CBSHD to convert to 8PSK

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I have just received word from contacts at Dish Network that CBS HD on 61.5 and 148 will be converted to 8PSK within the next few weeks.

If you do not have your 8PSK module yet, you should get it now.

Also tommorow HBO HD, Showtime HD and HD PPV (on 148) will go dark tommorow.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have just received word from contacts at Dish Network that CBS HD on 61.5 and 148 will be converted to 8PSK within the next few weeks.

If you do not have your 8PSK module yet, you should get it now.

Also tommorow HBO HD, Showtime HD and HD PPV (on 148) will go dark tommorow.

That is great news! Save the bandwidth so we can have more HD channels!
Although it wasnt stated I would imagine the Demo Channel would convert to 8PSK and use the same transponder as CBS HD.
I dont understand the a lot of other things...

does the 811 have this capability built in?
HBO and Showtime.....go dark...forever?

Yes the 811 has 8PSK built in. Older Dish 6000's do not.

HBO HD and Showtime HD are now on the 110 Satellite. The mirror of these channels at 61.5 and 148 are going bye bye tommorow
Lets see:

1. Take off SHO/HBO
2. Move Demo to share with CBS
3. Transponder 28 seems to be out on E3 perhaps VOOM could broadcast from Rainbow 1

That could be 3 transponders or so, now free. E* could in exchange for VOOM using those 3 transponders, make available the HD content from VOOM to Dishnetwork subscribers. They would most likely want them broadcast from rainbow-1 since it is high power and E3 is running in low power.

Echostar could even mirror them on 148 for both companies.

This could be 9 new HDTV channels.
mike123abc said:
Lets see:
That could be 3 transponders or so, now free. E* could in exchange for VOOM using those 3 transponders, make available the HD content from VOOM to Dishnetwork subscribers.
Echostar could even mirror them on 148 for both companies.
This could be 9 new HDTV channels.
Wake up, Mike! Mike? Mike? Rise and shine. It's time to go to work.

Sorry for disturbing that dream you were having..:shocked
AndyMon said:
Wake up, Mike! Mike? Mike? Rise and shine. It's time to go to work.

Sorry for disturbing that dream you were having..:shocked

Yep! Doesn't he know that there isn't any "compelling" HDTV programming out there to add 9 channels?! ;)

Scott Greczkowski said:
I have just received word from contacts at Dish Network that CBS HD on 61.5 and 148 will be converted to 8PSK within the next few weeks.

If you do not have your 8PSK module yet, you should get it now.

Also tommorow HBO HD, Showtime HD and HD PPV (on 148) will go dark tommorow.
Lets see. 3 HD channels go dark tomorrow. 4 of my local channels go live Thursday. Coincidence? Hmmmm.

Yeah yeah yeah, I know I'm dreaming that they wouldn't require a SD.
Scott- conversion to 8PSK but are they moving CBS and demo to 110? That would be the right thing to do so that all HDTV is a one dish solution for all subscribers.
cdru said:
Lets see. 3 HD channels go dark tomorrow. 4 of my local channels go live Thursday. Coincidence? Hmmmm.
Just say Wednesday. E* likes making changes on Wednesdays, with market releases on Thursday - the day after any last minute changes.

It will be interesting to watch that transponder for updates. Perhaps one of the new locals (like South Bend) will end up there? (Yeah, it has been on 105 since September, but there didn't seem to be a report of which dish on the recent chats. - I can always hope!)

I also would like to know - does this mean that CBS-HD is moving to 110?
That would be great news. I have been getting conflicting info from the tech people at Dish. I am very interested since I am having a second dish installed this weekend for that one channel. If it is true that CBS-HD is moving, I can cancel the order.
Don Landis said:
Scott- conversion to 8PSK but are they moving CBS and demo to 110? That would be the right thing to do so that all HDTV is a one dish solution for all subscribers.
No the email I got said CBS HD is reamining on the wings, it will just be in 8PSK format.
hancox said:
What does the format change buy us, in terms of bandwidth?

The format change means that the Demo channel can share a transponder with the CBS feed. This frees up more transponders for something... Question what is the "something". After all in Retail CC, Charlies hinted at providing HD content from VOOM... VOOM really, really, REALLY needs more transponders to fulfill even their current commitments without compressing the HD feeds to death.

I do not really expect to see the "Voom exclusives" on E* any time soon, but there are a lot of national channels that they could share transponders to provide to both systems. INHD, TNT-HD, Bravo-HD, etc... They could even move some of the currently provided channels by Voom to the shared transponders to allow VOOM more flexibility with their content.

Then there was the report that VOOM has 5000 subs so far, a bit low to remain viable...
Voom has a different CAS than E* does and are planning a conversion over to MPEG-4 in the near future. Would it even be possible for E* and Voom to share programming between their customers like that?
Well obviously if they were going to share channels, the channels that were being shared would stay in MPEG-2 (IF VOOM ever gets around to doing MPEG-4). The bandwidth saved by sharing programming would be far greater than any savings MPEG-4 would produce. MPEG-4 would be most useful on the 10 channels of HD movies where they have the content in advance, can use MPEG-4 to the max on them and then just broadcast the results. MPEG-4 reencoding of MPEG-2 (what they would have to do if they were going to do HDTV from other sources like ESPN/HBO/etc) would not really buy them much.

There is also the issue of copy protect. It could be possible to send both CAS streams at the same time (like E* is doing now with Nagravision 1 and 2).

I bet it could all be worked out technically if they wanted to do so, but I have no idea if the off the cuff remarks that Charlie made are really what we are thinking here.

EchoStar, RadioShack, and SIRIUS Satellite Radio To Hold Press Conference

Is this 1 DISH soulition possible for more HD & SD channels????

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