CBS' Jericho: A Familiar Story

Interesting... of all the threads in this forum (other than the nightly broadcast network thread of what we are watching), This thread - on Jericho - has by the most page views; with only Survivor in a close second. Survivor beats Jericho, however, in number of replies.

No other show has generated half of the interest (measured in page views).

Ok... posting this shows how much I am really trying to avoid my real work! :D
I watched Jericho but I think the little stories in the show (other than the big story of the nukes) has become another brother/sister of LOST. Like LOST I am now in skipping mode of what's not important and just watch the good parts.
I just sat there the whole hour waiting for it to get good. All of a sudden i see previews of next week. This show left me so empty last night. My high life of the show last night was the girl shooting a gun and shot vanilla ice's cd!:up
...I fell asleep watching last nights episode. When I woke up and searched for the highlights...I didn't find any. Less shucking corn, more launching nukes on the enemy, and more...well, more of something.

Yeah... it was like the nukes being launched at the end of the last episode never happened! :rolleyes:
I am finding that Jericho is one of the shows I look forward to most during the week (with the exception of BSG).

However I am amazed that the town is so casual about the doom that has happened all around them, and is apparently living their lives as if nothing happened.

The "sheriff" is spending most of his time writing citations, and the biggest worry when they catch a criminal is what to do because they don't have a judge in town? Ugh.

Hopefully the "big" story will take more time and be shown.

But if Kevin Costner rides up delivering the mail, I'm done. ;)
It has become so boring... It looks like the writers did not have enough to make this story and had to stretch it with pure nonsense. I mean what happen to the bigger story this last episode is like I am watching the Waltons and not the Jericho of the first episodes.... Boring Boring Boring.... Who cares about these town people's story.... There is nothing unique about them...
P.S. What happend to the Radiation Fallout. Was it just one Rainy day and that's it... I mean shouldn't these people do some research about the implications of detonating an atomic bomb and the consequences... WTF? is this fantasy land of the "day after".....
P.S. What happend to the Radiation Fallout. Was it just one Rainy day and that's it... I mean shouldn't these people do some research about the implications of detonating an atomic bomb and the consequences... WTF? is this fantasy land of the "day after".....

So, so, so true. I kept thinking about this last night. They are decorating freaking pumpkins when the US has been nuked?

No one getting radiation sickness; no radiation travelling with the wind. There's NO wind in Kansas?

Each week gets stranger and stranger. Its not the post-apocalypse scenario I have always envisioned. Or maybe I should say Stephen King has envisioned for me.:D

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