CE's for the first weekend of December

I grabed the new ce lastnight around 11:30 pm on my h24-700, the new gui is awsome! Even the wife was impressed with the new look and she doesnt care about this stuff. Lol
Really don't get the big hang up over Channel Banners, don't you know what channel your looking at and what program your watching ?
No real hang up just am fan of the whole new guy interface thing.... And thus far have to stay am happy with new interface, find it far less clunky than previous version...
New guy here, I found this thread and updated my H24-200 last night to the 058D software. I figured I'd try this out on the receiver I don't use as much in case I messed something up. Well, everything looks great and I love the new interface and it's so much faster.

Now, is there any reason why I shouldn't update my HR22-100 tonight? This dvr has been so slow lately. Maybe this will help out a bit.
I got the guide back this morning along with the channel logos. On both hr24s and the hr21
New guy here, I found this thread and updated my H24-200 last night to the 058D software. I figured I'd try this out on the receiver I don't use as much in case I messed something up. Well, everything looks great and I love the new interface and it's so much faster.

Now, is there any reason why I shouldn't update my HR22-100 tonight? This dvr has been so slow lately. Maybe this will help out a bit.
There are no serious issues with 0x058D/458D. So I would say go for it.

If you start getting 771's? Shut OFF the new Power Saver feature.
Is this your First HDGUI install? If so, wait another 24-Hours. If this is NOT your First Install of a HDGUI, do a Dash Reset.

No its not...I actually skipped maybe one or two of the CE's?...not sure the one I was on?...I think it was 57?...but did the 58c...every since then like I said no channel banner logos or my directv suggestions...I will do a Dash reset...Thanks

Edit: I did the Dash Rest...I assume I will still have to wait 24-36 hours?...
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I still don't have the My Directv and no logos either on my HR-24-200 like people said I guess have wait a day or two see what happens.
No its not...I actually skipped maybe one or two of the CE's?...not sure the one I was on?...I think it was 57?...but did the 58c...every since then like I said no channel banner logos or my directv suggestions...I will do a Dash reset...Thanks

Edit: I did the Dash Rest...I assume I will still have to wait 24-36 hours?...
They really should start appearing almost right after the Reset. Do you have 'em in QuickTune?
I did the dash too still nothing no logos in quick tune or my directv I did have them before last week CE.
I guess have to wait don't know any other ideas now. Not a big thing but the logos were nice I didn't really use My Directv anyway.

H 24 700

R15/16-300 CE for the Weekend of 12.9
