code - 42-188

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ok, here the update i found someone to change the cables like Iceberg said to and one tuner is dead, and on the other i get "771"
Tuner One is dead after you swapped cables and tuner one was bad before you swapped cables, then it is a bad box.

Is there anything between the recvr and the LNB, (multiswitch) ?
or did they use cabling that was already in the home/wall and maybe it has an old splitter, tap or filter in the run?

how long are your cable runs? dish to house?
Tuner One is dead after you swapped cables and tuner one was bad before you swapped cables, then it is a bad box.

Is there anything between the recvr and the LNB, (multiswitch) ?

no, i don't think so, the only i can think is i got another hole in my line. my is multiswitch, like i said i may ask them to put the on a pole outside my window because i can't be bugging my mom when this happen like every 6 weeks
OK...tuner 1 didnt work before
so the cables were swapped....
the cable from tuner 2 is now on 1 and vise versa

If tuner 1 still doesnt work then its the box
If tuner 2 now shows 0's on most then its the cable

and what the hell is a hole in the cable? You got animals out there chewing on the cable?
or did they use cabling that was already in the home/wall and maybe it has an old splitter, tap or filter in the run?

how long are your cable runs? dish to house?

its all new cables to my room (just put in 6 weeks ago) my room (only that has D) is about 200 feet from dish, i don't know about old splitter, tap or filter
no, i don't think so, the only i can think is i got another hole in my line. my is multiswitch, like i said i may ask them to put the on a pole outside my window because i can't be bugging my mom when this happen like every 6 weeks

I still don't understand the "Hole in the Line" thing .... did an animal chew thru it, why does this keep happening ?

Sorry Ice, I posted before I read your post !
its all new cables to my room (just put in 6 weeks ago) my room (only that has D) is about 200 feet from dish, i don't know about old splitter, tap or filter

IF it's all new cabling run from the dish to your room, then its not a splitter issue.
OK...tuner 1 didnt work before
so the cables were swapped....
the cable from tuner 2 is now on 1 and vise versa

If tuner 1 still doesnt work then its the box
If tuner 2 now shows 0's on most then its the cable

and what the hell is a hole in the cable? You got animals out there chewing on the cable?

yes, i been try to tell your guys that from the start! i don't what they can do, and its like chipmonks that we can nothing about
I still don't understand the "Hole in the Line" thing .... did an animal chew thru it, why does this keep happening ?

Sorry Ice, I posted before I read your post !

about 6weeks ago they found 6-8 hole in my line, animals, like chipmonks
OK...tuner 1 didnt work before
so the cables were swapped....
the cable from tuner 2 is now on 1 and vise versa

If tuner 1 still doesnt work then its the box
If tuner 2 now shows 0's on most then its the cable

and what the hell is a hole in the cable? You got animals out there chewing on the cable?

There is a chance "holes in the cable" translates to tech talk because for a long time T55 staplers were "issued at cost" without instruction. These tools would accept a staple that would span coax and hit tightly to the wall etc. Sometimes the staple would go into the cable. Having found one staple ding the wise tech would know he may be following an idiot with a staple gun and rerun the line.

As time passes the possibility of this decreases.

lacubs said:
me with gun lol, last night you were laugh at me because i couldn't unhook a cable and a gun lol i with

Yeah maybe Ice should rethink that? If gophers were the problem, you could call Bill Murray. Or if your cable was being attacked by zombies, Woody Harrelson would be the go-to-guy. "Time to nut up or shut up!"
well, this suck, they are coming today between 4-8 but last night it came back on! i was without all weekend but now its back on when they will come. but, it has the hiccup here and there, god i hope D doesn't think im nut!
well, the techs just left and its was cables again, they was chewing on the cables! where my gun! no, tomorrow my mom will talk to her bug guy, then if that don't work we will move the dish to the other side of the roof!
It sounds like running the cable through a conduit may be the solution to keeping the animals from chewing on the lines. BTW, you have a great sense of humor lacubs!
It sounds like running the cable through a conduit may be the solution to keeping the animals from chewing on the lines. BTW, you have a great sense of humor lacubs!

you need to, after the stuff i been tho with D* even the guy called my mom he said no way a cable can go be in 6wk! because it was the same tech who put the new line 6wk ago.
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