Approximately two years ago, Dish installed a black 1000.2 antenna at my house. It's pointed to the eastern arc.
It only has 2 LNB's - 61.5 and 72.
I questioned the loss of the 77 satellite but the tech stated all the programming was on the other satellites.
Dish has now removed a large number of the standard definition (SD) channels from these two satellites. Many of them have been moved to 77...which I don't have.
We have a 722 receiver and quickly run out of recording space when the programming is only available in HD.
Can I simply change the LNB to a 3 LNB model which will pick up all three satellites? Is the antenna and feed arm compatible? The antenna is already tuned for 61.5 and 72. Would I need to retune it for the new LNB?
Here's the LNB I was thinking about -
Advice is appreciated - thanks!
It only has 2 LNB's - 61.5 and 72.
I questioned the loss of the 77 satellite but the tech stated all the programming was on the other satellites.
Dish has now removed a large number of the standard definition (SD) channels from these two satellites. Many of them have been moved to 77...which I don't have.
We have a 722 receiver and quickly run out of recording space when the programming is only available in HD.
Can I simply change the LNB to a 3 LNB model which will pick up all three satellites? Is the antenna and feed arm compatible? The antenna is already tuned for 61.5 and 72. Would I need to retune it for the new LNB?
Here's the LNB I was thinking about -
Advice is appreciated - thanks!