Ok, I kind of am in delema a bit. My wife and I are building a new house and unfortunately I have to live within the HOA confinements of No Antenna's other than what's allowed by OTARD. I am going to try and sneak a 1.2 meter, but I wanted to know what is your all's success getting Cband off a 1.2 or 1 meter offset. What can you get and not get. Keep in mind I am in Tucson. I have a 10 foot Cband dish I would love to put up but cant until the HOA is handed off to the homeowners and we can get the rules changed. I would like to put up a ham tower as well so, I see a future run for HOA pres coming up for me! LOL I can tell you one thing, if you lived in my HOA, we would have the most relaxed rules when it comes to antennas and satellite dish's..... THERE WOULD BE NONE AND ALL IS FAIR GAME!