast on Equity stations in a number of communities. The network began operations a few weeks ago. Channel 11 is being used to serve the Denver metropolitan area.

I assume one of the subchannels will contain ABC programming"

This is all I know.
hello Voomers!

I just got back to the states from Germany and am thinking of getting VOOM here in the Springs...Is there more than one person out here in the Springs that has VOOM? For that one VOOMER in the Springs, how is it working out? My wife is pushing me to get Dish cause her family has it. Any suggestions? My house has an EXCELLENT view of the south & southeastern sky - can see chey. Moutain clearly. Were slightly elevated over the other homes, etc. I've been eyeing the package on as well as calling the number on Which is better? Shall I complain for a larger (24 or 30 inch) dish?

any comments and help would be appreciated...looking to install around Nov 5th so I can get the best from my 50inch Sony Plasma...

Welcome! I am not located in your area at all but here are some tips to consider in getting VOOM:

1- If you can't get your locals over the air, VOOM won't provide them on satellite. Locas are very important so consider this.

2- If you are into NFL games, there is no Sunday NFL Ticket on VOOM. Also, your Regional Sport Network (RSN) is not currently available. VOOM only carries Florida and Soon Cleveland. There may be others in the future but how soon that's going to be nobody knows.

3- There are some SD channels that are not available on VOOM such as FoodTV, HGTV, DIY, etc. You may want to check their list of SD channels to make sure they will be ok with you.

4- There is no HDnet/HDnet Movies or INHD 1 & 2 on VOOM yet.

However, there are tons of Movie channels and some sport(s) and variety programming. There are approximately 38 HD channels depending on whether you want to subscribe to the basic package or the VAVAVOOM package.

If you are going to go ahea and do it, you may call VOOM or one of their dealers. Take a look at what the current offer is and be prepared to do some heavy calling to your local installer to ensure everything will go smoothly. VOOM will not provide you with a 24 inches dish initially. If you want to buy a 24 inches, they are cheap and you can have it ready for the installer to install it. If not, you will need to call VOOM after your installation and ask for a 24" dish.

Never schedule your installation or service calls during the days that you normally take off from work. Try to do it on weekends or day that you are off just in case the local installer does not show up.

Good luck and feel free to post any questions.
Welcome back to CONUS. I was in the 101st a long time ago, but still remember the abbreviations. Also had to pull some reserve duty at Ft. Carson--but on to Voom.

Line of sight is to the East, and is much different than Dish. Be sure to check that out first. There have been cases where installers take 1 look and announce that there is no line of sight, and pack up their stuff and di di.

I've had Voom since January, and ordered directly from Voom over the phone. At that time, there was no afilliation with Crutchfield. But I've heard Crutchfield is a great company, and they might be a good way to go, as long as there is no price difference. I say that because Voom customer service can be less than stellar, depending on who you get.

I've also had the 18 inch dish since initial installation, and it has been fine. I lose the signal briefly when some of the heavy thunderstorms roll in, but switch to OTA when that happens. Satellite will go out for 10-15 minutes, but that's OK. Good luck with the decision making process. There are lots of options. If you go with Voom, this forum is great for getting any problems straightened out.
Almost 2 weeks since the last activity? I know Slacker is active in the forums, and he just had cable installed for comparison purposes. What's the word from Loveland these days?
This is rich ... the Comcast installer failed to show up!!! I am on the phone with them now and just rescheduled for the 16th between 8-10am. Still no audio on on any 11.x channels. FYI ABC is it the 11.4 freq.

New happenings, hit a poker game for $1400 last week. I am gonna hook up with VE on an HD Tivo later this week ... so I'll be committed to D* pretty firm after that, but it is not like and HD Tivo would be hard to sell if I changed my mind :) but I am being the optimist here and hoping that the new satellites will solve these problems.

The NFL Sunday Ticket is a huge one for me, I am loving the 8 HD games a week but am very unhappy this seem to effect other channels all week long ... I mean WTF is that?!?! HD Lite should be a thing of the past soon.

Sounds like the programming on Voom is picking up in quality. That is good to hear! Any more thoughts of defection Stone Man?
Still pondering, but getting a little tired of waiting for news of WM9, elliptical, new satellite, and DVR. The ST deal ends on 10/31, and people can still get the 6 month HD free deal at the same time. I'd go for HD Tivo, and a second HD receiver, but VE gives satellite guys a 10% discount. Maybe I could use the Voom box for OTA on one of the other tv's.

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