CBand dish

Sorry Guys, i didnt know you had to sign up at that forum, just to see those pics. So here's the photos from there.These are not my photos, but not a bad idea for installing that dbs lnb for E* or D* on your BUD. Of course others might have a better idea of installing them. :eureka :what


From what I understand is E* and D* dishes are and uses no holes. Here is a pic of mine which makes it a C Ku Band BUD, see how small the holes are. The Ku waves should not go right though it. The pencil test works great for seeing if it can be used for C Ku band. To big of holes and the Ku waves go right through it. So who knows when it comes to dbs and holes. I just recently installed my new triple lnb dish I got from Ebay for my D* and four receivers. It was a bugger finding and fine tuning the skew to hit all three birds. The skew finally had to be set at 62 here close to Atlanta GA. I finally ended up at 224 az 47 el 62 skew. I am going to experiment with my BUD to see if I can get dbs on it.


As you can see by the photo after I took the feedhorn cover off, it is going to take a good cleaning and I am going to get a new C Ku feedhorn instead of just the C band feedhorn, but should be rewarding when I get my 10' BUD fully restored and going again.

Please do not post any links to hacking sites...If you choose to support this type of activity use PMs....Any links to hacking websites will be removed...Thank you
Wont happen it again

I dont hack my equipment. It cost me to much to just keep ruining it. I pay over $1200 a year for my D* subscript, since 1998. I have installed everything I have myself, I own. And yes fellow subscribers, if you can find a used good receiver without the cards, DirectTV will send you the card for free if you call them up and talk to them. I even had one receiver that had a card in it and no purchases where on it and they just got that card hooked up and going again. Don't know about E* and Voom. You own the equipment , but not the cards.

Sorry about the hack link. I was just trying to save others some money, with all the HDTV and Digital signals out there for free now or pay subscriptions, even for the BUD's. If you already got the dishes, why not give it a tryout to see if it works, no harm done and no hacking either. The worse that could happen is you have to invest in small dish. Has anybody else seen the New E* dishes? They are about the size of the old Primestar dish, what gives with that one, why so big now????

I apoplogize again for posting that hack link, it won't happen again. Just a newbie here at Satellite Guys and learning about BUD's myself and thanks for leaving those useful lnb pics on the post Admins.