Colorado Voomers

Ok guys since Voom has made it till April 1, I have just resigned back up for them. Do not have my install date yet.
Be vooming again soon...
Fear and Trepidation!!

I have to admit that for the first time, I am now nervous about the future of VOOM :shocked

Time will tell!!!
Yea I am wondering too. Still keeping D*, but want to have a little more varity. Hopefully something will be worked out.

Guess I won't be back now. See you guys in the other forums.
I'll keep Voom untill is gone & then just pick up the premiums on comcast. The DVR is still working quit well. I just wish it had more storage. When one of the Other sat. companys gets close to the # of HD channels that Voom has then I might go back to Sat.
Well--it has been interesting, but I'm switching to D*. Ordered equipment today from Value Electronics (a sponsor of satelliteguys), so the installation will probably be later this week. Sorry to see Voom go, but not much I can do about it. Just pick another provider and get used to it. I'll have to go be a rookie in the D* forum.
I too was sorry to see them go. I was to be reinstalled on the 19th. Got my welcome kit in the mail yesterday. Stoneman I think you will be content with D* and hopefully we will soon get everything they have planned for HD. I am sure you got a good deal from Value. Did you go for the any of the DVR's? Welcome to the world of Rupert.
Yes. I bought the HR10-250, and I'm looking forward to that. I've always recorded using a DVD recorder, which can't reproduce HD, but it was good enough for a while. I'm sure D* will be fine once I get used to it. Thanks for the note x1.
Hey Stone Man,

Now that I seem to be eating crow . . pass the salt please!! :shocked

What were the factors pointing you in the direction you went?

Comcast is now using the Motorola 6412, which seems to have a good reputation, but I'm still reading.

Just interested.
Stoneman, you will like the HR 10-250. It will take a little getting use to if you have never used a Tivo before, but it will be well worth it as far as time shifting your tv veiwing. Set your season passes and let it do it's magic. You will only get about 30 hours HD, but you can upgrade the drive(s) later if you desire. I am getting 63 HD hours or 425 SD hours. Now you can record that HD channel 7 they say we have in Denver (I cannot receive it). Hopefully you will still get all of your OTA channels you were getting with Voom.

GE, the comcast will only record about 12 hours HD. If I was in your boat I think I would try cable till D* gets the new sats going or till Sunday football kick off. You would not have to buy anything or long term commitment. I am sure D* will have some great deals for new subscibers when the NFL package starts.
GEBrown -- I went with D*, but I thought hard about cable. I've had satellite service for the last 10 years, and my last experience with cable was a 6 month period when we were waiting for our house to be built. It seemed like it went out every week, and my wife just can't get over it, even though it was more than 10 years ago. A lot of people are going with Comcast and bundling their high speed internet service into one monthly bill.

X1 -- I still get channel 7 on OTA, and I really hope that continues. The HR10-250 arrived yesterday, and the H10 and other stuff is supposed to get here tomorrow. VE sent me the phone number for the installer, so I'll set up the installation for next week. D* has 3 free months of the HD package, and 3 months of TC premier for the price of TC Plus (I think that's what they call them).
Stone Man et all,

I am going to go with Comcast for the time being. If DirectTV actually comes through with their promises, I can move over to them.

Right now, Comcast here in Denver is offering Digital Silver with Starz for 39.99 per month, though I forgot to ask how long that monthly rate lasts. I can get two HD DVR's (9.95 each per month).

Edit - I just called Comcast back and identified myself as a satellite customer and they offered Digital Silver service with HBO for 39.99 per month for 12 months. I added the 2 HD-DVR's for 9.95 each per month. Not too bad.

The CSR asked why I was switching from satellite. I told her I am with VOOM and they are shutting down. Still got the deal.

It sure is too bad about VOOM - dang :(
As far as the SD digital channels go, sat might have an edge up. Not by much though. It's hard to compare allot of times. Remember though. I'm comparing Voom SD with Comcast digital SD.
D* might be different. The digital SD channels look exactly the same when recorded & played back on the PVR. Anything under 100 is still analog except for locals.They have gone digital. Of cource the analog channels are not near as good. Everything is supposed to go digital by the end of the year.
The Stone Man said:
GE--I'm very interested in your perception of the reception, once you have it installed. I'll post back here too after I get D* up and running.

Stone Man - Well, I've had the Comcast gear for a few days now. Overall, it is pretty good. Of course channels 2-99 are still analog and look grainy. The other SD channels above that look pretty good and HD looks like good HD, but I'm not a stickler for PQ like DarrelP, so take my observations with a grain of salt.

The Video On Demand (VOD) is a vast improvement over the system they had a year ago, and now there is also HD VOD.

I did have one lock up on the Motorola DCT6412, so I'll keep an eye on that.

But, like I said, overall it is pretty good.


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